06-1095Council File # Q� — ,�j Green 5heet # 3034871 RESOLUTION �� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION APPROVING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UNIVERSITYBOBERT AND JACKSON STREET REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Regions Hospital Campus) 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "Council") has the statutory responsibility 2 under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.028, to approve redevelopment plans and projects of the Housing 3 and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA"), after public hearing 4 thereon; and 5 WF3EREAS, the HRA jointly with the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Authority") 6 proposes to undertake the University/Robert and Jackson Street Project (Regions Hospital Campus) 7 Redevelopment Project (the "Project"), and has submitted to the Council the Redevelopment Plan and the 8 written opinion of the Saint Paul Planning Commission as to the Redevelopment Plan; and 9 WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan contains an identification of need and statement of 10 objectives and program of the HRA and Port Authority for carrying out of a redevelopment project 11 including property to be acquired, public improvements to be provided, development and redevelopment to 12 occur, and sources of revenue to pay redevelopment costs of the Project; and 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has reviewed the said Redevelopment Plan, and 14 approved the same as being in conformity with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the general plan for 15 the development and redevelopment of the City as a whole; and 16 WHEREAS, on this same date, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the Redevelopment 17 Plan, after published notice thereof; and 18 WHEREAS, at said public hearing the City Council heard testimony from all interested parties on 19 the Redevelopment Plan; and 20 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the findings and determinations of the Saint Paul 21 Planning Commission and the HRA and Port Authority respecting the Project and Redevelopment Plan, 22 together with the documentation submitted in support of said Redevelopment Plan and has taken into 23 account the information and knowledge gained in hearings upon and during consideration of other matters 24 relating to the developments proposed for said Project. 25 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 26 having reviewed and considered the documents submitted and the recitals, representations and provisions 27 contained therein, as follows: 28 1. It is hereby found and determined: O6 �oys 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. that the undertakings and site of the Project, as described in the Redevelopment Plan constitutes a'Yedevelopment project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, Subdivision 14; B. That the land in the project uea would not be made available for, nor would redevelopment be financially feasible without the public improvements and the fmancial assistance proposed for the Project; C � That the Redevelopment Plan will afford m�imum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such uea by private enterprise; and That the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole. 40 2. The Redevelopment Plan is hereby approved as in the public interest and as necessary in 41 order to carry out the development and redevelopment of the Project Area in accardance 42 with the objectives and purposes in said Redevelopment Plan provided thereby to eliminate 43 the conditions identified in said Redevelopment Plan and accomplish the provision of public 44 improvements and private developments contemplated by said Redevelopment Plan in the 45 furtherance of the general welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul. 46 Passed and Adopted this 6`" day of December, 2006, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: B � l J J Form Approv�d"�y � torn By: � � �� J Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Approve b ay � ate 2— fo n� By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY- i Appr�e th O fice of Fin�ial S� By � � Adopted by Council: Date /a p� ��G C�G �oys` „ r , � Green S,heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � .._,........�...,...,,..� .............. .,..�.... ....