224383 T �` ' { , 7 _ , 1 ^./�y (-�{(��( � / ('�4I��./ . {^D��o � COUIIOII Flle NO................. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthema}cingof thefollowingpublioimprnvement by the City of 8aint Paul�vis.: � Construction of a storm sew�er in Mackubin Street from Cook Sfir.eet to Jessamine Street,�.,,in�_Jessamine Street_,,__from_Mackubin Street to 120 feet West; in an ........._------- ---- ----•------•----..`............... , ..._.................-•---•--...........---•--------------•- �____.al_1_ex..from_Jessamine Street ap�roximately 180 feet North; thence in condemned ....... .. ......•------•-----..._.........._....--------•-----•--- �„_,,,land appSoximatel,X,,,160__feet in a northwesteri�„direction,,,to Loeb Lake.,,.,._____,,,_,,,,. ..... ..... .----••--- ------- -.........-- � �, Dated thie.--•-- �th.........day of.--•--........Ju1.Y.........................................�. .., 19 65... ; • — ............................... ..---..........._�._..._._....'Counoilman......... , � �, , ; ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, � written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ' Construction of a storm sewer in Mackubin Street from Cook Street to Jessamine --------------•-•---••-------..._.........----------._...._..--•-•-------.......---...--•-•---_.._...--•----------._.....-----------••--••---...........---.....-------•-------.._..........._.. __.___.__Street;�._.in�Jessamine Street,__from..Mackubin Street to 120 feet West,;,___in_.an......._.___� --•- ----• ------•--•----•.....................•-•---•-- � _alley from� Jessamine Street approximatelY 180 _feet_North; thence in condemned' •---.....-•-•-=--------•--•-•------•------------------•--- ...._....._land approximatg�-y--.]60..:f.���_.�dL_a__nor�h��:�er-ly.--dd.r���.�oD...�4...4o�b_..4:a14.e�.._____._.____ ----- i � having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._.._._._..._____........._..._......_....._.r......._.__..__.._._ therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or deairability of, the malflng of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a,nd eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiseioner of F�nance. , � . �� g 19�b Adopted by the CounciL_._....-----:'..._...�-------_....................................... Ynes ��� a 19� Councilman Dalgliah � Holland �, Approved.__.._......... .. .._...-•-----•-----_---.....-----....._..... � Loss r'� � i Meredith � , ,`, i Peterson , , � � Roaen ._.___... ._........ ... . .........•--......_. ........� � ----- .. .-•-- -• •- �y p . M$. PaBSin�rrr Vavoulis Ma or. a000 �-a� _ , ? � ' i � ` PUBLISHED �U�- 1 U 9��3 .; � � . � 'J • ' � ` � . ._ f _ 1