06-1088Council File #
Presented By:
Referred To:
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and
2 Cluef John Harrington to implement the attached amendment to agreement #02-14046-G. A copy of
3 said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services.
Adopted by Council: Date: /a�p�/�
Adoption C�er�fi by�° u�ncil Secretary:
BY� // //Inv/�1�,��i�
Approved by�r: at�J : J7��/ u/�,�
B t.(GL�.�C��
Green Sheet #
o�-a �"
Approve� r for Submissio o Council:
Q:\FiscalW O&CR�2008\P robsolvingamentlmeni02-7 4046G.cr.x15
Requested by Department of:
od �a��
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
��� ; Depa�rtrn ne Uofice/council: Date Iniliated:
� pp - ro�icenepanmenz ,,�-� j Green Sheet NO: 3033750
� CoMact Person & Phone:
i Chief,bhn Hartington
�, 266-5588
' Doc.Type: RESOLUTiON
E-DOCUment Required: Y
DocumentCOntact: AmyBrown I I
Contact Phone: 26fr 7
Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature)
ueoamment sem � o rerson mmauuau
0 Rdice Denarlment ' Pdice Deoar�ent �
1 Pdice Deoart�nent � Police Deoar�ent '�
2 'CiN Attorue Ctiri Attomev
3 Mavor's ORce Mavor
a �d c��u
5 'tv Cler I Citv Cluk '
6 d'ce Deoarbnent � Pol'ce D oar�ent
Signatures on the attached council resolulion authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Department to enter into the attached
amendment to agreement #02-14046-G with the State of Minnesota.
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Ciul Service Commission
Service Contracts MustMswer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firtn eaer wvrked under a contracl for this departmerit?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn eeer been a city employee�
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
cunent city employee�
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach W green sheet
' j Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �
"' I The City of Saint Paul,. Police Depariment ieceived a Problem Solving Partners grant from the State of Minnesota, more time is needed
r��,;',� to complete the grant obligations. .,
m ; :., � - � . �
� �
s s%. �
�,��`;,. Advanm esA MAuproved: �
�._,; ;; The grant pzovides funds to build a mntually beneficial working relationship between the immigrant Muslim community, Saint Paul
" peace officers, and community -based service providers.
; : I_ _ __.__ ___ —
,� �I DisadvantaaeslfApproved: -
�*.: , None.
� '
�� I
Disadvan Wges If Not Approvetl:
Inability to meet grant obligations.
� 0 � i 4 2006
ToWlAmountof�'+M �`�{f��pu+A�
Transaction;,�[,'� �'V ��/ �-�H
wna�n� source: State of Minnesota
F inancial Information:
Activiry Number: 34177
k.).. f r �:d;;_'. ti .t {s•'�iY;n
CostlRevenue BudgeSed:
October 23, 2006 9:57 AM Page 1
G� �v8�"
AMENDMENT NO.1 TO GRANT CONTRAC'£i#2d86-�SP-00467l93A�-2223
Orig3nal Contract Effective Date: Aoril 1. 2006
Original Contract Expiration Date: March 31, 2008
Amended Contract E�piration Date: Seotember 30. 2008
Total Contract Amount: $ 249.992.00
Original Contract Amount: $ 249.992_00
Previovs Amendment(s) Total: N/A
Ciurent Amendment Amount: $ 0.00
This amendment is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, Office of
Justice Programs, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, Miimesota 55101-5100 ("State") and City of St. Paul,
Police Department, 367 Grove Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 ("Grantee").
1. The State has a grant contract with Grantee identified as Grant Contract 2006-PSP-00467/9300-2223 for the
purpose of enhancing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the crnninal jusrice system.
2. The State and the Grantee have agreed that additional time is necessary for the satisfactory completion of this
3. The State and the Grantee are willing to axnend the Original Grant Contract as stated below.
Contract Amendment
In this Amenciment deleted contract terms will be struck out and the added contract terms will be underlined.
REVISION 1. Clause 1, "Term of Grant ContracY', Sec6on 1.2 of the Original Grant Contract is amended as
12 Expiration date: "��-�'�n��;' ,�S September 30. 2008, or untIl all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled,
whichever occurs first.
Page L of 2
i, �.�
AMENDMENT NO.1 TO GRANT CONTRACT #2006-PSP-00467/9300-2223
Except as amended herein, the terms and conditions of the Original Contract and all previous amendments
remain in fixll force and effect.
By execution of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the Original Contract and all previous
amendments aze expressly restated and reaffirmed.
Individual cerafiu thnt funds have been encumbered as
requ'ved byMinn Stat §§'76A.15 aid 16C.05.
Grant ConhactNo. 2006-PSP-00467-9300-2223
The Grantee certifiu that the appropriate person(s)
have ezecuted the convact on beha fofthe Grantee as
required by ¢pplicable arlicles, bylaws, reso[utionr, or ardinancu.
By: �`ti
Tide: Director. Financisl Services
B -
Title: pirector. Hiunan Riehts '
Date ��
By: f
Tide: Chief�nf P���
By. i
(with delegated authori `ty)
Tide: -
��.__..., - .