__. � PE — Plaaning&EconomicDevelopmrnt � 24NOV-06 ' Green She NO: 3 03 4 871 � ; � Contact Person 8 Phone: � � � Bob GeUrs � � 2fi&-6653 I AsSign '� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i Number '�, OfrDEG06 I For I Doc.Type: RESOLUiION Routing � Order E-0ocumentRequired: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: 4 ,Cnuncil I U.'Phune 5 i(5ty Clerk (Stv CI k ToW I# of Signature Pages _(Clip PJI Locations for SignaW re) Action Requested: City Council Public Hearing and City Council Resolution approving a Redevelopment Plan for Regions Hospital Campus. Recommendations: Approae (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Service Commission 0 �Rla o' e& Econo ' Develo i� fA��__ 1 � 1 Re F ' n 1 D rtm t D' ec[ 2 'RStv AttorneV � �tv Anome� � 3 M/a or's Office I MavorlASSictant 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department� Yes No 2. Has this persoMfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoMfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): City and HRA are assisting in $200 M Regions Hospital Expanse. All other City and HRA approvals happened in OcYOber and November 2006. AdvantageslfApproved: Regions Hospital Parking Ramp financing can be completed. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None known. Disadvantages M Not Approved: Part of Regions financing cannot proceed. TotalAmountof N/A Ttansaction: Fundinq Source: Financial Infomiation: (Explain) Activity Number: �' :> `�"hh,' � CosURevenue Budgeted: Novem6er 29, 2006 9:43 AM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � Ceci7e Bedor, Diiec[or CTI`Y OF SA.�V'I' PAUL Chrzstopher B. Co[emarz, Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 11J22/06 PlamZing Commission Larry Soderholm� � U� 25 P✓est Fourih Street SaintPaul, MT755302 Redevelopment Pian for Regions Hospital Expansion �� Q. Telephone: 65I-266-6700 Facsimiie: 651-228-3220 On ll/8/06 the Neighborhood and Current Plaiuiing Committee reviewed the .Toint Redevelopment Plan: UniversitylRobert and Jackson Stveet Project (Regions Hospital Campus) and voted to support the plan after proposing minor boundary xevisions. The committee and PED staff recommend approval of the attached resolution finding the redevelopment plan for Regions Hospital expansion to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Representatives of Regions Hospital will be at the Planning Cammission meeting on 12/1/06 to explain the plan. It is a large hospital expansion with accompanying structured parking. In the packet for the last Planning Commission meeting, we sent you colored copies of the expansion plans. We are not enclosing another set for this meeting, but the hospital's azchitects will have drawings at the meeting. The hospital expansion and redevelopment plan need approvals from both the fIRA and the City Council. The HRA is reviewing the project on 11/22/06, and the City Council will review it shortly after receiving the Planning Commission's recommendation. If you have questions, please call PED Project Manager Bob Geurs at 651-266-6653 or Lucy Thompson at 651-266-6578. AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER c�� - ro9.� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number . - � f JOINT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN UNIVERSITY/ROBERT AND JACKSON STREET PROJECT (REGIONS HOSPITAL CAMPUS) WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Port Authority propose to establish the University/Robert and Jackson Street Projecf Area (Regions Hospital Campus) as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.002, Subd. 14 for the purpose of preventing the emergence of tilighf and providing for the construction of improvements to serve Regions Hospital; and WHEREAS, a draft Redevelopment Plan has been prepared for the Project Area, as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter469.002, Subd. 16; and WHEREAS, the key development objective of the Redevelopment Plan is encouragement of job growth for a major Saint Paul employer (Regions Hospital); and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has the responsibility under State law to comment on the consistency of redevelopment plans with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any other relevant City policies; and WIiEREAS, construction of site improvements to support a major empioyer in the B5 Central Business- Service District is consistent with the Land Use Plan's policies regarding a vital, growing city center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission hereby finds the Joint Redevelopment Plan for the University/Robert and Jackson Street Project (Regions Hospital Campus) consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Ptan. moved by seconded by � in favor against JOIlVT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Li)�IIY�l:7.� la����(.Y�J\f.'yYN91�1 PROJECT (Regions Hospital Campus Area) �_ I►1 ': 1 1IIIU►19:.�] : [Recommended by the Saint Paul Planning Commission December 1, 2006] [Clnrent date November 16, 2006] {: [�1��;11\�!�\�17:7�13 �1���J �151�1►Y II_\iY Il : C�7:7 Y�� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND 0(� - ��r� PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL a� /�y5 TABLE OF CON'TENTS . ..