06-1090Council File # D6 "/o� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 3034740 PAUL, MINNESOTA �7 Presented by Referred To Committee Date WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the license application for an Entertainment A License by Cindy Trumble, owner, Diamond Dewey's, doing business as Pub East, 1180 Seventh Street East, be approved with the following conditions: 1. Steven Trumble is not to hold office in the corporate license holder, nor is he to take any active management role in the operation of the business. 2. If a Class A Entertainment license is obtained, the licensee must strictly adhere to the Entertainment A license as defined - Only amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by performers without limitation as to number, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment aze permitted. The Entertainment A license does not permit dancing, stage shows, contests, etc. 3. License holder will employ properly trained and identifiable security to wand patrons at all entrances and to maintain order in the licensed establishment. Security will also monitor the pazking azea and sidewalk surrounding the licensed establishment to insure that patrons do not cause a disturbance in the neighborhood. Security will be on duty Thursday through Sunday from 10:00 pm to closing. 4. There are to be no patrons admitted to the establishment 1/2 hour before the posted closing time. Patrons who have left are not to re-enter after that time. 5. Licensee must maintain a list of patrons who have been banned from the establishment for assaultive, disorderly or disruptive behavior. The list must, at a minimum, contain the name and description of the banned patron, as well as the date they were told that they were banned. This list shall be posted for employees and security personnel and made available at any time that it is requested by SPPD or inspection personnel. 6. Litter on and azound the premises is to be picked up daily. 7. Licensee will install and maintain a video surveillance system. Cameras must be recording during all hours of operation. Tapes shall be maintained for 30 days and be made available to SPPD and inspection staff immediately upon request. 8. Employees must not consume alcohol while working at the establishment. 9. Police officers will be able to immediately enter the establishment during all hours of operation. 10. The kitchen can be accessed only by bar staff and cannot be used to store coats. 11. The outside door to the kitchen cannot be used for entry. 12. Doors will remain closed during the time entertainment is offered. THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned conditions. 1. Green Sheet 3034740 Page 2 �6 �0 90 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom ,l Harris � Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery � Thune � � � Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by �C �u Secr By: // /l1///s.�� � Approved by or• D�e /L/�a /v� BY �-� � Requested by Departrnento£ � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green-Sheet Green Sheet Green'Sheet Green Sheet � , 0� /D90 Cp -co�a, Contac[ Person & Phone: Marcia Mcemiond 2ss-ss�o Must Be on Council qqem Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: Y DocumentContack Racquel Naylor Contact Phorn: 266-8573 2,.��� I Green Sheet NO: 3034740 � Depariment SentToPerson InitiallDate o <a Assign 1 - oanc� Number Z - erk For Routing 3 Order < 5 Total # of Signatur Page _( Clip N I Lo for SignaNre) Action Requested: Approving license application with conditions, per the Legislative Hearing Officer, for an En[ertainment A license by Cindy Trumble, owner, Diamond Dewey's, doi�g business as Pub Eas[, 1180 Seventh Stree[ East. Recommendations Appro�e (A) or R Planning Commission CI8 Committee Citil Service Commission t. Has this persoNfimi e�er woAced under a contract for this departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfifin e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any cuirent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): Advanqges If Approved: Disadvantages ttApproved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: fop� amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CoSURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. November 22, 2006 8:21 AM Page 1 � /D9U MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING PUB EAST —1180 Seventh Street East Tuesday, November 14, 2006 Room 330 City HalUCourthouse Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The hearing was called to order at 135 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Kristine Schweinler, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Cindy Trumble, applicant, and Steve Trumble, spouse. Ms. Moermond said that there was a previous Legislative Hearing on this matter. Kristine Schweinler, LIEP, stated the application for the Class A Entertainment License was withdrawn after the last hearing. This is a new application. LIEP's recommendation is for approval of the Class A license with the conditions recommended by LIEP. Class A Entertainment allows for taped, electronically produced or live music without limitation to the numbers. It does not aliow for dancing, stage shows, skits. There aze 11 conditions already added to the license. Mr. Trumble stated that Condition 3 reads that Security will be on duty Sunday through Thursday [sic] from ten to closing. They only have entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. They cleaned the bar up completely. They got rid of