D001456CiTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION APPrcved Copies m: - City Clerlc (Origircal) - Finance Dept's Amourtting Dtivision ' RWuesti�9 �ePt No: �VIJV 4� �'LJ Date: �Lz/� O L L `-t �,� ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Coruis[ent wiih 1he auUwrity grar� to the Maya in Section'10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of financial Services to amend the 1997 budget of the Deht Service furW. the D'uectar of tlie OEfice W Financial Services is authorized W amend said trudget in tha folbwing manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OB.IECT, PROJECT • .., �� `. ��� .� . +- •.� : �.� .� �: .� �: .� � .� � •.� : �. •.� : . � .� ♦. .� �. .� � .� � .� :e• ... •.� : �.�< .� � .� � .� �. .� :c• � .� � .� �. .� �. .� �. FuN Time Salaries Fringe Benefits Cost of Bond Issuance Data Processing Software Data Processing Hardware Arbihage Rebate Lodging - Meels Arbitrage Re6ate Arb'rtrage Rebate Long Term Debt Maturity Arb'Nage Rebste Dupticafing Rental - Data Processing EquipmeM PaylRemarkeUliquidity Agency Trustees Fees Arbitrage Rebate Arbitrage Rebate Arbitrage Rebate ArbiVage Rebate Arbitrage Rebate Arbifrage Rebate Pend'u�g Bond Sale lnterest Payment Pending Bond Sale IMerest Payment CURRENT APPROVED AMENDEQ BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 42,046 13,4-05 � r�� . �9'� � o�� ��� r� . aa ��• . .�. � ��� � ��� � r�� � ��� � ��� � 45 285 7.600 4,000 6,500 13,965 1,030 43,300 65.�0 2A5.000 75,DOD (495) (6��) ��g��) (s.�) t2,�) (�3,�� ��2�'t00) �� (��,�) t�R�ol (236,690) (125,000) 42.091 13,730 7,600 4,000 12,984 33,965 1,030 53.300 75,OW '1 �460,000 75,OD0 205 3,100 16,000 17,365 10,0�0 2,600 1,100 ao,000 130,260 290,625 2,289.935 w Pr red by: ActivRy aQer �� Date ��� �� - •-._ , � � r� � . , ...��.i. :�: . - Date � - a �{ � �' �3 Date Prepared by 6ffice of Firrancial Services - Treasury Section 2J24198 ;TMBJT/OFFICFICOUNCIL of Frer�cial Services �CT P6290N 8 R10NE YCentaowiez. 266-8836 BEONGIXJNGIAGENDABY TE7 �,8.,� 5, 1998 ��„� �o0�y5b GREEN SHEET No sosao � �.,a,�,.��,� � ��. o�..n�. ❑�,�_ ❑ ❑ �� ���� ��,.�� V /o�.����.,� ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (GLP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) order to make ad'}ushnents to the General Debt Service Fund in order to reFleM proper acfiv+ty codes. PUNNING CAMMISSION d6 COMMITfEE CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has tMs persoMrtn ever v.oACetl untler a contract fw this departm¢nl'7 YES NO Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO Oces this person/finn possess a skill not nomialty possessed by any curreM cdy employee� YES NO Is this persoMGm a Wrgeted vendot? YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOftTUNIN (Who, What, Wl�en, Where, Why) Nhi1e ihe net bala�e of tlie ge�21 deDt servicefuM is posdrve, atljustmerrts ere necessary M propetiy reflect speriding wM1hin the act JiJM1ies. JVANTAGES IF APPROVED �entli� �mN be aPWOP��ely budH�ed for. e 1WANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE I�s aM spe�Cirg will twt match. LL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 9NG90URGE � INFORMATIXJ (FXPWN) 71���� tl LL1' f� 2 4199�' �ITY CLERtC CQSTfREV{ENIiE BUDGETED (CIRCLE OIi� YES NO ACTNPTY NUMBER U VV