224645 �
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Council Flle No. 224845—By Robert F.
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Grant Construction Company, a n d
others, that section of public alley
hereihafter described'be and the same
hereby, is vacated and�discontinued'
as a publlc alley: -
'The alley in Blobk 2, Paciflc Ad-
dition to Saint Paul, from Farring-
ton Street to a line which is the
extension of the west lines of Lots
8 and 26 in said Block 2;"
subiect expressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
1.that the vacation be sutiject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
228 of the •Legislative Code reg-
ulating the procedure and prescrib-
ing conditlons for •the vacation oP
public grounds, streets, alleys and
highways in the City o! Saint Paul.
2.that a speciAc easement be retained
for. the existing facilities ot the
, Northern States Power Company
� arid the Northwestern Bell Tele-
phone Company;
3.that petitioners pay to the City
the sum of�1,200.00 as compensation
T �for ,the vacation and provide the
City with a bond�in tiie amount of
: $1,000.00.�. .
Adopted by the Council July 29, 1985.
Approved Ju�y 29, 1985. ' �
(Ju1Y 31, 1885)