�. II. DESCRIPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ni�:_�r_,• t►u IV. DEVELOPIVIENT OBJEC'ITVES V. DESIGN GUIDELINES VI. REDEVELOPMENi' TECHNIQUES TO ACIi1EVE PLAN OB7ECITVES VII. 01T�ER NECESSARY PROVISIONS TO MEET STATE/LOCAL 12EQIJIlZEMENTS VIII. PROVISIONS FOR AMENDING PLAN AND LENGTH OF TFIE PLAN E�ibits Erlubit A—Illustrative Map of Redevelopment Project Area Eachibit B—Description ofRegions Hospital Eapansion Project (2006-2009) E�ibit G Site Plan of Regons Employee Parldng Ramp 2 �� i��s I.PURPOSE The Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, Mim�.esota ("HRA") and Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Authority") propose to establish the University/Robert and Jackson Street Project Area (Regions Hospital Campus), as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.002, Subd. 14. This document represents the Redevelopment Plan as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.002, Subd. 16. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.059, subd. 15, the Port Authority has authority to exercise the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority as set forth in Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "FIRA AcY') far a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469152 to 469165 (the "IDB AcY'). The Port Authority and HRA propose to jointly establish the University/Robert and Jackson Street Redevelopment Project Area (tlie "Redevelopment Project Area") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027, and to adopt a redevelopment plan (the "Redevelopment Plan" or the "Plan") in order to undertake a redevelopment project as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, subd. 14 to prevent the emergence of blight and to provide for the construction of improvements in the Redevelopment Project Area. The Port Authority proposes to issue its revenue bonds in the approximate principal amount of $23,000,000 (the "Parking Revenue Bonds") pursuant to the IDB Act to provide funds to be loaned to Capital City Properties, a Minnesota nonprofit corparation ("CCP") to finance an approximately 900 space employee parking ramp (the "Parking Ramp") in the Redevelopment Project Area. The Parking Revenue Bonds will have a final maturity date approximately 30 years from this date of issuance. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.041, subd. 8, the HRA is authorized to enter into agreements with respect to actions to be taken by the Port Authority pursuant to the I3RA Act, which agreement may extend over any period of time, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. Regions Hospital ("Regions") willlease tkie property on which the Pazking Ramp will be constructed to CCP pursuant to a ground lease (the "Ground Lease") and CCP will construct and lease the Parking Ramp to Regions pursuant to an approximately 23 year lease (tl�e "Parking Lease"). The HRA has agreed pursuant to a Standby Lease between the HRA, the Port Authority and CCP (the "Standby Lease"), upon certain conditions, to lease the Parking Ramp for the remaining term of the Parking Revenue Bonds, which remaining term will be approximately 7 years. The Standby Lease will provide for payment by the HRA of rent in amounts sufficient to pay principal and interest due on the remaining debt service due on the Parking Revenue Bonds, which will be outstanding in a principal amount of approximately one-third of the original principal amount of the Parking Revenue Bonds. II. DESCRIPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA The boundaries of the of the Redevelopment Project Area as illustrated by Exhibit A attached are described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwest corner of the intersection of Robert Street and University Avenue East, then north along the west line of Robert Street to the D� /oy� southwest corner of the intersection of Robert Street and Capitol Hgts thence southeasterly across the intersection of Robert Street and continuing along the southwest line of Capitol Heights to the end of said street thence northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of the end of Capitol Hei„uhts street and continuin� northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary line of the property located 718 Capitol Heights as extended to its intersection with a point on the northeasterly boundary of 7ackson Street thence south along the northeasterly line of Jackson Street to its intersection with the north line of University and also including Parcel ID Nos. and which lie east of Jackson and northwesterly of the north line of University Avenue thence continuing northeasterly along the north line of University Avenue to the westerly right of way line of Interstate 94, southwesterly along said right of way line of Interstate 94 to a point on the westerly line of Jackson Street, thence northwesterly along the westerly line of Jackson