224541 ORIOIHAL TO CITY CLBRK 2�4�41 � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED upon due consideration of the pertinent appeal, under the �oning Code, by Ralph �nT. Sivald, owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul� des- cribed as Lot 7� Block 15 and the south 37 feet of Lot 4� B lock 15� together with the north 1/2 of vacated alley south of and adjoining Lot 4� Block 15� and all of the vacated alley between and adjoining Lots 7 and 4� Block 15, Overbrook Addition, location on property on the east side of �ast Shore -Drive between Idaho and Larpenteur Avenues� zoned by said Zoning Code in� '�A" Residence District� that the provisions of said Zoning Code� particularly �hose relating to frontage and land area requirements, hereby are detemiined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor� in respect of their application to said real estate, and that a special permit hereby is granted to said appellant� and his successors and assigns � for the continued maintenance and operation� on said real estate� of a two-family residence; subject to the condition that said appellant-permittee� and his successors and assigns� shall��nake due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, State statutes and rnles and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. ' �- - - , • ZONING APPEAL . � Notice is hgreby given that a public �►earing wlll be held bePore the City Council at•'10 A.M. on July 15, 1965, in the City, Councll Chamber in the City Iiall and Court 73ouse in the matter of' the appeal of Ralp� Sivald, under� Chapters 60 to 64 incl.,St.Paul Le�la-� tive Code, Zoning Code, for permlt for� two-family residence on lot o! insufA- cient frontage on Lot 7, Block 15 and� south 37 feet of Lot 4, Block 15, to-? gether with north ;� vacated alley; south of and adjoining to Lots 7 and 4,+ Block 15, Overbrook Addition, oa the' east side oP East Shore Drive between Idaho and Larpenteur Aves. � Dated June 30, 1965. �O APPROV ROBERT B. GERBER,Jr., City Cierk. (July 3, 1965) , r .. —'_ - -- , t.. Corporatl C U se� ���0 �� COiTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ��`" �'� �� Holland Appro ed 19— � Loss � Favor ' Meredith Peters on �.J M�Yor A$'83I19t � r Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBI.ISHED JUL �4 ��� �o� �z , . ' ; ' F � ` r , l. ' . . - • r ,� . . :;;•:�:''�:�: ::::��;.....;� : . Y ��� :..�`''�' �.��ARD OF ZONING, � CITY_ OF _ SAINT PAUL ���,� ��������� <;�01i� 223-4151 Room 20 CITY HALL � COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � . . , . , r . 'r +R ' ' ,. . C _ � � ' July 13, 1965 ` . - , � . .. - . � ,'" � - T � . � _ - Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. • � ' ° . - . City C1erk � . , ` ' � Building � ' . . � Dear SXr: This is in the matter of" the appeal of Ralph W.Sivald for a two-ramily � residence in an "A" resideuce district on a lot with insufficient front- �''� age located on the east side of E. Shore Drive between Idaho and Lar- penteur Ave�nues which is described as Lot 7, Block 15 and the south _ 37 feet o� Lot 4, Block 15, together with the north � of vacated alley - soutl� o� anci adjoining Lot 4, Block 15, and alY of'�the vacated alley _ between and� adjoining Lots 7 and 4, Block 15, �Overbrook Addition. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on June ].7, 1965. The staff reported that the residence was originally ' constructed in 1923 as a single-family dwelling, but that over a period of years, it had been altered to provide for two families. Chapter 60.02 of the Legislative Zoning Code rec�uires a 60 foot frontage and an area of 7,500 square feet for a twofamily dwelling in an "A" residence zone. The subject property has an area of 9,000 square feet, but is c3eficient in frontage inasmi�ch as the lot is only 45 feet in width.' ,4�ter hearing the applicant and the staff, it was the opinion of the Board that, be- cause.the proper.ty has been"improved to such an extent, and that the area exceeci�the minimum lot area requirement by 1,500 square feet, the granting of the appeal to continue the two-family use on a lot of insufficient width would be in order. