224587 ORIGINr�TO CITr GLEWK ' ('1 A��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N��`.� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , CO NCI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY T p( COMMISSIONE �� p/�� J� �'�7 �/"5 RE►SOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the awa,rd of the Contract Conanittee therefor and hereby award.s coritract for f'urnishing all la,bor, ma.terials, � equipm�nt and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the repla,cement � o�' the built-up roofing on the Ptorth a.nd South wings o�' the Wilder Playground � Building, located at Case Avenue and Jessie Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota to E. R. HF�TALD ROOFING COME'ANY� INC. in accord.an.ce with City specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Informal Bid #$�+77 of said E. R. Bezwald Roofing Company, Inc. for t3�e contract price of $1,565.00, such bid being the lo�west and sa.id E. R.BerFrald Roofing Coatpany, Inc. beir� a reasonable and rel3able bidder, and the Corporation Cotmsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper �'orm of contract there�or, and the praper City officials hereby ax�e authorized to r execute sa3d contra.ct on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. - - Informa.l. Bid #8�+77. _ - _ _ _ ^ -�.�..� _ ' . �"�n � � ��. , � �u� 2� 1� � �� �a COITNCILh1$N Adopted by the Council I9— .�_.� Yeas �Nays '-Dalglish ; �, 2i 2+ � Holland' prove 19— Loss Favor � Meredith � Peterson �yOr Rosen ASainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �� ��` �� � . lons e-es DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R �2����� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►��,�D�► ��v �! 1965 COMMISSIONE� nArF RffiOL�D, The,t t2�e Caunc�]� hergby �ppro�vea the �rd o�' th.e Cc�traot Com�tLttee '�re�or and hesreby� sxar8s co�tract for f'tzrniah�g al1 ],a'bpr, noa,terielg, . equipmertt �nd serv3ces �esgary for or� r�,s�a.bly inc�d�nt�,1. to the r�ple,cement of the budl�-up roo�'ing on tY�e Norfi� end Sou,th �ng� �f the Wi.l.der Playgx�o�uad Builc�is�g, lc�ated at Case,Avanue en8 J�esi.e Str�eet, Saint Paul, M3nn.e�ota, to �. R. S�IAT�? � C�AHY,, Il4C, �.n accox'd�n�e �rith City spea3.f'�catia�ta therefor hereto �,t'�ch�d and the I�4x�. B3.d �+77 0� sa3.d E. R. Be�eq.18 RooPing Co�par�y, 7.�tc. �vr t�� �oatraet ��1.ce o� $1,565.00; su,ch �d being the 1,�rest �nnd seid I�. R.�exsr�l.d Roa.f�ng Ccxnps�r� Tnc. be3.n� �t reasor�.ble and t�elie,bla biddCr, an.d the Corpor�a.t$an Counsel be arid her�by i� diz�eted �o c7.ra�,r u� t�e px�aper fo=m oP contract ther�f'or, �nnd the px�per City af'fic3als hereby are e.u.thorSzed to execute �a�.d co�tra,et caa beh,al� o�' the �ity o� Sa�nt Pau1. . , Infoxma7. �Ld �77. . . ' �- JUL 2 2196� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 2 �C nalglish a�U� 2 �a�c� Holland � Appro��1 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith O Peterson �yOr Rosen A galIlSt ' Mr. President, Vavoulis io�t e-