Street to the intersection with the north line of Fourteenth Street and also including Parcel ID Nos. and which lie southwesterly of Jackson Street and south of Fourteenth Street thence southwest along the northwesterly line of Fourteenth Street to its intersection with west line of Robert Street thence north along the westerly boundary of Robert Street to the beginning point at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Robert Street and University Avenue East and also including Parcel ID Nos. 31.29.2231.0032 and 31.29.2231.0007 which lie south of University Avenue between Robert and Jackson Streets. Redevelopment Area Parcels included are as follows: 31.29.2231.0041 III. BACKGROUND The Redevelopment Project Area is located east of the State Capitol and north of downtown. The Project Area includes eight parcels, including Regions Hospital Campus and Gillette Childrens Hospital, a motel (Economy Inn), vacant land west of the motel for the proposed Region Employee Ramp, Emma Norton Residence (women transitional housing), Central Park Methodist Church a portion leased to Regions. The area is currently zoned B-5 and CAAPCJ (Capital Area Architectural Planning Commission Jtuisdiction). This Redevelopment Plan process will culminate in the City's adoption of the Redevelopment Plan as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Redevelopment Plan to guide the implementation activities of the HRA and the Port Authority. Implementation of this Redevelopment Plan will be undertaken by providing for incentives and land use controls that encourage sound development that is consistent with the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan and is supported by types of mazket growth that can reasonably be expected in Saint Paul including sufficient hospital capacity to serve the needs of the St. Paul 0 o� �ay-� residents and provide opportunities for employment of St. Paui zesidents. Regions Hospital is the lazgest owner of property in the Project azea and is St. PauPs second largest employer with 4,100 employees (including over 900 St. Paul residents). IV. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The development objectives mclude: 1. Encouraging job growth for a major St. Paul employer: a.) Continuation of a Regions Hospital campus to pxovide medical services for St. Paul residents. b) Off campus development of parking necessary for Regions employees, consistent with CAAPB rules. (see Exhibit C�ite Plan) 2. The Redevelopment Plan recommends for current non healthcare related uses for the following properties: Economy Inn (149 University Ave E.), Emma Norton Residence (670 Robert St.) and Central Park Methodist Church (639 Jackson St.), if these properties are sold, the appropriate reuse is either 1) complementary commercial use for visitors and employees of Regions or 2) healthcare related development. V. DESIGN GUIDELINES The City will follow the Capitol Area Architectaral Plauning Boatd (CAAPB) recommendations concerning design with respect to development undertaken in the applicable part of the Redevelopment Proj ect Area: (see Exhibit A) New development should relate to the State Capitol, the street and the rest of the community. 2. New development should be environmentally sustainable, to include: • Zero run-off or on-site storm water retention. Zero runoff is difficult to achieve on urban sites, but storm water can be cleaned and detained on-site for a time before it enters the city storm sewer system. These ponds can be used as pazks and open spaces in the development. Native plantings. Using native plantings for landscaping can significantly reduce maintenance and installation costs. The use of native plants can eliminate the need far irrigation systems. Environxnentally-sensitive design and construction ofbuildings. Whenever possible, incorporate the following concepts in any new development: salvage recyclable materials during building demolition, design energy efficient buildings that exceed current code requirements, incorporate salvaged and recycled building materials in conshuction, and create healthy work and living spaces. After review with respect, if applicable, to design by CAAPB, each development pro}ect will go through City Site Plan review to receive appficable City permits to construct the development proj ect. ol� �o�� VI. REDEVEI.OPMENT TECHNIQUES TO ACFIIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES This Plan envisions the pemutted use of all tecluuques or powers authorized through applicable statutes by the City, HRA, Port Authority or other public agencies as appropriate and necessary to carry out the implementation of the Plan. No provision of the Plan is to be taken to lixnit the full exercise of these powers. The following teclmiques are cited as examples of ineans to achieve the objectives presented in Section IV