224442 ORIGINAL�9�C1�fY CLERK • � CITY OF ST. PAUL �ouNC�� �2`�442 �` � FILE NO F�ICE OF,�THE CITY CLERK G UN ,I RES �UTI� N—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DA� RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the action of the Hosp3.ta1 Facility Building Commission, taken at its regular meeting held June 9, 1965, approving the following specifications for equipment at The Saint Paul - Ramsey Hospital: Bid # 301 - Office Machines r Bid � 60�F - Dietetics Department Equipment Bid � 901 - Housekeeping Equipment being further described in the letter of June 17, 1965, to Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk, from Francis M. Tompl�ins, Executive Secretary of the Hospital Fac3lity Building Commission. FO APPRO�Q � � ?��;t. F:orqbr�tion C unsel � JUL 131965 COiTNCIiI►�N Adopted by the Council , 19— Yeas Nays JUL 13 19� Dalglish Holland � A ove 19— Loss Tn FBVOI' �' Meredith �� Peterson G A ��� MaYor g81A8t R�e� �:::�:����:�i�'� PU6LISHED �I��, �. � ���� 1VIr. Vice Preeident (Rosen.� iont e�s "J �Robert B.,�erber, Jr. �`'t* '". � Aibert B. 0(son � �ity C'lcrk a�ul ''� � �+ Cou�ici`l 1'Zecorde'r Coa����iissioater of Registration � • ���'�fl.�•. L . ♦ � A� ��� P . 4�� �� �y,% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , �%� �`l" CI7�Y OF .�AIl�T I'.A�JL l • , BUREAU OF RECORDS , S86 City Ha1l . St.Paul,Minneaotac 66i02 June 2z, 1965. . Mr. Stephen L. Ma�rell, Corporation Counsel. ' Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you prepare a Resolution approving the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission in approving the speci�ications for the follawing: • � Bid #301 - Office Machines Bid �604 _ Dietetics Departanent Equipment Bid #901 - Housekeeping Equipment Very truly yours, � � � � hp City Clerk � � � q�� 1C� �l � 4y, ��V�Q � ,J n R 3�965 , . JU4 eORA.�ON .. f C Cp��ygE1. , S'� � �2z . . v r � F -�� � �ospfltal Fac��$� �uilding C��ssi�� i � __ o f the 117EMBERS Francis M. Tompkins Edwnrd K. Delaney City of St. Paul and C�un#y of Raffisey Executive Se�re� Chairman I`runk D. Marzitelli - Public Health Center vi�e cn�t,�„a„ t:,' b55 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson ' � , Saint Paul, Minnesota. 65101 Secretary • 223-4472 John E. Daubney . Msgr.Francis J. Gilligan � .J�(Yi2 1 y, - 1965 . � Rev.Theodore Goehle "1•;,; �ank L. Loss � Stanley T. Olson . � ' Clifton Parks � Anthony Podgorala • • Donald M. Steimer . , � . � Mn. Ro6¢h,t �, Ge�c6�c, C.i,ty C.�¢�ch The C.i.t�� o b Scc„i,wt Pa.u.2 � C-i,ty Ha,P,e and Cowr.thoccbe ' Sa,i,wt Pau.e, M,i.nnea o�a 5 S 10 2 � �ean ti�c. Ge�r.beh.: Th2 Hobp.i,ta,e �ac,i.P,i,ty $wi,2ding Corrani,a.a�.on, a,t .i,t�s negci2an bcca.ine�sd � m2e,ti,ng he,ed ovc June 9, 1965, a�nnoved �h.e �o.P.eow.i,ng bpec.i.�.ica,t,i,ac�a: &.d #301 - 0�S�.ce ��ac.h,i.ne�s B.i.d #604 - D.ie,te.ti,ed Depatr.tmewt �qu,ipme.�.t . ` , B.id #901 - Hau.�eFzeep�.ng �qu.ipme.r�t The Commi,aa�.on. rceapec.��u.P� neque.a�a �lia,t �h.e C.i,ty Counc,i,.2 a� �Gce . C.i,ty ob Scu.wt Pau.2 appnave �1ce a6ove dpeci.��,ca,ti.one unde�c �he pna- •v.i,s�,ona o� Lau� 1957, Ch.a.��e�c 93g. , vow�.a ��.y �.u.ey, . , f ' ; ��l �. .��-v,c� G'� .t�----- Fna,nc.i,� �M. Tom;�ft.i.n3 � � � � �xec,u�c.ve Seeneta�cy . � � ,.� �/ t " . . , , �. � ,� �� � °��° � � . ; . ). � . {� w n-t- i� t'�'^� ' '� ' , ti� � ' �{ - - � k ,,,,� ��`�r� � ;�; , �O � THE SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY HOSPITAL