State's Awhorized Representative
Page 2 of 2
STATE UF MIIv'NESQTA '� ��� � �I�/ ��/���
cRar.�r car�zxaci�
":his grant conra: t is between the Staie of ifiimesota, acting tbcough i*s Coc;m�ias:one: ef Public: Safetv. O�ce oS 3�:s:irz
Pro�-utts 4�4 Ceaar StreeT. Suite � OQ St Paul innesota 5 5161-�Ifl6 ("State'� aad C:rv of St Pae?. Police Depa�m�t.
3b7 C'�ve Sue.,°t St PauL Minn�otn 55106 ("G aaF_„ ."?-
Under i�Sinn. Stat, § 294A.0! . Sti�d 2(4,�, the State is empovrered Ta enter into t�is grsnt oontract
The Gr�tutee regresents fhat it is as:y qa�ified and a�s to perfo�m all s�c9ce; descriced in this g�ac:t contract ta the
sat;siac:ion ofthe State.
Fe3exa', fuerLs for this grant raafcact are proc�de3 nntn Public Law I OSj147,118 Stat. 2852 (Consc`idated
Appropriations Act, FY 2007 ior ptsgose of enhancing and ampmving [he_ ef£ciency and e�ecriveness of the cziminal
justice SyStCm
Th: State is in �l of services ttai fittfill this gutpose.
GranF Contract
Tesm aC Grant Contract
l.t Bffer,iive date. �prii ,� or the date the State obtains all xequ'ued si und� Minneso� Staartes 3ecti�
I6C,45, euhdivision 2, wi�ichev� is later. Oncr slus giaat canteact is fulfy executed, ths Granteo may claan
reunbursement foc expenditures incucred pursuant to Clause 4.3 of this grant contract. ReSnibwsement wIL1 onl1� be
made £or those expendihues made according to the temvs of this grant conhact.
1.2 F.zuirutian dau. NSarch 31. 20�J8, or until ail obligations haue heen saGsfactorily fulfilted, which� ves 3ecucs fiest.
13 Survivad oJTerms. `l7ia following clavses survive the �pisation ot cancellatior, oi this grazif contract: 8. LiaUilit};
9. Staie Audics; 16. Csoti�emment Data Pracfices; 12. Publicity and Endotsersent; 13., Gavemmg Law, 3�sisdiction
an�i Venue; and Y 5. Data Disclosute.
�iC8�t88 �1tttC3
2.1 AcdiviEies. The Grantee, who is �t a sfate ttnployee, wiCt perform all of the duc'tes ,,nd tasks specified ia the
applicabie Requast far Proposai and the Cirautee's g:ant a, plication for this pmgcam, which are incorpo*ated inio
tlris geant contract by reference and are on file wi£ti the Stafe and locatecl at 444 Ceda: Street, Suite 100, Si. Paui,
Minnesota Gaaat� shall ata� comply witl ali pzmgraztt staudards, whieh aze iacorpoiated into this �raa4 consact
by seference.
22 Reporting Rcquirements. Gc�!ee shall report to the State as specified in the L�fP.ce of 7ustice Pro�am's Gm�t
1Vlanaaal, which is incorpoiatzd in2a this gant contrace Irv r�ferenee.
�lj I Reporting. Cirancee shall submi� a fiaancial reporting form to thc Sta:e ukiiizing the for.nst
ideutifiedby the State �vitkun 3d days afset fae end of thc reparting period.
(2) Progress itepariing. Crrantee s;v�ll use fosms presciibez; by the State tc, sabmit a quarterly progress detaiFin;
gresgress az:hieved tawazds the accoinpSish,-nenf. o€the prog:am gaals ar.d ob;aw tives withis 30 days atier{hP
end of*ePorlin� Period.
l3} Other Requiremenes. Grautee shxll suk+mit such �th� repo� and attend me�ngs and izaiuing as Seate siia7}
reason.abIy rcxluest.
(q} Evalu¢:1on. State shatl have the auihoriry, during the oourse af fai, grant p�+iod, to conduct azx evaluation of
the gesFozmance of �he Czrantee.
{5} Requirsm:ast �hcnges. S:a� ntay mr,��= o, change al? *�yo*E3ng frnen,s a* tt:°ir discre�io*_t de:ri�g ine Q n.
period. .
{El 5'pzcia! t4equiremurls. The State reserves fh: a�t to include in tke grarit, at any time duriri� the te� of ih�
grant, speciat administcativa requic�mepzs d,.°emed nacessacy tn assure th: Csraat,.°e's success�al isnpi�ientation
of the pmgcam. The State will ncrt:.�}� the Grartce in writing of any snecial administrative requiremants.