above. A. Support Private Inifiatives. Private iniriatives, including the Regions Hospital Expansion more fully described in Exhibit B and investment are the preferred means of achieving the objectives of tYus Plan, and will be encouraged. The HRA, Port Authority or the City may enter into agreements with property owners or other persons in control of a project site which identify specific private responsibilities for the improvement of the site and will seek to undertake redevelopment in accordance with tlus Plan. To induce such agreement, the HRA, Port Authority and the City will provide for, or cause to provide for, the following as is necessary and appropriate: Administration of those public processes and requirements deemed necessary to support or allow development/redevelopment of property to occur in accordance with this Plan. If applicable and advisable, the HRA, Port Authority and the City will provide assistance to developers/property owners to allow them to take responsibility for administrative activiries. These include, but are not limited to: • Coordination ofproject activity, including, but not limited to, review with human services agencies, cirizen participation entities, and other state, regional and federal government agencies; • Initiation of vacations, rezoxung, dedication of public rights-of-way, or other public actions as may become necessary to implement this Plan, in accordance with state, regonal and federal govenunent agencies and laws; • Provision of standard municipal services to adequately insure public healtY�, safery and welfare; • Enforcement of building codes, design controls, site covenants, provisions to ensure compliance with state and local requirements relating to non-discrimination, income levels, environmental quality, faithfixl performance and any other public objectives relating to the purchase, development, improvement or use of the land; • Facilitation ofproperty exchanges. 2. Public improvements that include, but are not limited to, installation, construction or reconstrucfion of streets, parkways, parking faciliries, utilities, parks, walkways and trails, bridges and other public improvements or facilities as necessary or desirable to carry out the objecrives ofthis Plan. Public nnprovements will be undertaken in phases (of time and location) that 6 a�-1a�s coincide with and promote rational development pattems. Costs of such improvements may be assessed to the sites served by them. Financing to provide affordable sources of financing to private companies involved in developing components of this Plan. There aze several financing mechanisms that can be used as appropriate to accomplish the obj ectives of this Plan. They include, but are not limited to: -Stand by L,ease -Tax Increment Financing -Indush Development Revenue Bond Loans (TaYable or TaY-exempt) -Other Revenue Bond L.oans (Tasable or Taac-exempt) -Acquisition/Lease/Sublease -Land I.ease -Ixnplementarion of statutory authority for creation of projects and -Undertaking of activiries where it is appropriate to use other financing methods In selecting methods of proj ect finance, the HRA, Port Authority and the City will take into account the forms of other assistance auailable and negotiate with Regions Hospital, individual developers/property owners so that a method can be chosen which provides sufficient incentive for Regions HospitaUdeveloperlproperty owner to create a quality product. B. Property Acquisifion As an altemative and/or complementary redevelopment technique, the TIl2A, the Port Authority or the City may choose to acquire certain property either through exercise of eminent domain according to the procedures established under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117 or through voluntary purchase. Specific properties to be acquired by the HRA of the City pursuant to the exercise of the power of eminent domain will be identified by resolution ar by final order and follow applicable state law procedL�res. Acquisition of properry by the HRA or the City will be undertaken in accordance with state statutes goveming procedures for such activity, including the provision of relocation assistance, services, payments and benefits in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117. C. Site Preparation The III2A, the Port Authority or the City wi ll undertake or cause to undertake those actions deemed necessary to prepare acquired sites for redevelopment. These include, but are not limited to: Demolition, removal or rehabilitation of buildings and 'unprovements; 2. Activities to correct adverse characteristics of the land, soil or subsoil conditions, unusable subdivision or plat of lots, inadequate access or utility service, flood protection or other development-inhibiting conditions; 3. Activities deemed necessary or desirable tp remove, reduce or prevent