224487 ' ' ORIGINAL TO'CITY CICERK Y � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. 4�� �r 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'� � � CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — _ , �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DATE � � , � ' WHEREAS, the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public �Jorks recommends that an underwater inspection be made of sewer� water� bridge abutments and sheet piling facilities located in the Mississippi River� � for damage caused by the recent flood; and " �r1HEREAS, the River has now reached a level where it is feasible for a diver to operate and a competent diver is available during the week beginning July 19� 1965; now, therefore� be it . RESOZVED, That the Council concurs in the recomm.enda- tion ofpthe Chief Engineer �and expressly finds that an emergency _ , exists within the meaning of Charter Section 291 ani� failure to act promp tly will work an injury to the City; and that� therefore� the PurcYiasing Ager�t, with the written consent of the City Comptroller and the Mayor, may purchase services of C . H. Gause & Sons, divers , and the �rin City Barge Company for a barge' ar�d tug�, for inspection and any repai� of d�mage to public facilities deemed necessary, and charged to �`und �.o. 0287, Flood �mergency Rep�airs. . ��' ' � � , , � ..P VE� Asst. Corporation Counse �V� 15 ��°'�, t COiJNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . na�glis� � J� 151965 Holland Approve 19_ , Loss Tn Favor ` � , ,�Meredith 'r � Peterson �w ��//g MAyor R - " A gBiIISt .,.�-�-,-� , �::...p�;.� .,;,,... ...s::.....:�:�;� ��.:Y?r��;�d''e'_u�s�E'���Q!i�is°Es:� . Mr. Vice Pre�ident (Rosem) ions e-as : ' MAYOR _ , �11�l,ISHED JUL �. � ���� , . OUrLICAT[TO rItIHT[R ;- � " CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �� �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /�ESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� pAtF WHEREAS� the Chief Engineer ot' the Department o�' Publie Works reaommends th�t r�n underwater .in�pection be m�de oi �e�er� w�ter� bridge abutraents �nd sheet pil3ng facilitiea locat�d 3n the Mississippi River� fbr dam�ge aaused by the reQent tlood; and WHEREAS� the River haa nox resahed a level where it i� t'ea�ible for � divar to operate and a aomp�t�nt diver is av�ilable during the week begi.nning July 19� 1�65; now� thers�ore� be it RESOI,VED� That the Couneil aonQUrs in the reaommenda- tion of the Chief Engineer and eapre�alq f�.ncla thr�t an emergenay exists within the mean9.ng of Charter Section 291 r�nd fai3.ure �o aat pror�ptly �ri11 work �n in�ury to the City and that� ther�fore� the P urch�sing Agent, with the �rr�tten consent of the City Comptroller and the Mayor� may purchase services of C. H. Qause & Sons� divc�rs� and the Twin City Barge Compeny �or � bargs and tug� for inspeation and any repair of damage t� public f�e3.lities deemed neees�ary� �nd ch�rged to �und �. 0287� Flood Emerg�ney Repairs. JUI� 151955 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish JUL 1� � Holland � Approv� 19— Loss Tn FAVOr Meredith Peterson �yOr RncP�� � AgaiIlBt � �°�Pcesident;;�!aqoulis,:.� 1�•��.Preeident�(Rosen)