3 Time
Th� Grantee �mst nomply wst� aU the tiLne re,�uirenents �escr.bezl in thi� g:ant costract. In the perfermanr� of this
sy,�i?.� co�muw euma;�g (n+ool
Pra:l:mso�viu; Yaiuiusnip
Q3[' GYart'. N�ieber'(bK-PSPA'mfi'7
���/V V �
gcam contract, tuae i; af'ihe �se:ae. '
Cousiderafioa au� Pa}�ment
4.1 Cansideraaan. 'Ihe State wili pay for atl se�viee� p�rrfoam�l by the Gcact� undez tHis gr�t cuntnec as f �IIQRS:
(1) Campensation. Ti�e Grantee vriIl �e xeunbursed aa amovnt not to exc�d 5249.992AQ, according'�o tl�e
breakdown of casss canraine3 in Exh;bi*. A, wiuch is arcache�? and incorporated into this gmat ��tx2ct 1"ne
Gaznt°° �:li suhs�`: any revisions to E�ibit?1 as described'm Sectioa 42 (2'} ef"this �t coa�µ �.d t�e
rec:sed buc{get tnies; be appmred hy the State's Autho:ized Representative before �y axpenP.:tures �n be
�zde based on tbe ievised budg�f.
(2} T`ruved F.xpexses. F.Pimbu.*sement ior :ra��oi and subsistence es.g�vs� y.tnally aad nece�!rily i��:rr°. : by v':e
GrarSee as a xesu3a of �hia giant r.onuact wiil ir paid'm the sam=, mann^: azd in no geater amoun*, tL�n
pmcided in the c�enL "i;emmi�si�et's Plan" pramn.'gated by tha eo�issioner of Emp;oyee Relatiens
v� is incaxpa�-uced into this graat contract by reference. The Cnant� �vs1t not be reimb•�r°.,a. iar tmve; and
subsistence expenses ia^¢crect outside IvEinnesoza t��s it has rec�vedthe SEate's prioz wciitten appro��a�, fot
�u! of state trave:. Iviinnesota r.�iLt ba considere+� the home state fo: dete*o+intng whether tra: el is ou: of sta±e.
(3 j�3¢telung d;equiremenrs. (if ApPlicable.) .Csrant� certifies tbat the following maz ;hing requiremeni, ior the
grant contract, x-i11 be met by tLe Grantee: 0 00 OG.
{4} �"omt Obfigalior, The totai obiigatioa of the S?aYe ior all compensation and reinxbursem,enG to the Grantee
un3er this grant canttact wili not �cced $249.932.00.
4.2 &isca! Xeqsceremerats. Cacsat,..^e shall zepafc to ttie State as specified. in the Offtce ofr 3ustice ProgtaF7"s Gra�-ai
{1 j Finan:.iul Guideliries, Cnantee shal3 compiy widh sll poliaes, pmcedures, and provis4ons appficalale to eactr
squ�ee af £unding seceivui. Grmicee sha14 ec>mnly with the cunent Office oi 3ustiee Progzam's Cma�t Manual.
No funds will be disbursed for ac4ivities uot identified in the goals and objectives or work pl�s submitted on
?he gaanz applicaYion forms prascrebed by the State: No funds fron� a specific fi?nding soixrce ari11 be disoursed
for activities that do not m�t the requirements o£that funding source.
(2; IiudgZt Revissroas, Cttantee s�all submit 2 cvritten badget.revision request to tha State's ?.n2'�o�ad
�LepresentaGva before any e�penditure can be xnade based oo the revised bndget. Submission aad approvat af
s bud amendinent is necessary i€ e) a line item wiil cL^,viafe by $200 ar 10%, whichever is higner, firom th�
approveci budget, or h) a new line item Yhat was n�t pazt of tbe approval budget vrill be creatv3.
(3) Closeout. Grantee �tcaEi have untii 3Q days a$e: the Expir�tion date of this gcznt contract, to submit a report of
all fiw�s and inter�st receisred and disbutsed. If a repo!t is nat s�:bmittal �¢itlain this time geriod, expens�
claimed on the r�cort raa}� 6e disal4owed and the State may r�uest a sefund o$'Yhose mtmies from the G[au;ee.
�4) .�ecards. Grantee shslt retain all financia: records for a minimum of six (6) yeaus aftcr the defe of suhurissian
of the finai fmaneial status report, or until completion of an audi: whic� has commenced before 4se expiratior.
of this six-yeaz periocT, or until �!y sudit 6udings and/or recammendarions from priar audiU�s} have t�eeit
resaivr,� betw� the Grantee anr3 Ssate, urhichever is la4x;r.
93 Payment
dnvoices. 'ISie State will p;osnp[ly pay tl�e Gaantee after the Grantee presents an itemized �voice for tltc sen�ice:
actually p�riom�ed anti che Stata`s Authorizee',. R,epsesentative accep�s the mvoiced serv:ces. Invoices smst he
subsnitted tivne'.y and accc �+ g to t"tie followu�g sof�edule: Itemized invoice, R731 hz fiied in arreazs at le..�st
��at�l�� ut mot trore oft� ttaan mo�v and vrii�in 30 daE�s of the nerind covaed by tbe in�roice €or services
�atisfactcmiiv perfamied.
