06-1089Council File # 0�'/j]� ° f Green Sheet # 31,� � 3 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Resolution Establishing a Stay in Implementation of Council File #06-54I An Order to Remove or Repair Z076 Wakefield Avenue �� � WF3EREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File #06-541 on June 7, 2006 an Order to 2 Remove the buildings at 1076 Wakefield Avenue within 15 days; and a WHEREAS, Wally Nelson of Renovation, Inc. secured a purchase agreement and seeks to s rehabilitate this property. � NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby grants a stay in the a impiementation of Council File #06-541 where Mr. Nelson has met the following conditions: 1) 9 code compliance inspecrion report has been completed; 2) vacant building fees are paid and io current; 3) any due and owing real estate ta�ces are paid; 4) a work plan addressing the scope of the i i repairs listed in the compliance report is prepared and approved; and 5) a financial plan is prepared iz and approved indicaring the financial wherewithal to complete the rehabilitation. 13 ia BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council hereby grants Mr. Nelson one- is hundred eighty (180) days to complete the rehabilitafion of the property at 1076 Wakefield Avenue. 16 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Bostrom � Hazris Helgen ,/ Lantry ✓ Montgomery � Thune � Adopted by Council: Date /��/%G�OG Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /f / /I .� Approvedb a r: Date y/v c% By: ,.,a Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey B Form Approved by Mayor for Submission m Council � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � /OB'I Co -co�n�a I Confact Person 8 Phone: ' Marcia Mcertnond � 68570 � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dafe): Doc.Type; RESOLUTION E-DocumentRequired: Y DocumentContact Vicki Contact Phone: 6-8561 Date Inidated: z,�o,,.� Green Sheet NO: 3034743 � Assign Number For Routing Order DeDar6nent SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 oancil � 1 oncii e a eut ' eMOr 2 ' Qeck " Clerk 3 I 4 5 Total # of Sig nature P _(Clip All Locations for SignaW re) Action Requested: Resolution establishing a stay in implementation of C.F. #06-541, an Order to Remove or Repair 1076 Wakefield Avenue. idatlons: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a cont2ct for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiatlng Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantaAeslfApp�OVed: Disadvantages NApproved: Disadvanqges If NotApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (Explain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: November 21, 2006 4:32 PM Page 1 O� /�'� �,�.� ���€o� ?resented By Referred To I2ESOLUTIO'\i CITY O� SAINT PAUL, NIIl�t�tESflTA Committee: Date � i WI3EREAS, Neighborhood Housing & Properiy Improvement has requested the City Council to 2 hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and 3 removat of a two-story, wood frame, single family dwelliag and the defached, two-stall, masonary 4 garage located on properiy hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 5 1076 WakeSeld Avenue . This property is Iegally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, FI.F. Schwabe's Addition to St Panl, Minnesota. 9 WE�REAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information 10 obtained by Neighborhood Fiausing & Property Imgrovement on or before November 30, 20Q5 , the 11 following are the now known interested or responsible pmties for the Subj ect Property: JP Margan 12 Chase Bank 1 CO Select Portfolio Servicing , P.O. Box 65250, Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0250 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, Neighborhood Housing & Property Improvement has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saim Paul i,egislative Code an arder idenrified as an"Order to Abata Nuisance Building(s)" dated March 28, 2006 ; and Wf3EI2EAS, this order informed the then l�own interested or responsible pazties that the sirucriue located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order iafarmed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the siructure located on the Subject Property by ApriI 27, 2006; and WE�REAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placazd on the Subject Property declaring this building{s) to constifute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Neighborhood Housing & Property Ixupzavement requested that the City Ciark schedula public hearings before the Legislative I-Iearing Officer of the City Cozmcil and the Saint Paul City Coimcil; and WE�REAS, tha interested and responsible parties haue been served notice in accordance with the provisions af Chapter 45 af the Saint Paul I.egislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the pnblic hearings; and co,mcil File �r (��6 Green Sheet # _3n �Ub3;, AA-ADA-EEO Employer 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D(�-/08� t��-��r tiVHEREAS, a hearing was held befare the I,e�slafive Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Councit on Tnesday, May 16, 20�fi to hear testimony aud evidence, and af�er receiving testimony and evidence, made fhe re�ommendaiion to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Properry safe and not detrimentai to the