all the riffraf£ Ms. Schweinler responded that a request to withdraw any of the conditions is sep�rate from this process. He needs to do that in writing to her office. Ms. Moermond asked what has been going on in the last six months. Ms. Schweinler responded there have been no police reports with this bar. She has not received any complaints. Ms. Moermond asked what they did that worked. Mr. Trumble responded they got help from the police officers. It had turned into a black bar. They got rid of the rap music, closed early, and got rid of Hennessey. Closing early was the biggest part. They got rid of the pool table, and they just got it back. Mrs. Trumble added that closing early was the biggest answer. Mr. Trumble stated they took a beating financially, but they still have their license. Ms. Moermond asked what they plan to do different with the entertainment license than what they do now. Mrs. Trumble responded they used to have kazoake there, and that is all they will have again, and maybe a band once a month. In the suminertime, they have a pig roast, and they usually have a license for that. They have horse show tournaments that they get a permit for. The old clientele is coming back slowly. D6 /o9d LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR PUB EAST Page 2 Mr. Trumble said he was born and raised at 1080 E. Seventh and the baz is 1180 E. Seventh. He has been there his whole life, and he lrnows everybody azound there. Things started changing, and people got scazed to come there.. They cleaned it up, and now people aze coming back. Mary Beth Hununel, 1199 Seventh Street East, appeazed and stated she is representing the neighborhood. She thinks the two issues for the neighbors aze noise and trash. They aze working hazd on the trash issue. She can see the bands being a noise issue. She suggests they keep the doors and windows shut. Otherwise, she thinks the business has worked very hazd. Mr. Tnunble added that he plows the whole neighborhood. Karin DuPaul, Dayton's Bluff Community Council, 798 Seventh Street East, appeazed and stated that she came to hear what is going on. She has received no complaints. She called a couple of neighbors, and they say things have gotten much better. One of the biggest ways to stop the noise is to close the doors and windows, said Ms. Moermond. Mrs. Trumble responded that they do not have any windows that open. The music is to the front of the building. Ms. Moermond asked do they prop the doors open. Mrs. Trumble responded in the summertime, but only the one on the side. Ms. Moermond asked do they have air (conditioning]. Mr. Trumble responded two centrals. Ms. Moermond asked would they be comfortable with a condition to not prop doors open during musia That would go a long way to keep the noise down. Ms. Hummel stated that Mr. Trumble talked about Condition 3 being "Sunday through Thursday" when in fact it reads "Thursday through Sunday." Mr. Trumble responded that is what he meant. Ms. Moermond recommends to the City Council that they approve this license with the 11 conditions recommended by LIEP plus the condition about the doors being closed during entertainment. The conditions are as follows: 1. Steven Trumble is not to hold office in the corporate license holder, nor is he to take any active management role in the operation of the business. 2. If a Class A Entertainment license is obtained, the licensee must strictly adhere to the Entertainment A license as defined - Only amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by performers without limitation as to number, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment are permitted. The Entertainment A license does not permit dancing, stage shows, contests, etc. 3. License holder will employ properly trained and identifiable security to wand patrons at all entrances and to maintain order in the licensed establishment. Security will also monitor the parking area and sidewalk surrounding the licensed establishment to LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR PUB EAST � io�o Page 3 insure that patrons do not cause a disturbance in the neighborhood. Security will be on duty Thursday - Sunday from 10:00 pm to closing. 4. There aze to be no patrons admitted to the establishment 1/2 hour before the posted closing time. Patrons who have left are not to re-enter after that time. Licensee must maintain a list of patrons who have been banned from the establishment for assaultive, disorderly, or disruptive behavior. The list must, at a minimum, contain the name and description of the banned patron, as well as the date they were told that they were banned. This list shall be posted for employees and security personnel and made available at any time that it is requested by SPPD or inspection personnel. 6. Litter on and around the premises is to be picked up daily. 7. Licensee will install and maintain a video surveillance system. Cameras must be recording during all hours of operation. Tapes shail be maintained for 30 days and be made available to SPPD and inspection staff immediately upon request. 8. Employees must not consume alcohol while working at the establishment. 9. Police officers will be able to immediately enter the establishment during all hours of operation. 10. The kitchen can be accessed only by bar staff and cannot be used to store coats. i l. The outside door to the kitchen cannot be used far entry. 12. Doors will remain closed during the time entertainment is offered. The hearing was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. rrn