06-1077Council File # - D 7
Green Sheet# 3034489
Systems Integrator Technician be changed from that set forth in Grade 38 to that set forth in
Grade 40 of Bargaining Unit 02, the AFSCME Technical, Salary Schedule, and be it
�INALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Requested by Office of Human Resources
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Form o i� rvices
Adoption Certified by
BY �/�u.
Approved by
Mayor: f
By: �
Form Approve by ' orney
Form Appxov by`�i ayor for S� Council
By: � �
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Information and Control
Adopted by Date
Council: ��//o%/o
� Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
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DeparhnenNofficelcouncil: Date Mitiated:
Hu -�,��„� ,�a„� Green Sheet NO: 3034489
Contact Person & Phone:
ShaW YJ�7liams
Must ee on
E-0ocumentRequired: Y
DocumentContact TrishaFreiberger
ContactPhone: 2666481
� DeoaAment SentToPerson Ina�awace
AsSig� 1 ma e a i �
Number 2 ae � FS anc al rvi �-`
For 3 rn �
Order 4 � a t
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Tolal # of Signalure Pages _(Clip All locations for Signature)
Approve the attached resoiution changing the rate of pay for the classificarion ritled Informarion and Control Systems Integrator
Technician from Grade 038 to Grade 040 of b.u. 02, AFSCME Technical bazgaining mmit.
dations: Appm�e (A) or Reject
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Citil Senice Commission
Contracts Musf
1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contract tor this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persordfimt eier been a city empioyee?
Yes No
3, Doas this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by afry
cuireM city employee?
Yes No
Explairt all yes answers on separate sheet and attach So green sheet
Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Saint Paul Regional Water Services requested that Human Resources study the composite du6es of a posidon to determine the
appropriate classificarion and compensation. Human Resources determined that the class should be assigned to a different pay grade.
This ritle is responsible for the maintenance, speci&carion, progr,tmming, and imptementation of Data Acquisition and Control System
and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisirion System applications. These automated systems provide data concerning water
treabnent and processing througkout flxe water plant system. The assigtted functions support the business efforts of the Production
Division of the Saint Paul Regiona! Water Services. The position also supports aspects of the DepartmenPs technology infrashucture.
Appropriate compensarion will be assigned to the classificarion in accordance with the City's job evaluarion system.
Disadvantayes If Approved:
NOV 2 9 20U6
Disadvanfape.s K Not Ap�roved:
Appropriate compeasation will not be assigned to this ctassificarioa T'his may limit the City's ability to successfuliy recruit, hire, and
retain qualified candidates who possess the Imowledge, sldlls, and training required io effectively provide infrastructure services vital
to producrion and distribution functions wifliln Saint Paul Regionat Water Services.
Total Amount oT CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y
Funding Source: Activitv Number:
Financial Information: $1738.67-236010 biweekly or �;SYt�.� t�Q�.�B�� .
$45,379.29-61,598.61 yea$y
November 13, 2006 5•15 PM P� �
Angela S. Nal¢ny, Director ��—�� 7 7
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CI� ��' .�f��T pA�.. 400CiryHattAnnex Tetephorse: 651-26b-6500
Chrisropher B. Coleman, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Streei Jobline: 657-266-6502
Saint Pau{ Minnesota 55102-]631 Facsimile: 651d91-7656
TO: 5tephen Schneider, General Manager
Saint Paul Regional Water Services
FROM: Sheila Williams, Human Resources Consultant
DATE: May 16, 2006
We have completed our study of the Information and Control Integrator Technician position
held by Mary Hiber. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the incumbent
and immediate supervisor, and compared the position with related classes and positions
including IS System Support Specialist and Information and Technology Analyst job series.
This study indicates that the position is working within the class concept of Information and
Control Integrator Technician, but at the higher grade leve140 of the AFSCME Technical
bargaining unit salary schedule. The current assignment is salary grade 38.
Many of the responsibilities involve the same categories of work as previously identified for
this single incumbent position. Previously, there was a greater volume of requests to utilize
the new SCADA system which required entry to intermediate level understanding to meet
user needs. Now, there are more specific requests that have inter-linked uses to meet more
complex needs. Most of the assigned duties to maintain, update, and monitor SCADA and
other computerized systems require an advanced level of competence. Some assignments
require an expert level of understanding in arder to implement significant upgrades to the
system while learning organizational needs and working with the external consultant.
