224639 . , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � "��'.f i��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. �`� �COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED� That the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings is authorized to enter upon the premises described as Lot 19, Block 20� Mackubin and Marshallts addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of $ie Register of Deeds of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also known as 487 Iglehart Avenue� and wreck and remove the two- � family ciwelling thereon� and to do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. � _ ._.�-.,,.�„� r .,. .. ! EOR PPROVED � . Corporati o se svL�9� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish rove ��L 2 9 �� 19— Holland � �� v Tn Favor — Metedith Pete rs on L� Mayor R�� A gainst �tr�sw� J�IfL �y � Mr. President, Vavoulis , ioa� e-ds DUrLICATC TO rRINTtR ��^�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL N� �:oa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE■ DATF RBSOLVEDi That the Comm3.sgioner of Pnrks �nd R�areation an.d Pub1iQ B�i.ldings ia authorized to enter upon th� premis�s described as Lot 19� Bloek 20� Maakubin and M�rshall's additlon to Sa2nt Paul� seQOr�ing 'to the recorded plat ther�of in �h� office of #i e Regi�ter of Deed� of Ra�nsey County� Minne�ota� also known as �87 Iglehart Avenue� and wreak end remove the two- tamily swelling �hereon� ancA to do ainy and al�. thing� there�.n neee�sary for tt�e proteation of life� 1�mb end r�d�oinin� prope�ty. JUL 2 919Ga COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish JUL 2 91965 Holland Approved 19_ �� - v 'n FAVOr Meredith Peterson � MAyOr �� A►$'81IISt Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e�s i 1 �:��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ ,� •-�"'�'-�' '' Capital of Minnesota ' � ' �,�'" ��� �.. � � � �, F � � }/�' �� J "' ,L""'L�.�" ..� ���4J�� ''` i ,O�' i`�'"� �„;b,�S-: � :.� ' ,� ��l. �I�,t77 � "� �.! r �,c; " . Y � F � �1�d _ - ■��* �s -' :�.,,._�.y� '� -- "' v�� � � �������a - � �- 445 Ci.t���'I�t-`� ���� _ `�r -- � ��- - - - — -_�'' �-�'�-7� "� c=;. ` t ' - - ,�!,1�.?.�t'. _y��`��,v '�; ,,:' j, � ��'��'�'�, ; . � �; ��,° �..3�, �. ,� •°�. ��. .sb � —.�*� _ . ... • — ,�r i�' �.:�; �,1.2'��'- BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci+y Architect 445 Ci+y Hall, 55102 July 21, 1965 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlerrien4 � Under date of July 3, 1965 a printed copy of council file No. 224184 was mailed to Mr. Alvin Haveson, 6810 W. 23d St. , Minneapolis, Minn. and Mpls. Fed. Savings & Loan Assn. , 2 E. Fourth St. , St. Paul which resolution directed the repair or wrecking and removal of -Ehe two-family dwelling on Lot 19, Block 20, Mackubin And Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul, also known as 487 Iglehart Avenue, Saint Paul, as published in the offic�al paper. No appeal has been filed with this office for a rehearing of the condemnation proceedings and the building has not been re- paired or removed. Please proceed with the condemnation ac- tion, which will authorize the Commissioner of Parks And Recre- ation And Public Buildings to enter upon the property and wreck and remove the �structure thereon, and to do any and all things .:�Yserein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. ' ' Y r tru � R bert L. e . City Architect A � _ � '� .� / \ ( �