224511 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �ry��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � �a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DA� l�EI�E'AS, Ordin¢nce No. �25"0 authorizes and provides for, payment for overtime zoork, and Wf�REAS, the Commtssioner of Z�braries, Auditorium and Civic Bu,i,Zdings ,(Stczdium� h¢s ¢uthorized overtz`me work in his, depczrtment durinq the period of the month of Ju1y : therefore, be it RE'SOZVED, thdt the proper City officers ¢re hereby czuthorized to p¢z� the emp,Zoyees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of Ordindnces No. 6446 dnd' No. 3250. - ..;;,:. a � � ,�UL 161965 COITNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish. � ,v�'� g s ��s� Holland Appr ved 19— Loss . Favor Meredith Peterson � � �ByOr A gainst ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ' PUBLISHED JUL 24 196� iont e-aa