Thc final�nvnice�iust be received no later fl�.an 30 d�}rs afrer the Expi*ation date of tlti s era� co�t-act
Fxnen3ihares Sor eac'� state fiscat vear o£this �rant conLr�cE must be for s rvices nerforned wiihin the aooli�ibie
stats fiscal vea� Bverv state fiscai vearbegers on 3ulo 1 and e�ds cn Jevnx 3�.
Hprni] ati Cbm'aicad I uvd'mg (AP]6)
��Uhkn-Soivi��� Partr�isnip
Q.P Gnn. ^.sher�?-�y1'.�
�(� -/OS �
9.4 Federat requiremeaus. (Wheze spplicaDle, if blank dus section do� not apply)
Paymenss und� t3us �;ant conaact will bo made �om federal fimds obtainul by tiie S�!e throu� CrDA 16579
and 16.i38. Th; Grantce is respanslbie for compliance with ail federat requirements imposed on these fuads aad
accepts :ull finanoi�l �sponsbility for 2npr�uiremeats imposed by the Gtantee`s failvze tc comply wif_�t Federfl
The `'s,ar,tee c�,ll eamply.wiLh tFie S�gie Audii gmead: :ents cf 1995 a�Zd i`fiee o:` Ma.agemc.S and bud�et
Circuiar A-I33. An explanatioa af th� Feder3i !AUdit Ra{uircnuaits is auach� and i�carporated a�d made a psr�
of th;s gr�mt cenL*'ac[. See Exhibit B.
Tha Crzanue shaU submit tv the State one �py of alt reprnts and Qr000sed pubii�tions �esulfing from fl?is
agreF.wem twenty {2Q) days p_rior to public release.
Any written, visvai, or audio pubfications, with the exception of pmss reieases, rchetuer gubIish� at the Gr�tee's
or govanment°s expense, shall �ntain the foliowing statemenis:
"This pco;ect was suppartad by Grani Nos. 2004-DS-BX-OQ53 and 2U05-DJ-8�-0334 awarded by itte Bureac of
):istice Assistance. The Bureau af 7ustir,e pssistanoe is a component of the Office of 3ustice Progrems, wt�lch ase
includes the Bureau of 7ustice Statistics, the National Institute of Justiae, ft:e pf6.ez cf 3uvenile Justi� and
DeIimquency Prevenrion, and the Office for Y"ietims af Cxime. Poin*.s of vietv �r opinions in this document aze
wosa oi the author az,d do not represent tbe official posiHon or policies of he Unitesl States Departr.ien* uE Sastice.'"
'i'he Cmantee wilt uot use these fun,a.a to og�erate a`�pay-te-�*a�' p*ogram in any local jaii norwiIl tl�e Grantee
suba�vard funds to locai jails wluch opazte "�ay-to-stay" pmgc-��,ms.
The Granree agrcxs to eum,gly with 2& CFR Pa.-t 23 and use the Crlohai Justioe Dat2 Model specifications and
guidelines if fed�a� funds are used to support criminal intelligence systems. Infom�at4an is arailable a:
The Cxrantee agre� to camply with the financial and administrative requiremenSs set forth in Yhe curc�s ediNon of
the federal Office of Jus6ee Progratns Financiat Guide.
Thc Grantee assures thaf fedeiaP fiarcds made auailable imder this gcant contract wi11 natt be use3 to seppiazrt state ar
Iwai fimds but wiIl be used io in�ease the amouxus o£ such funds that would in abseuce ef fc�de.rel fuuds, be made
avai[able £os criruina! jestice a,tivities.
The Grmitee will not use any fe&erat fuads, either indirectly or directly, Sn support of fhe enactmenY, r�pea;,
aodification, or adoption of any law, regulaflon oz poiicy, a; any Ievel of goven�ent, without the �press prior
wailzett appmval af the federal Off,ce of 3ustice Progcams.
The Grantee agrees to crompiy with the rnnfidenriatity reauiremenfs of 42 U.S.C. secfion 3?&9g and 28 C.F.R Pari
22 �hat aze applicable w collection, use, and revetarion of dztx oz information.
iTie Gra�ttea tvt�i comoly with fhe minimum vrage ancl mu�mm� gour pra��isions af rhe Fedecal Faic L:a6oc
Sandards Aat.
TYie Grantex will �tablish ssfeguazds to pzo�ibiY employees from using their posiiions fer a puspose that is or gives
ihe appearance ofbeing motiveted'c� a desire ior private gain fer themselves ar othecs, pazticularlg ihose c�ri4ii
whem 9key Lave family, tr.isiness or other fies.
'I`�e Grantce assures that in the event a Federal or State court or Fed�al or State adm.inistrat'tve aeency mekes a
fmding of discricnination afte; a due process heacing on the grounds af ra�e, cola*., religlon, nationa€ oagin, sez., or
clisability ?�A11G' dze Grantee or its sub:.cmtra:zors, ihe firarn�e n ili f�rwartd z cagy ai the finding to the State.
