224550 _ - � _,_.__ •
� 2�4550
Resolution Approving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Z`hereon �
In the matter of the assessment of benefite� costs and expenses for constructiari and
restoration ofl sidewalks and.work incidental thereto: Contract 63-M-278, District
No: _3�rI,e�ry Ao: �±
� ��----- :1 : ,jt• r -�.��, _. .,*- _ . Y'.':�. , e, ,.�'' =•'4-:-.-�r.vr.�.r�r.�+�.. -_ , -. , ' =� �^ ---•-T-
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�!�` Z., •�li �•_,i ' �, i 7�e!^� �• • " `-: " `� .� ' 1 •' - ,�'
'��� ASSESSABL�s,. ._ Y:'t : � ,f : T =,, - -, �. ' s '_.^;_- _ - ., _.__.= . . � -' - � �,
,�, _ u y _
� ' . :_ ���9-�,�Duluth St:�,east.,�side from�Reaney Aveo to the sauth.appro�cimq,fi.ely 127
, _ ft. abutting Lot� 15� Blko 2,_E: -C. Bo�rea'� Add: prnperty:ffi�oqa' as 1188
Reauey Avenue'Q _ . - . `
F�Oo �209837 - Delastare Avenue, both aides �rom Annapol�La� Street to Sidney Street:
� F o 0. �211,678 - Agate St.� �e st side fromi l�ag�nolia Av�e o sotrrh to the a].].ey and oa the
t , _. south side oP M�gnolia Ave: fro� Agate. St. t,o the west approYime�tely
� ' S6 �eet gbuttiug the property lmoxa ae 150 Ei Ma�ol3a Ave.
F.�* .���5�.,�; abnttingp970-gt'�2 Reaney Ave:,,.property�,lmowr� �s.Lo���s.�Bl.ko„�21y,�Terr,y�Add.
� F.Ob 6 Caai�yYSt:�"nort�i'.�iii�Yrom(ier'�i�i'S�: to'°Hazelwood�.'St�.__ ___..._-.�..�....._.wi
F.O,, 5 • S�e.wson Aveq,`,�botb,�sides from-Weatmiaster St: tQ Arkwright St.,
F�O:'� - �33�''1`��=�Wh�`'3ta11°Sto; -both-s ��f•��r���tt' �. .�. a.M _ .K�,�.�.�.�+�~...�w+....r4�..�r.
t _ �:des f'�an $d'gertau 3�j'to Payae �Ave. � �''
F.O.�.�2]1�8l5.6 - Reauey Ave., both s3.des from Payne Ave�. to �1,(�p�rton St
�'��c�rVk��2`s�Ifi+t�.RF.u/��M�G��+..wvwY��w6��.y�iw�KwA�YU�k.�-yryC��.,.��4rr..av.—,,,�V-,-..---.. y_,, lr�..ars.,....5m�,.srw_u�r
� ' ^ _ ..��--�o ...�.�..-� ..-..., .,.,•".....� k.t,.. .- -�..� ...�.rm .Y � ..-.•+. �.._ -..�.----_- ....
i1V1�� ��W�7A7a7l�i.�Lr]Z r � f �'t���r'f o ,��1 ci��e'�i i2'°•�, �-���i,�'�i .. �'QT' "`f� �! r....��G: :friY�f�tJ!
. . 3 �=�� - ]�^�are Aveawe, �both-s�des��rom-Ann,apolis"Street `�o Sic�ney; St'ree�:
FO�ix_t. ::�56im�R,ean�y,�Ave.����h:8s�ezi�°Y°oP�yn�►A�v�e:3� ,.ct►ro,_�i�ert�on .�St a�t.,g e�:��i��er�cl q<F1�e
and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
-�- RESOLVED�-FURTFIER, That a public he,axing be had an sa,id assessment on the �th
day of Avg�T1�5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the �ouncil Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time a.nd place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas Nays � _ � ,�u�. 2 01965
Dalglish , i Adopted by the Council
Holland ` ! ��.� .��5 �
Loss ' �
JVleredith Approve
' �j�es�� �
c�ttll�x; o;;� T� Favar_
e3�i��?:Ee07L��.'c..�a. 6E::eEc::.'�i:e:: , •
Mz. Vice President (Rosen) ,r� , .�' • ` - �tyg,� Mayor
CJ . '�a` .
Form R-2 2M 10-6$ $c� Against _ -- --- • � e I� �LIS'H� JU L 2 4 �iy�.�
! ¢ ��+'44 � + ° . ,
� �_ , . .z ' .f'� [ � 3.L_�.:.a . . . i . ". .f . 7!�! _ .