224589 ORIGINA�TO CI'fY CLEHK / l���89 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���` j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO C 1J IL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED DY ,,,,r p� COMMISSIONE p,,r� J`�''�' �'f l�"5 HE'SOLYID, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Furchasing Comm�I.ttee therefbr and hereby awards contract for furnishing a.n.d deliver3.ng to the Water Department, Saint P�au1, Minnesota,, 327 Lin. Ft. 30" Prestressed Concrete Cy]3nder Pipe with rubber and steel f'lexible tied �oint (clamp type) and all necessary �. . , fittings and appurtenances to PRICE'BROT�RS COI�ANY, iri accordance with City plan and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #1351 of said Price Brothers Compa,ny for the contract price of approximate]�y $5,807.52 (Board. of Water Co�ri.ssioners reserving '�he right to increase the ma�terials of the contract by an amoLm.t not to exceed twenty per cent o� the quantity indicated above) such bid being the lower and said Price Brothers Coa�pany �being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to dra.w up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City of�icials here'by are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the_City of Saint Paul._ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ � _ - � - - ---�-�_ ... Forma.l Bid �1351•~� • .y �1����'. COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays q � Dalglish ,�`' �'�� Holland Approve 19— Loss � Tn FaVOr � .. Meredith � Peterson ��.;;,.'��• MaYor —�ABainst `��'��� Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis PuBLISHED JUL 24 19� loM 6-64 OUrLIWT�TO �RINTtR ` Q� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �d�d�`�`'' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTEO tY ,,t', k COMMISSIONE� n,+� J`�'�' �'7 1 / Ft�SOIi�, '�hat t�Yie ��unci3. her�'by con�urs i��t&e a�re�'d. a� � Furc�,siag C+a�f.ttee �re�ox �nd h�r�by avards contr�.�t �or :Puzx�3shing and d.e].ivefring �o �he Xa,fsr Departm�.nt, �a,irt� Paul, Minneeot�,,. 32'T .�,in. F�. �0" ���rasge�d Cancret� GY3.�nder F3p� �r3.'�t. �iblaer and st,�l f1�.b].� tied �oint (c1P.u� -t�YP�� �n.�. ,aL1- rtec��sary �'it�� �a,d �p�ce� �o I�� � CC�iA�iY, in acco�c� t�r3.�th CitY ��.an. aud �ci�`ic�,�iun� �re�'or hare�to �,�t�ched �.nd �he Fo�m�,1. Bid ��351 of ge�.id i'ric� Brothers Co�pany �'or �b�e caatr�,Gt pa*ice o� �pro�Sa�e�,Y �5r807.52 (Bo�,rd of Water Co�is�3aner� resex�l.ng �he �1.gh� �to �r,ea�e �he ma.teria].s of the contrac� by an amount not to egc�ed �en't�r' Per c�nnt o� �ie quaat�ty ind9.aa�te� abov�) auch b�c1 being � lvw�er snd s�,3d Priee Broth� Com�any �3.r�g a x�t�ane.bl.e at�.d. z�e].3�.b1e btdde� anr7. t2� Cnrporation Cpt�sl 'be a�.d b,�x+v'by 3,s d�rec�ed to c�raw uP 'trte Pz�oper �orm of ccratxact thexe�ox and �s px�o�€r Ci�Ly o�3c�,a�.s here'�ry are author3.�ed to ez�cut� sa3d contraat on 'beha.t�P o� ths City o� Saint 1'�.7.. Forn�.�. �:id �135i. ��L 2� '1��5 COUNCILU�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ,fUL 2 2 �9� Holland Approv�l 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �yOr �ASainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� �as