�:,,��fia cm=:sm<aF�:.�,� c4'�)
'2robiamSoking Faihxruip
OS? istN Number 20(8-PCP-O(Mo7
D(p /Og�'
'I:ne frcant�e assures that it wil! compiy, and ali its sub�ntrac�ors �vill comnly, with the a�licahie pmvisio:ss of
Tirle I o°the Qmnibus GYi�e Con*tol �d Safe SSree�s Act of 1968, zs amead�, fhe 7uveuile S�utice and
Delinqu�cy?reventian Ac:, or the Victims or Cr�e Act, az approp:iate, the provisions of the c srent ediiion of
L.e 4�fic: oi 7nstice Pro� mc Finauciat and Adm�istcative Gtidz fo: firznts, M7100.1; and all oine; applicaaie
Feder3l Iaws, orde:s, circula_'s, or cegulariors,
t�e C,rautez wi11 comnlp with ttie proviuons oi 28 CFR appfic2S?e to �ant� an�? coaperative agreements ivcl:�;ng
Pazt 18, Adminishative Review Pro�edure; Part 20, C;itninal Justice Infetmat;on Systems; Pzrt �2, ConSdentiaiir
ef Identifiable Research and S'�si*.caf informaflon; Part 23, Crmvna.i Iritelligenee System� Oper�t�g ?ofici�; Pari
30, Intergocemciental Review of Depamnent oi Jusfice Proerans and Ac4iviries; Part 42, Nondi�rinvnationBqual
Bug�loyment Opporiu:siry Policies and Proce3ures; Fart 61, Proca3nces for lmpteme�ir.g the National
Enr.ronmental Poficy ��ct; P�st 63, Floodp3ain Managem�t and Wetland PmtecBoc Pro:.edures; and Feder�l iaws
or re�uiations applicable to Fe3e:z1 Sssistance �ropsan�s.
TFe tnantee assu:es that it will s;omgly, and ait itn subcontraetois wiil comply, with the nondiscciu�cation
requiremems cf c�e Qmnio,�s Gritne Controt and Safe Strcets Act of t968, as amended, 42 TJSC 3789;d), or
t'i-tims of Crime Aa (ss agpropsiate); TiBe YI of tne Civifl Rights Act of Z964, zs atnenhed; Sec`ion 5{14 of *he
Rehaui;itation Act of 1973, as am;.nded; SubtiEle A, T2+1e II of the Americans with TJisahilities Act {FI}A) f 199G),
Tde LX of ine Education A*nendments o£ 1972; the Age Discrimin�fion Act of 1975; the Depaztment o; Ji��lice
Nor.-DiserimiraUan Regulatians, 28 CFR Pazt 42, Subparts C, D, E and G; and De�artmea: of Si:stice :egu!atiors
oa d;saerlity discrisninacion, 28 CFR Part 35 and Part 39.
This grant con�act is subjece to s11 applicable faderai and state staaiites and regulations, inclucling, aut not lic�ted
to the following:
7) 28 CFR?art 69, New kest;iciions onLobb and 28 CFRPazt fi7, Goveanment V��rdeDebarmcnt anci
Suspension and Gcevernment-Wide Requirements for 3hvg-Free iI�'oxl�lace thmugh the seibmission ofa
certification fomi cammitt'ang the Grantee to corspliance.
2) 2& CFP 72302 et.seq. thmngh the submissimt of a ceatificaticm fonn ngard�g tFie Csruttee's Equal
f�pponunity BnQloyment Plan comgliance. Tt�e Grantee will provide an Fqual Eaccploynuut Opporiu.*nfy Plsn if
ra3c:ired to ma9m��++ one, where the agplication is for $500,000 or more.
3) 28 CFP. Part 46 and aIl federal Offico of 7usrice Prcgrm�s poiicies and piocedures r=gardin� ttte pmcectior. of
human researdi subjecs�, including coatainment of Institutional Rr,view Bnard appmvaE, if apprapriate, a�d subject
informed conseut.
4) 42 tTSC Seccion 3784g and 2& CFR Part 22 7hat are appiicahSe to callectiar,, use, and sevelation ei data or
i�formation. Grsntce futthes agre,es ta submit a Privacy Certificate thac is m accord wiil: requiements of 28 CFR
Part 22 and, in particuLaz, section 22:�.3.
S Cnnditions of Payment
Ai1 s�svi�s pmvide3 by the C�antee auder this grant contracY must be perfomied to ihe State's satisfa:tian, �s
3etrami.^x,d at the soie 3iscretion of the State's Authorized Reprasentaiive aud in accordance with all applical�Ie fa?erai,
sfate, znd local3aws, ardivanoES, rulcs, and reguIations. 1 ne Crcasstee wiIt not rec„'ive payment ior wors iaimd by thz
Sfate to be unsa#isFaetoxy or performed ie viaixtion of fee$eral, sYate, or loca3 Fa�v.
