224437 � - � 2�443'� y ORIOIHAL TO CITY CL'f�RK �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO , y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y G,��COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ' �RESENTED EY ��� nk L. 1,0 S S COMMISSIONEe DA� RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for Bituminous Surfacing at Langford Park, North Dale Playground, Prosperity Heights Playground, Valley Playground, Griggs Playground, Dunning Field, Oxford Playground, Duluth Playground, Como Park, Eastern Playground, Harriet Island., Rice Park, as submitted h�erewith, prepared by the Gity Architect under the directi-on' of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public B uildings,� be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Pukilic Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. � , - -,. .� . .. - - - ---- _ _ JUL 13" '� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays ,� J�lL 13 196� Dalglish Holland � , Approve 19— Loss ti ^ Tn Favor Meredith v Pete ts on �IByOr Against ���� �=— R:na x::sery::�! �i�.e�������tds'ELS� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) pUBLISHED JUL 17 1�� iont aes DUrLICAT[TO rItINT[R 22443'� ' '�.r CITY OF ST. PAUL F�o�uNC�� N� . • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �RESENTED�Y Frank L, Lo�s COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED, �ha-t the pl�ns �nd �pecifications for Bituminous Surf��ing �� L�ngford Park, North Dale Playgrounct,� Pr�sp�rity Heigh�� Pl�ygro�and, Valley Pl.syground, Griggs Pl�yground, D�anning F�.eld, Oxf ord Playground, pulta-�h Pl�yground� Como �ark, Ea��tern Pla}rground, Harriet Tsland, Rice P�rl�, as submitted herewi�h. prepaxed by the Ci�y Architect und"er �he c�irec�ion o£ the Commission�r of P�rks And Recreation And Public B ui.ld�.ngs, be and� the ��me .�re hereby �pproved, the ��me being s��i�f�e�ory to -�he Commi�s3.oner of �arks And Recre�tion And Public Buildings, and the Purch�s3.ng Agent is hereby ��thor3.aedyto �dvertise for bid5 thereon in the m�nner provided in �nd by the Ch��ster. J r• ' , .J � ..�� '' f�r� JUL 13 `�� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays JUL 13 19�3 Dalglish Holland Approv?� 19— Loss Tn FAVOr Meredith Peterson � M�yOr A gainst ��(1CPn_ ''e°.'°��e.��.�..0�.,3�.�iE"s:�."�e.i�.a� Mr. Vice President (Rosea) loM bfif