224533 � 1 i 224.�33 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBWK ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � 1RESENTED dY lton Rosen I COMMISSIONEQ Ml' DATF � ; ^ , I I i Resolved, That the proper officers of� the City,of 5aint Faul�' are hereby authorized to pay to the Hurley Construction Company on Partial Estimate No. 6, Contract L-6659 for the Riverview Storm �7ater Relief Sewer, Contract II, Phase I - Oakdale Trunk, Livingston Trunk, said estimate being paid for the period of November 13, 1964 to July 15, 1965, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be presented subsequently by said Contractor and ap- proved by the City �ngineer, it being the understanding of this Council that such partial `payment or payments on partial estimate or estimates on said Contract in no way are to be const'r•ued as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees extending the time specified for completion or in any way chai�ging the terms of said contract, plans or specifica.tions thereof, nor in any way nor by any means shall this resolution or payment or payments made under authority of this resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract; and provided that prior to payment of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or estimates, said Contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Comptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of payment as hereinbefore set forth, and Be It F�rther Resolved, That in the absence ofJsaid acceptance being filed with� the City Comptroller, no payment or payments as aforesaid shall be made. �� �,2 U 196� � COITNCILI►�N � Adopted by the Councit I9— Yeas Nays A�� �/� � � 41 Dalglish Holland �� Approt►e 19— r Loss � Favor Meredith Peterson � ��(/1� �yOr ���+ A g81I13t :�:�'�:��.�d��t::������ � PU$LISHED ._ .IUL 2 4 1965 : :� :::��: � lo '•V�� President (Roaen) .� � • ' . r _� ��4�33 DUrLICAT!TO rItIHT[R • CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM t�FSENTED�Y Mi1Con Rocen COMMISSIONE� DA� Reeolvnd, That �he proper of£icers of th� City af� �Satint paul are hereby authori�ed Co pay to the iiurley Gonstruction Co�pany on Partia�l �ti�,ste llo. 6, Gontract I,-6659 For tke Riverview Stozm iJater Ral�.�f 3e��r, ContrBtCt YI, Ehaae I - Oakdal� Trunk, Livingston Trunk, adtd e�tia�aE� being paid '�or the period of Nove�bar 13, 1964 to July 15. 1965� and such other partial eati�t�e on said contract that eiay be preeented aubsequently by said�Contra�tor and ap- proved by the City Sa�gin�er, 1E being tha unde�ratanding of this Council th�t such parEinl pay�nent �.or pay�aent�s•on partial e�tinate or a�ti�ates on eaid • Contract in no way are to be const�ued ae 'an acC by th� City or any o£ iC� agenta, �ervants or �loyeee axtending the ti�a specifi�ad for co�pletion or in any way c�ging t�e eerma of aaid contraet, plans or specification� ther�of, nor in a�y wny nor by any n��na ahall thie resalution or Qayment or p�y�nts e4ade under authortty.of this resolution 'be aonstrued s� a waiver of a�y of th� rights o£ sai�l City under 8sifl contract; �nd provided tha� prior to p4y�snt of any of the aforesaid partial estia�nte or a�timate�, ga�.d Cor�ra�tor by its duly �uthoriaed agents or corporate offi�cers,� Sfiall file with the Citq Comptrol.ler in a fora� �pproved by, Che Corpor�tian Counsel an acceptance �af the conditfon� o£ pay�e�t as,her�in�befor� set forth, and � B� Yt I+'�rther R��olved, That in the ab�enc� o£ seid acceptance being f ilsd with thm City�Comptroller, no p�ycaent or p�yeients as aforesaid shall be mad�. . ' , � � � , ,�,�� � � COUNCILI►�N' ' � - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays, ' `� � Dalglish f � � ��� �'� ��� Holland � J Approv� 19_ Loss , Tn F'SVOI' Meredith Peterson � � MsyOr A g81I1Bt .��sE���?�1����se€�'�!,`�o�:'� �1�1r. Vice President (Rosen) 1oM 6