Aufhoru,ed Itepresentative
T� StazP's Autho:ized Reg:,s�nt2tise is �e Perldns Craats Sae^ia:ist Coord�ator 5-astice and Conr Cira-+t
444 �du Street Suite 1UQ St PauL A4innesota 55101 (65 il 284 �329, cr hislher successor, and has fkse
responsibility to moniYOr the C�antee's perFormanoe and the authctr,"ry tcr accept the serti�ces pro rided andertiic g;ax:t
contracL If the sen2ces art saiisfactary, ine State's Authorize3 Representative will ceitiry accept<mce or each int�o;ez
subaniKed £or p2yme_nt
The Grn2� s Authorize;: Repxesentafice is D�asi, S�rss� Assistzu* CIu=f ST Paul �'�lice TJeparme:it 367 Gcnve
Shaet 5t Paut Minnasota �5101 �Sll 266-5543. L£t; a C'm�ntee's Auho:ized Representaive ctsa.*iges zt anytime
dyaw') 4G Cout�.iaa3 Fu�tg (cAN6)
Pmb;mi-Sohin; Pa:mashin
QJP Qmnt C:umbe� �Cf" PSPdui4h'}
b(� �1D88
dtui;,g tlus gant conu�et tl�e. Grantee dust immediately notify+.he State.
` Assignmeat, Amendments, ti'aiver, and Grant Contracf Compiete
;1 �Sssia nment The Grante� maymeither assign aor transfes za,� ri�ts o* ohj�gations nnder £nis, gr�-�t cotttrac+
withoa: the ptior cons�; of £ae State an�i a fi:Ily axeceted Assi�::nt A�eem�t, ezecw`ed and approved bp `ue
same pafie, who �ecutzd and approved this grant co�arx. or their saccess�s ia o�ce.
?2 .4mendreaents. Any ��dment tu Enis g�:? :: a2z:A, m�s? b. ic wr.u::g anc �:ll ao* Ge a�ecuve ur.t1 it has �eer:
exxutz3 and appsoved by :ne sane pafies vrho executed and app;oved the originat gmnt contraet, o^ their
successots in of8ce.
i.3 li'aiver. if the Srate fails to �otce any provision of this grant eontraot, that fa;lure dees not vraive +.�'�e pm o*
i+s right to enfora u.
7.4 Grar.t Contrars Cnmptete. This gznf contraet contains all ne�aaarion; and a�eem�nts betwean the State ar.d the
Giantae. No other undeistaading r�garaing this gFant conhact, wheth..Pr u�ritt� or orat, mag oe us� to bin�i eifeer
8 Liabifity
Zhe GranPee must indemcsify, save, sc2d hald the State, is agents, and employees l�asmless fram any claims or rauses o£
acton, inclvding attomey's fees inc.ured by the 8ta?e, arising from the perTOm�ance of this gcant co;ttt�c± by Pna
Gtautee or t'�e Grantee s agen*s or emptoyees. This ciause will not be const�ued to bar any leget reaeedi� thz GranteE
may have forthe State's £ailwe to fiilfill its otsligadons unrler this gracit contract.
9 State Audits
Under iviinn. StaY. § i6C.05, subd. 5, the C�.-aziue's h�oks, secozds, dcrcu.�n�rs, and accoisnting pmcedurzs and
practices reievant to f3us grank cont:sct ac� subject fo examinaflon by the State and!ar the Skake Auditor or Legislative
Auditor, as app;opriate, for a mi:iSmum of six years from the end cf this grant contract.
�0 Gover�ment Data Practiees
Tha (3rnntee aud 5tate must comply witit the Minnesota Goverasrtient Data Pr�etices Act, IvSinn. Stat. Ci P3, as it
applies ta afl data provided by tha State under fhis g:ant eontract, anc', as it appfies to all data oreafe3, caliected,
received, siored, used, maintaine3, or disseuxinated by tha Grantee under tiris giant contract. The civil rem:dies af
M%nn. StaY. § 13.Q8 apply to the release of the data refe¢ed to irt $vs ciause by either the Grdnfee or the SYate,
If the Grantee recxaves a r�uescto ralease7he data referted to' in this Clause, ffie Cr:antee must isn.�'sate]Y noTify� tY!e
State. The Stete wili give ihe Grantee aLStructio� concerning the release of ihe data to t�; requesting partybefare �; e
data is released.
1S Woskrrs' Compensatioa
The GrouEee cerafies that ii is m comp&ance with R�P<na, Stat� § 276.181, sabd. 2, gertaining to R�osKers' compe,zss�ioa
insatance cove�ago. T'he Grancee's employees 2nd agents will not be cansidexed Btate employees. Any clairus that
fnay asise ander the Minnesoa Wocicers' Compensa6on Aot on hehalf of these employces and a� claixns madeby any
third party as a consequence of any acc ar amission on the part of these employees are in nc w•ay the State's o�ligatrrnt
O[ ICSjJO[ISl�t�+.
22 �a[blacity and Endorsement
I2.1 Pu6licity, l�ny pubIicity regarding the subject matter of this �t conttacf must identify the State as tiae
spanscring agency anri must nct be �Iease� withouk p*'so: nritte,n appioval from the Sta±a's Authorized
Reoreaentaiive. Fae pucposes uf tttis provisiotn, pu6licity ineludes natie�, inirnmational pamphl�s, press releases,
ieseareh, reporte, sigos, and suailer public notices preparai by or for the Grantee indi��idx±�ly ar jaintly w-ith
oYhers, ar aay subcontractors, wit� sespect ta the grograzn, gubiicat3oas, or serc ices pravid�' resultin g from+lus
gLaac contracT.
i2 ��nrdorsement 'T'he Grantee must net o7aim that the State endcrses it� pralucts ar sen�ces.
