06-1078coUn�il File # �(� —e0 7� Green Sheet # j Gi'-� �{ S 3 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W��ns, legislarive changes made in 2006 to Minnesota Statutes Section 355 establish procedures that allow a governmental subdivision to extend full Social Security coverage to certain local elected officials who aze members of, or aze eligible for membership in, the Defined Contribution Plan administered by the Public Employees Retirement Associarion; and W��ns, the Ciry of Saint Paul desires to offer full Social Security coverage to its eligible elected officials. NOw, TTIEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the following resolurion: It is hereby declared to be the policy of this goveming body to extend the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 355, as amended by Chapter 271 or 2006, providing full Social Security coverage to eligible elected officials of the City of Saint Paul. In pursuance of said policy, this governing body hereby requests and authorizes the execution of a divided vote referendum under Section 218(d)(6) of the Social Securiry Act for the purpose of allowing current eligible elected officials the option of paying the Social Security and, if applicable, Medicare taxes imposed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The coverage of current elected local officials shall be effective as of April 1, 2007 for those eligible officials who vote "Yes" in the divided vote Social Security referendum. The referendum will be conducted pursuant to applicable state and federal regulations by a designee of this entity under the supervision of a representative of the Public Employees Redrement Association acting as the designated State Social Security Adminisuator. The Public Employees Reurement Association is hereby directed to execute a modification to the Section 218 Agreement between the State of Minnesota and the Secretary of Health and Human Services to secure full Social Security coverage of the eligible elected officials who vote "Yes" in the referendum and all local newly- elected officials of this governmental subdivision. Withholdings from the salazies of elected local officials for the purposes provided in this resoluuon are hereby authorized to be made in the amounts and at such times as may be required by applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Employer �ontributions shall be paid from amounts appropriated for such purposes and payment of employee and einployer contributions shall be paid to the Internal Kevenue Service in such amounts and at such times as aze designated in Internal Revenue Code. The City of Saint Paul shall maintain such records and submit such reports as may be required by the Public Employees Retirement Association or the Social Security Administrauon. Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary By: Approved a Date � L� D By: Requested by Department of: r.t�� eS BY: �=�^i2�.eA�c-�.� � Form App�rp'ved by y Attomey 1 F � /� I �I-� �P By� ;' i Form A rove b n ay Su ission to Council Sy: .�. .. �-t� - ' �� ` � ,,� �„� Adopted by Council: Date /�l�/�� � Green SheeE Green Sheet Green Sheet Gseen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D/ 'lD �� FS Financial Services GonYact Person & Phone: Matt SmBh 2665796 Must Be on Councl Avem Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-DocumentReqaired: Y DxumentCOntact: Teddi Hayes Contact Phone: 266-8808 o�o�� � I Green Sheet NO: 3034453 � Assign Number For Routing Order Tntat # of Signafuse Pages ! (Clip All Locations fnr Signature) Deuartment SentToPerson SnitiaUDafe 0 � ' an""al ervic � 1 "al e"ces De ent ir or 2 ' AfEOrne � / � 3 a r' ce r/ ss" ta t A ou c� 5 1 rk i e Actton Kequestetl: � . Signahues on Resolution allowing the City of Saint Paul to enter into a Section 218 agceement with the Social5ecuriry Administrarion to provide Social Security benefits in addition to the Defined Conhibution Plan administexed by PERA to all elected officials bired since January 1, 2004. iaauons: Hppro�e (H) or rce)ect (rt): Planning Commission CIB Committee Gi�il Service Commission t. Has this personlfirm e�er worked under a corArect for this department? Yes Na 2. Has this personlfircn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nottnaily possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No €icplain aN-yes answers on separate sheet and attach.to green sheet Initiating Problem, tssues, Opportunity (Who, Wfiat, When, Where, Why): � C�ucent ptan requires that these elected officia3s choose between Social Secutity and PERA's Defined Confribufion Plan. Advantages IfApproved: All elected officials will be allowed to participate in both Social Security and PERA. , ��v ,_ � zaub Disadvantages IfApproved: None. DisadvanYages IfNotApproved: Officials elected after January I, 2004 will not have comparable retirement &inge benefits. ��,�El��� 9 :4U 1 � 20�6 Total Amount of TransacHon: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (Explain) Activity Number: ��� ���M�� CostlRevenue Budgeted: Nouemb er 9, 2006 9:37 AM Page 1