other blighting factors and cause ofblight; 7 �t�-iay� 4. Other activities deemed necessary or desirable to improve and prepare sites for development, rehabilitation or redevelopment for uses in accordance with tivs Plzn; 5. Installation, conshi�ction or reconstruction of s�eets, parkways, utilities, pazks, walkways and tcails, and other public improvement or facilities as necessary or desiiable for cauying out the objectives oftUis Plan; D. Land Disposition and Improvement Agreements The HRA, Port Authority and the City will sell, lease or otheiwise dispose of acquired properiy in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and plans, and subj ect to such terms and conditions as the HRA, the Port Authority or the City deem appropriate to carry out the implementafion of the Plan. VII.OTHER NECESSARY PROVISIONS TO MEET STATE/LOCAL REQUIREMENTS A. Non-Discriminafion. Every contract for sale, lease or redevelopment of property within the Redevelopment Project Area will require compliance with all state and local laws in effect from time to rime, prohibit discrimination or segregation by reasons of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin in the sale, lease or occupancy of the property, and require that this latter provision be made a covenant running with the land and be binding upon the redeveloper and every successor in interest to the property. B. Vacations, Rezonings, Dedications and Covenants. Vacations, rezonings, and dedications of public rights-of-way as may become necessary shall be accomplished by separate actions in accordance with state law and local ordinances. VIII. PROVISIONS FOR AMENDING PLAN AND LENGTH OF PLAN The Redevelopment Plan may be modified at any time in the manner provided by law. This Redevelopment Plan will be in force for 30 years form the adoption of the Plan by the City Cotmcil. EXFIIBITS Eachibit A Illustrative Map and List of Parcels of the Redevelopment Project Area Exhibit B— Description of Regions Hospital Eacpansion Project (2006-2009) E�ibit C- Site Plan of Regions Employee Padang Ramp ��P Eulvbit A Illustrative Map and List of Parcels of the Itedevelopment Project Area � 5 � 6 � . � Ol�-/Dy� ; '"a7 �vi" 5 . , . . 'd xr s a� � ... � '':arc��':3' � :,.;. x.i�.t � . .. �-- .,� ,_ a,.,+cs°> ,. .. 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Commonly known as Emma Norton Residence. 8. 639 Jackson (31.29.2231.0041 and ) Central Pazk Methodist Church — Use: Church and 0 Jackson ( Central Pazk United Methodist — Use: vacant land v� ���� Exhibit B— Deseription of Regions Hospital Expansion Project (2006-2009) Project Description Regions Hospital, at 7ackson and University Streets, is planning a major expansion project between 2006 and 2009, which requires "�205-258 million in financing. The Proj ect includes constructing a new 385,000 square foot state-of-the-art 10-stozy tower for surgery and single patient rooms atop a pazking ramp with 458 pazking stalls for visitors located on the existing south parking ramp; renovating 62,000 square feet of existing space in the mental health facility; and building a new 907 space employee pazking faciliry on the north side of University Avenue west of Jackson Street (see Exhibit B-1 — Regions Expansion 2009.• Pacilzty Expansion and Improvement Project). Consmxcrion completion is anticipated at the end of 2009. Regions has also asked to refund up to two prior conduit issues - the 1993 and 1998 Regions Bonds. As cash permits, the hospital would also make $40 -$50 million of additional multi-yeaz improvements to the campus. They currently employ approximately 4,100 people (3,350 full- time equivalents), and expect to add 250 employees as a direct result of this project. Financing Description 1) HRA Conduit Bonds (Series A 2006 Regions Healthcare Revenue Bonds). The current estimated amount is $235 million, assuming the 1998 conduit debt is refunded. This would include approximately $152M toward construction, $31 million to refund prior HRA 1993 Regions bonds and, at Regions election, the 1998 Regions Bonds of $52 million. This 30 year revenue conduit debt is anticipated to be rated BBB+ by Standard and Poors. The anticipated auerage interest rate is 5.25%. The Obligated Group, who pays back the conduit debt, includes Health Partners, Inc., Regions Hospital, Group Health Plan, Inc., Health Partners Admuustrators, Inc., and Midwest Assurance Company. The financing will be done with revenue bonds for the Project. These are conduit bonds and the City and H12A have no responsibility towards making debt service payment. 2) Reffions Emplovee Ramp Bonds. Regions has requested this financing to be structured as an operating lease. This is a separate bond issue of $21 to $23 million for the Regions employees parking ramp ("Employee Ramp"). The Port Authority (the owner of the ramp, through its affiliate CCP), would issue the debt and lease the Employee Ramp to Regions. To make this 30 year debt marketable, the HRA would enter into a stand-by lease beginning in 2031 through 2036 should Regions not renew its operating lease in 2030). 