13 Govuniva Law, 3urisdiction, and i�'enue
Bysrn7AG ComGized Funding (4A6)
PmbkmSoi�2�PaMersiuo -
C7P OmM Num6et 71i0fi-PSP-OfME�
� � � � �
Mi�cso*a law, witnout zegazd io its ..,,oice�of-Iaw provisions, goveivs fhis �ant wntrzct. VerLe ior aL' ie�2!
proceedi�� out of this grant cont�a^f, or its breacn, must be in the ap�opriate sfate or f:de:al cout w:th cempe!ent
�uris3iction in Rams„w Coaaty, Minneso,a.
1A Tenuinatiun
i�.l Termircarivx by rhe S1are 'Ilie Sfate m�g cancel this �arn contract at zny fime, cvith or tviLhouf c2usn uprn., 3-n
days' a�i�e,, notice ta the Cuzntee. Upon te.^.ri, tie G.-ant,.°e �ill be eu�1� �o ye; �e:si, de`Wrnrined on a
ncc rata bzsis. far sers�c� satis:acc�nl; p�formed
'_4.2 Terminatian by the Gmmec 'lhe Grantee may �ues: teani,�25on upoe 30 day's aotice to E:�.e 3t�te's
Autborized A TJpo� termicztio� ;�e Grant� i� enritled to paymern icr servicc: actvailv performed and agrees
to retun any unused fur�ds w tne State.
143 Termireation far Znsu�cient Punding. The StaYa tnay;mmPn3ately t�.�minate Ylus �azit contrect i£ iY does not
obtain fi;nding {mmtheMinnesota Le�slatuze, o� ot�� ��,� saucce; or if fLnd'a�g : amoTbe cantmue3 at a
level s�fficient m allow for the pay�ienY of The secvices covered here. Te�niinafron must be bv written ar fax notice
tn ihe Csrantee. 'II�e Stafe is not obii�{ed to pay for ar,p sen:c:s :hat aze pmvided a$er notice aad e&'ective date of
tarr,ination. How��er, Lhe E',rantee will be entilleci tc peyment, determine3 on a pro rata basis, for services
satisfecto:ily perfu�ed to th: extent that funds are availah4e. The State wiEl nat be assessed aty penaity if the
geant conhact is tem»nated bxaus� of the decision of the?vtinnesota Legislature, or other funding saarce, nc3t tc
appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of the lack af funding within a reasonable trme of the
State receiving that netice.
f5 DataY3iscios¢re
iJnder Miug, Stat § 2iDC.65, and other appficable ]svc�, the Gaantee consents to discEosure of its sccea"_ aecisity
number, iederat empluyer tac identification mimber, and/or ASianesa� t� idmtification numb>:, aPseady pxovided te
ihe State, zo f�eril and state tax agencies a»d state personnel ffivolved in the payme,nt of staSe ob?tg7i�ns. Th�se
idynti5cation numbecs tt�y be used in the ea.forcemestt oi federat aud sfate taz 3aws which �uld resa:lt in action
reaui.*ing the Graniee to 51e state taC refums and pzy delinquem siate tax liabilit;es, if any,-erpay aYher stste liabilitees.
AyrudlAGCambir�ed i-�nding (4!Qbj
°mbkm-Soiti�ing PaiLtasltiy
OJP Gan;;�4m'sjs: 20E�6- SP- �fiC'�7
indiv�ml eertiftes lh¢7 /unds have n�r,n ehcemuerzll as
requiw' by Minn. Srac §61 Ed.75 ard f 6G:05.
OR4Gt1�6AL Si
ss�a�a. --
Gren� Ca:hactNo.:
Z"ne Grantee reruJies !hat rhe aPproP�iate person(s)
F.evar,ecuted ihegrmu wndnct on beha[rof th¢ Gmr.ue ns
regurred bv cppliceble arnclrs, bvLaris, resolutians, ar crdina"^^�
HY YI �D,lirveL.�`p C'+ 1�iY..r/� _
TiUG City�ttorneg
, , ''��� rrl JII
Tilte: Director, Financial Services
�t/� '" s,�- �
BY� __��i���=�L°`^
mi� �
'` �/J
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-- ' . s �: n .
State's Au3ac'a� Rq+n:srae�hve
H•imJJAC Cu�bmnd Fuc�d,t+ g f2,'Ub)
UJF G�sm tvsmb� 24�P�'<5?