This posirion does differ in concept from most Information Services positions. Rather than
identifying how standard computer applications can meet the needs of users, this position
creates methods to meet the special needs of different user units. Therefore, a separate
classification is warranted.
Finally, management has indicated that there will be a continued need for this position to
perform at an advanced level of understanding for future SCADA and automated system
Should you choose to reallocate the position, you will need to initiate a Reallocation
Certification, and send it through the required process.
An Affirmative Action Equal Oppottunity ADA Employer
If you choose not to implement this recommendation, you may underfake other measures
to keep the position at the cunent level. This may require restructuring of this individual
position and possibly other posirions within Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
We have notified the incumbent that the study has been completed and directed her to
contact the Deparlment Director or HR Liaison within the next two weeks i£there is no
communication from department administration.
If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520.
c: James Graupmann
Lome Brown
Trisha Freiberger
An AfFrmarive Action Equal Oppommity ADA Employer
Proposed Title of Class:
The City of Saint Paul Class Specification
o�-ia7 7
CODE: 548A
BU: 02
General Dntv Statement:
Performs complex, technical work coordinating the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisirion System (SCADA) and
security measures that support water treatment processes. Performs maintenance, specification, coding, and
implementarion on internal systems for the information technology infrashucture used to manage water treahnent at
the plant and remote sites. Consults with staff regarding complex user needs, serves as a resource in order to facilitate
efficient system use, and develop plans for future systems improvements. Maintains latowledge of current best
pracrices and consults with contract vendor as appropriate. Performs other related work as assigned.
Suuervision Received:
Warks under the general supervision of the Division manager or General Manager.
S�ervision Exercised:
May guide, orient, or train technical, professional, manual, or support staff as required.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the system applications, infrastructure, and information technology
environment used to provide automated monitoring, control, and maintenance of water ireahnent, pumping, and
storage processes. Demonstrates an ability to idenfify and resolve complex challenges associated with the work.
Demonstrates an ability to idenrify, minimize, resolve, or refer risks and liabiliries associated with the assigied
work and involves management as appropriate.
Demonstrates an understanding of current information technology trends, best pracrices, and industry standards.
Demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding to work projects, processes, and pracfices that meet technology
Demonstrates the ability to understand complex interrelated information needs and demonstrates the ability to
identify and recommend improvements to the platform and applicafion technology.
Demonstrates an expert understanding of the processes and protocols associated with SCADA and related
applicarions that monitor and interface with water treatment, testing, measwement, tracking, security, pumping, and
storage. Demonstrates the ability to identify and resolve the most complex problems associated with the work.
Demonstrates the ability to configure, install, and test the most complex applicafions and equipment and
demonstrates an understanding of the full range of related processes and protocols.
Demonstrates the ability to set prioriries, coordinate work efforts, and meet deadlines under conditions of limited
resources and competing demands. Demonstrates the ability to coordinate multiple projects for a variety of internal
clients and involve the contracting vendor as appropriate.
Demonstrates the ability to effecrively analyze and solve difficult and complex work-related problems using past
experience, research, best pracfices informarion, feasibility studies, and input of the vendor.
Demonstrates the ability to speak and write in a manner that can be easily understood by employees at all levels
within the arganization including organizarional Ieadership. Dexnonstrates the ability to prepare clear and
comprehensive project proposals and plans. Demonstrates an ability to effecfively represent the organization's
perspective to other public agencies, vendors, and entiries doing business within the organizarion.
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CODE: 548A
BU: 02
Demonstrates the ability to provide effecrive project leadership by demonstrating support of the goup problem-
solving process. Demonstrates the ability to recognize positive results, manage conflict, and negoriate with
coworkers and other project members for sarisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates an ability to provide effecrive work
direction to project members by demonstraring an ability and willingness to provide assistance through sharing of
technical expertise and through promotion of posirive work behaviors. Demonstrates the ability to lead a group
problem-solving process to attain effecrive solurions.
Demonstrates the ability to develop an understanding of the full range of business and informarion needs for the
organization and its customers. Demonstrates the ability to identify and resolve the full range of related issues.
Two years of experience as an Information and Conh�ol Systems Integrator Trainee or equivalent, or four years of
experience in the xnajority of the following azeas: 1. 3nstallation of new and updated software applications and
hardware; 2. Configuration and integration of new or existing systems; 3. Network administration; and 4.
Maintenance, upgrade, installafion, and troubleshooting of workstarion equipment and software.