public peace, health, safery and weifaze and remove its blightmg influence on the comminriiy by rehabi]itaTing this slructure in accordance a�ith alI agplicahle cades and ordinances, or m t�se altemaYive hy demalishmg and removing #he stnicture in accordance with alI applicable codes and ordinan��s —�1—' - demo�itibn o9 42 Hearing; and 43 44 45 46 4� 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 b2 b3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 'J3 74 75 76 77 7$ 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 fifteen (IS} days aft� ti�e date of the CounciI WF�EREAS, a flearing was held before the Saint Pau1 City Council on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 and The tesfimoay and evidence including the action taken by the Le�slafive Hearin� Officer was considered by fhe Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that baset3 upon the testimony and evidence presented at #he abave referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the followiag Findings and Order concemina the Subject Property at l076 WakefieId Avenne : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � That the Subject Property comprises anuisance condition as defined in Saint Paui Legislative Code, Chapter 45. T`hat the costs of demoIition and removal of tlus building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Suhject Property. That an (3rdet to Abate I3uisanos Building(s) was sent to the then ]mown responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demoIish and remove the huilding(s). Tfiat the deficiencies causing this nuisance condifion have nat been corrected. That Neighborhood Housing & Property Improvement has posted a placazd on the Subj ect Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subj ect to demoIition. That this building has been routinely moaitored by Neighborhood Housing & Properly Improvement, VacantlNuisance Buildings. Tt�at the lmown interested parties aud owners are as previousiy stated in this resolution and thai the noti5cation requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilIed. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. "Fhe above referenced interested ar responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, heatth, safety and weLfaze and remave its blighfing iafluence on the community by refiabilitatin� this siructure and oorrecting alI deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Ozder to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinanees, or in flie a]ternative by demolisfiing and removing fhe structure in accordaace with aIl applicable cacias and ordinauces. Tke rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (1S� days after the date of the Couucil Hearing_ AA-ADA-EEO Eatployer ��-�a�� o� ��t 86 2. If the above correetive ackion is not completed within this period of time Neighborhood 87 Fiousing & Property Improvement is hereby authorized to take whatever steps aze necessary to 88 demolish and remove Yhis structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the 89 Subject Property pursuant to fhe provisions of Chapter 45 of the Samt Paul Legislative Code. 90 91 3. In the eveut the building is to be demoHshed and removed by the City of Saint Paul, al1 92 peisonal property or fixt of �y kind wfiich interfere with the demoIition and removal � 9� "� — �aIT - 6e Femo�ve, �rom tfie pmpertyTiy e resptii onsib� e en o s e peno . --- 94 If all gersonal groperty is nof removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of 95 Saint Paul sha11 remove and dispose of such pmperty as provided by law. 96 97 4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolurion be mai2ed to the owners and interested 98 paz4ies in accardance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legslaiive Code. Requested by Depamnem o£ Adopted by Council: Date (.° S'\ �\ �p Adopri'�r.t�ed cil xe � By. Appmved y ay : Date By: Neiehborhood Housing & Property Improvement /�%T � i �/ Fon B Fon By: AA-ADA-EEO Employer b(��/o�� h'EIGHBORHOOD HOtiSI.\G Ah'D PROPER"IY L�iiPROV�IE�T �/ �/ Bob Kessler, l}ireuor j/!O ,} y-� ��itisance Bui[r'w:g £r.forcen:2nt ez� ofi sa�� r Patiz Christopker B. Colemar, btay�ar 1600fV{ Tei.=(6�1)266- — _ --------- ----- . - — -- - - ----- -- - Sausc Pau[.:t(� ii106 Faz: (651J 266-1936 �� �}� �ankgT �+ { a ,(� Apri128, 200b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Councii President and Members of the City Council 1Veighborhood Housing & Property Improvemenf , Vacant/1vTuisance Buildin�s Enforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolurion orderin� the repair or removat of the nuisance buildin�(s)1ocaYed aT 107b �Vakefceld Avenue: The City Couacil has scheduled the date of these hearings as foltows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 City� Council 13earing —`'Vednesday, 3une 7, 2d06 The o�mars and responsible parties of record are: l�Tame and Last Known Address Interest 7P Mor�an Chase Ban'� Mo�tffa�e Aolder/Fee Ow�er �O Select Portfolio Sen�icin� P.O. Box b5250 Satt Izke City, UT 8416�-�250 The legal description of this property is: Lots I 1 and I2, Black 4, H.F. Schwabe's �ddition to St. PauI, Minnesota. f�r�� AA .ADA-EEO Employer �(���08� 1076 Wakefieid Avenue Apri128, 20Q6 Pag� 2 t�� SGf � Neighborhood Housin� � Propertp Imgrocement has declazed this buiidia�(s) to constitute a -------------" »c�u: '..