Oln /OS�
�R O`P}/8�
¢ f �
E� �
{ �T
>1 ��f 111M`�
Grantae: St Paui oo!ice Department ;�� :
Grant h7umber: 2b06-°5P-40467 # � `
p�9(a(� VIX�pQn@rlC. PicbLm9o'v^9?a.ters:A�RiH1.A.friranM:�g.atSMvz6nHeal'z+9hvtiafrvx "
! r !::
Exhbit B, page S of 2
t For �ubrecioieMs that are state o-Eocal oovemmenis non oro5` oraartiza'ions or f�dian trib>s
!� ih= grantee expends:�ta1 federa; assisfance oi $SOO,p;tO or mare per y_ar, fhe graniee agress Fo
ob+ain eifher a singleaudit or a program-speciFic a�dit madefior tE� fisca! year in accQrdance u�i!h the
terms �f ihe Single Audit Act Amendmetrts af '1996.
Audifs shall be made aniwally uNess the siate or local governme� has, by danuaty 4, iQ87, a
crosGtutional or statutary req�=rement far !ess f�eguenY audifs. For tFscss govemments, ihe iederal
cognizantagencyshall�rmitbiemialaudiEs,cavermgboihyears,�`thegovemmentsasequests. itsh�l
also honor requests fw bien�ia4 audits by govemment; 7hat have an administrative �ticy :,aEling for
audits Isss frequsnt than annuai, but only aud"Rs prwr fo 1987 or admi�stra8ve pdicies in place prior ta
January 1, 1967.
Fn� subreciaients that are ir�stitutions of hiah r educa�ia��o soitais
k the grantea expends total d'aect and indirect federal assistance af $50G,�00 or more par year, the
grntee ag�ees to obtain a financiEt and carnpSiar�ce audi� mace in aacosdance with OAAB Circu3ar A-i i G
°Requiremenis far Grants and Agreemeerts with Universifi=s, t{ospita}s and Ofher NanprofR
Organizatioris` as ap�lirabte. The audif shat! c€reer either fhe sntise agan�atior, or atl iederat fands o#
ihe organkatior..
The audit must determine whether tise subrecipient spen4 federal assistance Sunds in accordan;z vriBh
applicable laws ared regWatians.
�. The audi{ shaU be made by an inde}sendent auditor. An indspandent auditor is a state or local
govemment audito; or a pzeb{ic accountsnt wh�s mee� fhe independance siandards specfied in fhe
Generaf AccounUng Offiee's °StandardctorAudit of Govemmentaf Organizatipns, programs, HcYi��ties,
and Functions'
3. The audit report sha31 state that the audit was ;�ecformed in acxordance with the provtsfons oF OMB
Circ:�tar A-�d 33 (or A-110 as app(icable).
The seporting requirements ior audit rep�rts shaf! be in accordance with the American Insfiiu[e cf
Certiffsd Pubiic Aa�unte' (AiCPAj audft guide,'Audits of Sia;e and Local Cavemmsn,al Units " issued in
1988. The federal govemment has approved the use af the audif gukie.
In addifion io the audit repori, the recipienf shal! provide cammenfs on thefirxlings end recnnmmendailorta
in the repork, inctuding a pian iar correcflve aation taken or pian�d and commer�s on tfie sEaU�s ci
comectivs action iaken on prior findings. tf corrective ackian is no: neoessary, a sfatement descn!,•ir�g tne
reason it is not should acxompany fhe audrt report.
4. The g,raniee agreas thai ihe gcantor, the Lagislative kuditor, fhe Sfate Audt,ror, and any independent
aud'ator designated by the graatar shail haue suoh access to grardee`s recwds a�1d finanoiai statements
as may be necessary4orthe orantor Eo comptywitia ths SirgleAuditAct Amendmsnts of 1996 anc' OPAS
Circutar A-933.
5. Granfees of federa3 financiai assistance €rom subrecipients are alsa requised Ye compiy wifh t'r�e 5ingfe
Audi4 A.�t and OM0 CucuSar A-133.
Exhibit B, P�qe ? of 2
8. 7he Siatsmc�t of Expendiiu=es fosm can be used far the sch2dufe of federal assisiaxe.
7. it!e�antee�raesteretaincfxumenationtosupportthascheduleQrfedaralassisia^ceforailsas�4our
8. Required audit raoorts must 6e fited with the Stafe Auditor's Office Sirtqte AudiE CSivision an�S
withfederatandsi�:eaaenciesnrovkFinq{etieralassis�� andtheDepanmeotofPubf'icSafet4
wifhin nine months of !ha erantee's fiscal vear end
CMB Circulaz A-133 requess reciplents oF mose than �500,000 in federal furu�s ta submit one copy of tfi2
audi: report within 34 days after issuance to ;he cenhaS clearinghouse at the fotlo,v�ng 2dd�ss:
Sureau of the Census
Data Frepara+ion Division
1241 Easi 10fh Street
Jeffersanviiie, indiana 47132
Attn: Single Aadit Cteasinghouse
The Departmen8 of Pubiic SafetJs audit report shauid be addressed to:
Phir�ssota �epartment of Pu6iic Safety
Oifice of Fis.ai and Administretive Senrices
444 Cedar Street
Suite 126, ?9+rvn SquatB
St. PauS, MN 5590'9-512�i