3) Summarv of Exnansion Proiect N`inancing: III2A Series A(New money) $152 M including $20 M for underg�ound ramp below tower (Refundiug) $31 M refunds HRA 1993 prior Regions Bonds Possible Refunding $52 M refunds HRA 1998 prior Regions Bonds HRA Subtotal up to Port Ramp Bonds Total $ 235 M (Current Sizing) $ 23 M far the Regions employee ramp $258 M(up to $205 M without the 1998 Refunding) 10 D(�-1 D95� Public Purposes The Project will allow Regions to expand its clinical infrastructure, which are already at tunes operating at capacity, to serve a�owing and aging population, with their growing demand for health care services (emergency medicine, trauma care, cardiology, orthopedics and behavioral health). The Project will improve hospital efficiency (by reducing patient room transfers), clinical outcomes (by allowing isolation of infectious conditions), and the patient experience (by increasing the number of private rooms). • Already among the lazgest training sites in the Twin Cities for physicians, the Pro}ect will improve Regions ability to provide call rooms for training the next generation of physicians. • Already among the largest employers in Saint Paul, the Project will add 250 new jobs to its existing employee base of4,100 people, ofwhich over 1,700 reside in Ramsey County, including 980 in Saint Paul. • With a payroll already in excess of $200 million a year in 2005, the payroll upon completion of the project at the end of 2009 is estimated to be $343 million • Already serving more low income uninsured patients than any other hospital in the East Metro region, the Project will allow Regions to expand its services to the low income and uninsured residents of Saint Paul and Ramsey County in a new facility that will be fully accessible to this population. 11 D(� io�� a��Feo Regions Hospital� ��aaxzsi�� �QQ� R��ian� Hrasp���alJH�alt.�.�'ar�n�rs Septemb�r s$, �Qa� ����c�r�� ��� `I`��� ����e�t a Essentia{ To Our Futurei • Hospitai Capacity Shortage on Eastside With More Demand To Come • Crifical Need for Enhanced Services: —Mental Hea{th —Surgery — Bed Capacity —Emergency Department ��:; Regions Hospital' I ;�, � a ., ,� .� � , r f , ��,' o e Bmproved Effiiciency, Operafiing PerForr�ance and Qualifiy —Rectangular Patient Care Units —Levef of Occupancy Rate —Flexible Intensive Care Unifs —Privafe Rooms (Quafity) .�-� Regions Hospital �(� 7 . Df� /l� 9� l �����x�� ��� ��� ��o� ��� • Lower Cost of Care for the Cu�tomers and Health Pian • Opportunity for Further Growth arrd Consolidation of HPMG Business • Supporfs member and pafiient view of HealthPartners. sic RegionsHospital° i ' � Q _ • Whife Project has ris6cs, the time is now and critical. m Advances integrated model of care delivery and market differentiation. ° Supports Hospital of Choice for H�afth Plan, HPMG, and patier�fs. �� RegionsHospital' 3 `' Expansion 2009 .. _ _ - .— ---- ,. � � : — ' —, ` o _ _ � ;-� , _ �� `„ ; �, � , „\` F� � � , _ e � ` , , � '� ' �. � r i � „✓' _ ✓ i � _ . „• / r / -' ... „,. � ��, � ^ : t .� _ _. �.� ,.{ � . .'"� _ '� .. �� 1 ' !�: ' �� � � � � �_'.: � ,. , .:., / y �� 3f ... yf � . � . �' i' �^'^. :� � �`,l .' t �� � t � � / � ��i d,� , � 4 � � � ,i / ��� + v� � r �''- � ., \ � � � '��' ,` r ` �q- r � �� . . . �� 1.�. > _ . +�. < . i / /' r .. - .< _.. _ - , — -_ -- _ _ - -- - — - °>; , — >,V � � ; , - ,� . �, r�� � _ �, � O � _ ' s . . �,�� �� � � ,_ , �- �. / � �� � , v � � �. � '�n;,�,. � �;e � �� , . .= - ` ��� � �! , � � !� i �, ;" �= � "� � ` .� '-- _ � -i�v, �: �`� ' d ..: � ,-�.y' _ -� �- � '"�, _.e�T i � ' �_ � � � �_ i�i% ; ; ��/ ,t�� y , � ; � i� >,�:� , � ,� � / i ,i -�.�� i � � ii / t � � - i ., ; � c.�:.."�� r,� r��`� / ., n .,, _. ,:.���,'� . .=, , .. D�-lD�s ` . D(�-%� �uilding �ane��� QR/� (�rd FlQCax� � � FJ�AND OMU TATO EXISTIN65UFCGERY PREPOST SURpW.ADMSN &SUPPORT W RENOVATfON RELOCATED(IXPPNOED w�ar 32 OPER0.TiNG ROOMS THIRD FLOOR F��ilding � . � ���t �- Ir���t��r�� i�ni�s ��> (C� -� ��� �����s� mnw�oa urvK CONNKT$ TO qLL 501fIH RADIAL$ SIXTH - TENTH FLQORS 36 BED NURStNG LWCf R�RS bJ-B SHELL �30 � " . Ir VlX l . .. ��, � � . ��' ' ��' � The Project: TheConduitBondlssue 15U,000,000 B�tower,surgery lobby, circulation, tnfresVUCture to P8f supportfaterphases ftefund 1993 28,000,000 Port AUthority Le85e 22,U00�0�0 University Avenue Parking Facility. TOt�I 200,000,000 , : i�` Regions Hospital' .� .. il+ E�it C- Site Plan of Itegions Employee Parl�ng Ramp 12 d�-/� 95 r. S .! � ��O\ 1 , Ec �\\ :`� � `�`�'`'�:. � I �� �� �C i i � l � �� i� , � f —' �.� ` �S_ _� � �} i ' 4 �.� _ �¢� . 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