06-1084Councii File #�� Green Sheet# 3p34612 RESOLUTION Presented CfTY OF ?�. MINNESOTA �� 1 WFIEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File No. 06-8$1, date September 20, 2006, said resolution 2 being the Rati£cation of Assessments for the Arlington/Pascal RSVP Phase II for 2006, identified as File 3 No. 19005A, Assessment No. 5�55, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the property owner at 1554 Albert Street North with the property identification number of 6 22-29-23-24-0041 had inadvertently paid for the improvement instead af paying his second-haif 2006 7 property taaces, and E3 9 VVHEREAS, the property owner has requested that his assessment payment of $1,457.82 be refunded to 10 him,and 11 12 NOW TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Section is authorized to refund the 13 $1,457.82 to the property owner, and 14 15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Iteal Estate Section will reinstate the assessment to the property 16 in order to begin collecting the assessment with the 2007 property taces. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Aate /��� ��� Adoption Cer by Councii Secretary BY� //l/ �% Approved DaYe � � — /a' jo BY= ��lLii1G(/1.�.1--PiL. /� Public Works �� � BY: ����L�� Form Approved by Ciry Attorney B y' �/��t� .c w �__— Form A�pr6�i Mayor r Su ission to Council By: �— � ;�Sy � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet � �-��b°°,°��Ma-=�°°�,�.��, I,�,,.� � Green Sheet N 3034 Contact Person & JUAN ORIp 26G88G4 mus ese on coum 06DEC06 Doa Type: RESOLUi1pN E-0ocument Required: N Document Contact Conqct phone: Totai # of Signahva Paaa� .� Deoac6nent SeMTOPeTSOn ����p 0 i � lassign 1 lPechnoloev M Number u�rec�or i Por 2 Routing 3 Order 4 5 (Clip NI Lowtions for SignaWte) REFUND CI�CK FOR AfEASSESSMENT pAYMENT pER gEQUEST OF Tf� OWNER, ASSESSMENT TO BE COLLECI'ED Tf� TAXES OVER 20 YEARS INSTEAD. �ww�nmenaanonS: APP�� (A) of R P�anning Canmission CIB Committee CIMI SBryfCB �ryu55jpn 1. Has this persoryfirm e�r µixke� wder a contract �r this department? Yes No 2. Has this Persan/firm e�er been a cih' employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not rafmally possessed by any cwrent city emp�oyye? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and adach W green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, ppportunity (Who, What,YYhen, Where, Why): Da'NER PAID ASSESSMENT' UNDgt'I� MI��N ASSUMpTION HE WAS PAYING HIS 2006 PROPERTY TAXES. Advanfages liqpproved: �WNER CAN pAY HIS TP,XES �0� 2 8 �uua Disadvantapes Mppproved: NONE Disadvantaqes If NotApproved: �R'NER IS NOT SATISFIED ���� �������� iom�qrtwuntof — Trensattion: 1457.82 CosyRevenue Budgeted; y FundinpSource: ZppggONDED ActiviC�Number. Einanciallnforrnation: ASSESSMENT ' (ExpWin) pgZ � �� ��� i t S r # ���� � � Z��S �i�`�'��'� ���::,�� ����o November 15, 2006 3:40 PM Page 1 6�-/c��� November 13, 2006 To: City of Saint Paut Real Estate Division 1 Q00 Ciry Hall Annex 25 West 4�' Street Saint Paul, NIlV 55102 From: Paul Huelskamp / Kelly O'Rourke 1554 Albert Street North Saint Paul, MN 55108 ID NO; 222923240041 651.582.7616 (work phone) 651.644.5477 (home phone) Subject: Property Taac Payment Eaor Deaz St. Paul Real Estate Division, In the spring of 2006, we received a road assessment on our home. Per the directions at that time, I called into the city and asked that the assessment be spread over a 20 year period on my property t�es. At the time, I thought this resolved fhe issue. In the fall of this yeaz, I receivad an invoice for $1457.82 from the City of St. Paul, Since my property taices are due at this time and my spring time phone caI1, I assuxned this was my property t� bill and sent in the amount on October l (see attachment). Over one month eazly. T`his past week, I received notice that my property tu�es were not paid. When I called (this fime Ramsey County), T realized that what I thought was my property taxes, was actually a second notice on the street assessment. Apparently, I was supposed to ignore this bill I received from St. Paul, but I must remember to pay a properiy taac bill that I received in the spring from Ramsey County. I was also supposed to realize that an unpaid bill from the city would get paid on my property taxes to the county. I obviously made a mistake, but to tell the truth, I suspect I'm not alone. Therefote, I would like to request that the $1457.82 I mistakenly paid on the street assessment be refund to me in full and that the amount be spread over a 20 year period on my property tazces. I would appreciate prompt action on this matter, since my budget does not allow me to pay property taxes multiple times. Reg� � �_. Paul J. Huelsk p we1:s rargo vtew Check c:opy i __ . _ ___ __ .._ ._i Product Seareh View Check Copy Check Number � Date Posted � Check A mount 10036 �10110f06 ` �$1,457.82 _ _ PAUL J. HUEL.SK4ty[p �t � � KELLY A. p�ROURNE �56i N. ruBEFiT STPW4fAN 361CB yl �' .., �- U t:� . � .,.�'�`"" � � r . f . ��� �'] for _ � �•�'�� '� / !�' ?Ct''S _ �• �% -l L �;Oq1D 3�37i�6F�4�7n• 1OQ36 �tC1C1Q014S782��' _' �r +.�t �?- � ����$i'db : ik4�.� 39.'= t�f ._ a���-��i _� — — ___ � ' � _ ' _ � ' � c 1 —�t • y �4 Page 1 of 1 �t�-�Dd� !/ V � p B V � � ` _ Acco unt Number ADVANTAGE CHECKING 397-1562x�oc ����� )C � / � L � IR}A70 t42 �r ! �isrr2iu � P q r.+ � r�ro �s � s c � ,� 4�L��� S 4�il�n _ ' = S - •� s e '!qr � � � .. � _ �� ` � � �? �� � + m (� �+b���� Y �°m° ' ����� . � �� ' ° m � r �O � 995 - 20D6 W ells Fargo. A!I rights reserved. 0 r� O � Q � � � i —L W 1 � https://image.wellsfargo.com/mn 1 _kal_im/display.do?sessionId=bb99350e$b57e77ac6ba59fe674fe7ce-... 11/13/2