224400 - �2�400 ' QJtIGINAL TO CITY CLERK •� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO �ti, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ✓'- CO NC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . COMMISSIONE DATE JlIIl@ 3O� 1.�5 �OLVSD, That the Council hereby approves the awaxd of the Contra.ct Cotmnittee therefor and hereby award.s contract �or �urnishing a11 labor, materials, equipment and services necessaxy �or or reasonab],y incidental to the alterations to Rice Street Public I,ibraxy located at 995 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to DEAN L�OIM CONSTRUCTIOA C�ANY� INC. in accordance with City p].ans and specifications therefor hereto atta.ched and the Fornsa.l Bid #7,30�+ o� said Dean Lun.dho]m Construction Compat�y� Inc. for the contra,ct pr3.ce of $3,23�+.00� such 'bid being the laryrest and said Dean LunBholm Construction CompaRy, Inc. bei.ng a reasona"ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper �orm of contract therefor; and the proper Ci�ty o�ficials hereby are authorized to execute sa3d contract on behalf of the City o� Sa3nt Paul. Formal Bid �1304. � r• < � � . -�r : .NII.9 �� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �L 9 '� ' Holland Approv d 19— Loss � Favor � Meredith Pete rs on � MByOr A gainst � i Rosen • ' • Mr. President, Vavoulis �PUBLISHED JUL �� ��� iont aaa . \ ' • _ . DYrLICAT[TO MlINT[R �����0 Y � . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHp� NO � OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���� COMMISSION� DA� ��� �Of. 1 S 1 R'ffiOLV�, �t the Cot�i]. hereby a�proves � �a.rd 'of' the Cor�.tr�,et Cam�I.tf� thex'�for and. �re't�r �ow�rd� contra�ct for �urn3.shing �: �r, �,t�ri�als, �sguipmoen.�t �n�. �eer�ices nece�sary �or or reasanab],y� 3nc3denta�l. �o the �.7.teratic�s tci Rice H�tx+�e� �'dblic i,�i.braz°y locaf� �,t 995 Ric� S�x�eet, Se,3.nt Paul, I�.inneso�.�,, to �f T�I�.K ��{�i G�3C�, �. in accox�d�ce �r1.�. �ity p].r�2� a�nd �ge��i,c�.�o�s -r1�re�ar hex�e� e�tt�c�ea ax�a �the �'ox�a $ia �a.�o�+ «e �sa ��,n. i+un�he� �ans�r�ctia� �c�ny, �. �or� the �om.tz�ct �ri�e of l�3,�3�+.b0, stt,eh btd be3iz3g 'th.e �tes� �nd sai.d �aa�z I�uidhb�.m �tr�tru��Gic�aa. C�, ?nc. 'bei�ag �: x�st�nab].e anS re73able b3.c�sr� �.d th� C�Ypo*_�e.�3.or� Cotu�.se�l 'be t�nd h�s�e'I�y is dt�cfied � c1x�r 'up 'Ghe proper �orm c�� con�.c� �b���r,, a�. '�e pz�per �ity o�'3.c�7.s b,ereby �re suthori.zad to eaecta.�te ��.tc� �cm�re,ct C�t '�ehs,.13 �rP the ��.t�r pf' �a�'� I'au1. �orma]. Bid �1�44. c .�U�. 9 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19._ Yeas Nays Dalglish „��� 9 .� Holland Approv� 1 g_ Loss Favor Meredith Petersaa C� �3'� , Rosen AS�Bt Mr. President, Vavoulis 10� s�s