224467 L � 22446� ORIGIHAL TO CIY�"CLHRK y-�•' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO � � FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COU CI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COM M I551 O N E DATF WHEREAS, Comptrollerts Contract L-6367-16 for the construction of the ARCH-PENNSY�VANIA HSGHWAY from Rice Street to Inter- - state No: ,35E, has been substantially completed, and WHERE,AS, said Coritractor requests that a portion of the 15� re tained under the c ontrac t from e st imate s for work done, be paid in advance of the final settlement of the contract, and �REAS, The Commissioner of Public Vllorks and his Chief En ineer approve �he payment at this time of �3T,'S�0.00 of the �1�,358.82 retained; therefore be it • � RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they, are ' hereby authorized and directed to ay an e stimate of �1.�.,�j��0.00 from t3a.e re tained percentag e of �1�,358 82, to said Contrsctor; and be it � FURTHER RESOTi�VFD, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor� s Bond consent thereto in writ3.ng and file such consent with the City Comptroller. ✓ JUL 131�6 �.,� �' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Dalglish JUL 13 19 5 Holland r Appr ve 19— /� c Loss Tn F'BVOr Meredith '' Mayor • Peterson � �Ct�� A gainst �'���°:�'''�''3"'�'•i�'�"�� J�II� 17 19� Mr:��President (Rosea) PUBLISHED ions e�s � 2�446� DUrLICAT[TC rRP(ZT[R � , �� CITY OF ST. PAUL F1�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONEe DA� 1Ik�R�ASi Gomptrol�.er�� �ontract �,-6367-16 Sor the aonffitrucstioa aP th• �ReH-PENNSY�VAN� HI(�YHIftAY from Rtae Str��t to �r�ter�- �t.a�ts l�o. 35�, h�e be�n �ub�tant1r�11� ao�ple�ed,.� �nd WHERFA,3, �►id Contr�.a�or r�qumat� tha.t a portipn o� the 15� ac�t�3ned under the a ontr4a t �'rom �at i�ate� for xork done, be paid in ad�ano• of th� final �ettleme�t� o� �hhe oontraaty and . WHE1�A5, The Comm.i�s�.aner ef Publ3a Xorke �nc1 h3� Chief iae�r appro�e the pay�ent �.t th3� timm o� �T.��OQ..bO o�' th;� $1 ,��8.8� ret�ined= ther�fore b� �t RE30LVED, th�t t�e proper o3ty ofliaial� be �nd �hsy �ris her�b� Quthort�ed and d�.reated to g � esttmo��� of' �1y,�0�.40 �ro� the re�ined peraen�wgm ot' $1�358.82, to ��i�1 Qon���ti�or; and be it P'UR�HFR RB30�Y�D, tha�t thie re�olution eh�ll ha�►� no forao or ef�ea� un1��� the aur�tie� on the Con�raatorta Bond obnsent �.ar�to 3n �r�.t3ng ar�d �'ile �uah aane�n� with the �f,�� Co�ptroller. JUL 131965 COLTNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish .NlL 13 1965 Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Petersoa � A MAyOt �_ gainst �`�.' :'iil�EE::�'c°.�°.'r.EEE:9e� �V� President (Rosea)