224646 a� ��-� � � Council FYle No. 224646—By Robert�F. Peterson— Resolved, That upon ,the petition of Pier Foundry, and others, that section of public street hereinafter described be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public street:. "All that part of East Water Street lying between �the westerly line of - State Street and the southerly extension o�-,the7,easterly line of Lot 7, Block 1, Marshall's Addition to West Saint Paul;" . sutiject expressly to the tollowing con- ditions and reservations: 1.that the vacation be,subiect to all the terms and conditions of Section 228 of the Legislative Code regulat- ing the procedure and prescribing condiUons for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and high- • ways in the City of Saint Paul; _ 2.that a speciflc easement be retained to protect the existing facilities of the Northern States Power Com- � .pany, the Northwestern Bell Tele- phone Company and the Water pe- partment of the City of Saint Paul; 3.that any cost oP repairing or main- taining the existing utilities be sucheubti it the property served by .4.that petitioners pay to the City the sum of�8,320.00 as compensation for the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amount of $2,000.00. Adopted by the Council July 29, 1965. Approved July 29, 1965. ,�(Jttly 31, 1985) —�^-�-r•-- �