224539 � . ! a - /p�� ;o�RIGIHAL�O CITY CLHRK } �7� �d� 11.���! '� �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO ' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . F�`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Frank L. Lo s s � ��o�, COMMISSIONER DATF , RESOLVED, that the plans and Specificatioris for Installa- tion of Rooftop Gooling Unit, Ventilation Diffusers and Ex- hausters at the City and Gounty Workhouse, 297 South Century Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota,_as submitted herewith, prepar- ed by the City Architect under the direction of the Gommis� sioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Gity and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission and the �urchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. , r . � `My� ��Y> ' <�'J� , .,. ,�,, A\ . � . - ti ' '�. . .', , �� . �. ��'� . . , ' ,� j ��r _ .. , � � �� s� '�. '�'. �� . � "� '�, � JUL 2 0196� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays tVf 2 O 1p� • Dalglish , �� �� 'a Holland ¢ ' � pproved 19— Loss f' � " r Favor ,. ,� . Meredith � / ' � ✓ ° �--� Mayor Peterson - g ' ��, }�ED `�u�' �� '��� �k A ainst -_�� �,1$ Rosen M1 • � x , Mr. President, Vavoulis ,.,. . ions �a , �UrLIWTt�O rItINT[R ������n � ` vJ ' -` ,Y CITY OF ST. PAUL F�KC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM COM�MISS�IONEe Frank L. Loss DATF RESOLVED, th�t the p1an� and Specifications for Inst�ll�- tion of Rooftop Cooling Unit, Ventil�tion ��.ffu�ers and Ex- hausters at the Ci�y and County Workhouse, 297 South �entury Avenue, Saint P�ul� Minne�ot�, a� submit�ed herewith, prepar- ed by the� Ci-�y A��hit�ct under the direction of �he Commis- sioner of Psrks And Recre�tion Ar�cl Publ.ic Huildinga, be and the same �re hereby approved, the same being ��tisfectory to the City and County Detention and Workhouse F�cility Comm�.�sion and the Burchasing Agent i� he reby authorized to �dvertise for bids �hereon in the manner .provid�d 3.n �nd by the Ch�rter. i 0 ' � 1 � �.� �� � � � -` , �� P� �`. � -�� JUL. 2 01�65 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� 2 019� Holland ' Approv� 19— � Loss Tn FBVOi' Meredith Peterson i MsyOr Rosea --�—��St Mr. President, Vavoulis io� s�as