�sa � �-�ejtslative roperiy Lmprovement has issued an order to the then kno��n responsible par[ies to eiiminate this nuisanc: conditian by correctin� the dzficiencies or by razin� and removin� this building(s). Inzsmuch as this Qrdes to Abate has nof been complied wiLh the nuisance conditioa remains unabated, the community contiAUes to su�er the bli�ktin� influence of this property. It is the recommendation of the,Nei;hhorhood Housing & Praperty Improvement that Lhe City Council pass a resolution orderin� the responsible parties to eiYher repair, or demolish and remove this buildin� in a timely manner, and failin� that, anthorize the Neighborhood Housin� & Property improvement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the casts [ncutred against the real estate as a speciat assessment to be collected in the same manner as taYes. Sincerely, Steve Magner Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Suparvisor Neighborhood Housing & Property Improvement SM:mI ce: Frank Berg, Bnilding Tnspection and Desi� 7udy Hanson, Cify Attorneys Office NlaryErickson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Lanrie Kaplan, PED-Housing Division LEGISLATNE HEARLNG MINiTTES 4F MAY 16, 2006 D� �i,.-�e�ti �f � ����� Page 1 i condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the IegisIative code. The Vaca.nt Building fees are not paid Taxation has piaced an estimated mazket value of $38,600 on the Iand and __ _.__- $2 - �aspection�as n� e�en comp ete a on� has not been posted. 2005 taYes aze delinguent Code Enforcement Officers estimate ttie cosf to repair this s�uc�ure if $5,400 ta �8Q,OOQ. The estimated cos2 to demolish is $5,000 to $6,�OQ. NFiPI is seeking a resolution to repair the build�a or remove it witivn 15 days. Ms. Moermond asked how many of the s�uunmary abatement orders went to work order. Mr. Magner responded aboux 15 work orders. The majority of the work orders were not in compliance and the Citp perfarmed the function. NFs. Mcermond asked about the registra$on fees. Mr. Ma�er responded 2003 was the last time registration was paid. Alsa, no one has had aay conversation with ivfr. Andcrson recently. Ms: Moermond asked when the code compiiance was issued. Mr. 2vlagier responded that was in the eazly 1990's. When the uriginal code compliance ceztificate was issued, it was issued under some duress and issued under the old guidelines. "£he house was built on organic soils and it was slawly faIling away. Ms. Moermond read some of the problems listed in the paperwork: eaves and soffits in need of repair, exterior wa12s, no electric, no gas, handrails, mdent infestation, sanitation issnes, defective stairs, etc. $he asked is there water service. Mr. Ma;ner responded the water service is off. Based on recent confusion, Mr. Magner stated that the order should be for removal as it states on the order. Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the resolution to remove the building in 15 d&ys. She requested a landmark photograph. The photographs she has aze ail interior. Resoiution ordering the owner to remove or repair fhe 6uilding{s) af 1076 Wakefield Avenne. If the owner fails to compIy with the resolution, Neighborhood Housins and Pmperty ImprovenrtenY is ordered to remove fhe buildiag(s). Steve Magner reported Yhis is a single faznily dwelling wifh a two stall detached garage. IL has been vacant since 9-7-04. The current owner is 3P Morgan Chase Bank. The Cily has had to boazd the buiIding to secnre it against �espass. There have been nine summary abatement notices issued to remove talt grass, snaw and ice, rubbish, dilapidated shed. On 2-9-06, an inspaction of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance conditionwas developed, and photo�aphs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was posted on 3- 24-06 witi� a compliance date of 427-46. As of tivs date, ttnis pcoperty remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The 2004 and 200� vacant building fees have not been gaid. TaYation has placed an estimated market value of $73,000 on The land and $89,4Q0 on the building. A Code Compfiance inspection has not been completed. The $2,000 boud tias uot heeu posted. Real estate taYes for 2Q04 and 2Q�5 are delinquent for $3,841.24. Estimated repairs are between $6�,000 to $80,400 and demolition is between $8,000 and $9,OdQ. AIl the summary abatement natices have gone ta work order over the past two years. �-5�� � LEGISLATIVE HEAIZING MAIL7f ES OF NfAY 16, 200b Page I2 idfs. Moeanond asked is this a foreclosure situation. Mr. Magaer responded possibly. The — - -- m° - rt�a - ge com�an�was aoYifietLH��as��e,a���s�-�he �rieal-' . o�ag� - - - - company woutd pursoe foreclosure, they would rectify fhe taic situataon. Nls. Moermond recommends approvat of t�e resoluuon to re;uove in 15 days. The heazing was adjoumed at 12:14 p.m. � b�P'�� � 7une 7, 2006 City Council Summary Minutes Page l2 46. Resolution — 06-541— Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1076 Wakefield Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval with an amendment of a 15 day removal only) No one appeazed in opposition; Councilmember Thune moved to close the public hearing and approval as amended. Adopted as amended (per the recommendation of the Legislative Hearing Officer) Yeas — 7 Nays — 0