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to permit a two-family use on the above described property. ' . Sincerely, , � . � . . ✓ - N R.`Heiden ' NRH:FGI . • En��. Zo F. 5817 � � � • - . • . r . � .._� � � ' -° , • • . _ , . • � < , _ , _ . � �.' � , (� d � , . -_ � ,,, � . _ . -_ � . , � � , . , ' t CA. 4-6529 ' - �H . � tl .� / . _ ' EDWARD K. DELANEY ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW MINNESOTA BUILDING � � ' ST. PAUL 1, MINN. r�b� 5� 1 � � The Honorable Mayor and " City Council c/o City Clerk . Room 386 Cit� Hall and Court House Saint Pavl, Minnesota Applicant shows to y�our Honorable Body: S a. - The true and correct name of Petitioner is RALPH 'W. SIVAI�D. b. - The legal description of property affected by this appeal is: �'Lot Seven (7), Block Fifteen (15), and the sonth 37 ft. of Lot Fonr (!�), Block Fifteen (15), together with the north � of the vacated alley south of and ad3o;n� Lot 4, Block 15, and all of the vacated a17.ey between and ad3acent to Lots 7 and !�, Block 15, all in OVEftBR00K ADDI`PION acaording to the plat thereof on file and of record 3n the O�fice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.° c. - The street address of the property is 1636 East Shore Drive, Saint Paul, Minnesota. � d. - The .property is designed and built for a two-fpfi.� vnit and . ha.s been �sed for several years as a twr�-Yam3.ly unj.t. One apartment is presently vacant. e. - Proposed use is a tw�o-fam� dwelling unit. f. - The property was platted and of record prior to the zom�ing ordinance of 1922. A dwelling was erected on the lot in 1923• �r The property was purchased. by the present owner in 194� as a tw�o-family dwellin$ unit and was remodeled in 1957 as a duplex tuider City Building Department Permit No. 61102 and was oceupied by two families up to danusryy1965. �@ pw�'Pose of appeal is for a varianae to give legal status to the ead.stence o e � ' property as a tw�o-f3mily dwe . ' � �, g.- Lot 7, Block 15, Overbrook Addition, etc., is 45� feet in wid�th. �'�� Added to this is an easement on the south 4� ft. of Lot 6 for � driveway pnrposes, w�makes a total frontage oF 49� ft.;�— six inc es 'less�han reqvired by the Zonin$ Code. The complete � � � � � �I � D J U►V 'l, 1q�� �'�'� ��`�'Y ri.r�;Y�=ii��t� �st1AKU �Se�int Pau1, lVlinneaotA . f � -/ `+- , • � �- _ ' �� ` ' � . J •t r � � , page 2 footage o� the property descriptions npon which the building is located is 9,� square ft., 1,5� ft. more than r�quired. - _ The need for the appeal is to procure a variance of the Zoning Code so that the width of the property be accepted as substantial compliance of the Code. , , - "- t - • - - Very traly yours, - ^ ' - P � ' i ' '} . ' ' ~ 42 L• ' lr . ' . � . � ' '3..� 1. ' , . � • � � ' /�,` . N - - EDWAftD g. DELAI�EY ' � . , ' � . � . � " Attorney for� Ralph W. ivald, Petitioner - , . ,•.. ', I _ - •_. ;� *i , y� . Y Y ' �i? ERD ad '� ` ' . . . ' _ , � . h. - This appeal made nnder Legislative Code - Chapter 64.03 - Paragraph 1. r � `. I :�l J CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Courf House 55102 �� — ���� July 2� 1965 . City Clerk File 16889, Page • You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council �hambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m, on July 15? 1965a on the application of Ralph �J. Sivald for an appeal for a two-family residence on a lo� of insufficient frontage on the following property: Lot 7� Block 15 and south 37 feet of Lot 4� Block 15 together with north 1/2 of vacated alley sauth of and adjacent to Lot !�� Block 15 and �.7.1. of vacated alley between and adjacent to Lot 7 and ?�� Block 15� Over- brook Addition. The property is located on the east side of Ea.st Shore Drive between Idaho and Larpenteur Avernies. For f�zrther information ca11 at Room 131�� Court House or phone 223-l�7.51. � JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance