06-1076Council File # -/O 6 Green Sheet # 3034789 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2 3 L'! attached Memorandum of A�eement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council #14, Technical #1842 to extend the previously-approved pilot project within the Department of Public Works, for the job classifications of Engineering Aide I and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � BOSh'Oril �/ HHLI15 � Helgen � Lan�y � Montgomery ,� Thune ,i 7 � � Adopted by Council: Date /2�/��p � Adoption Certified by Council ecretary BY ' i Approved a oc. Date Ir �� � By: � Requested by Department oi 771AV!'WKI ILV/1(Nf' CU� By: Form Appr ed by ' mey � By: Form A r e by or fo S mis � n to CouncIl By: RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0� "/�7G Hu -H�„ �,�« Contact Person & Phone: LeeMn Turohin ! 2666517 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumentRequired: N DocumentContact Contact Phone: n�o�� � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034789 0 �ma Resoures t � !1/yn 1 manR urces arhnentDi r 'P""' 2 i A rn � 3 a r• �ce Ma od ' tant 4 5 C C Approval�of attached Memornndum of Agreetuent (MOA) between the City and AFSCME Local #1842 is requested. The MOA replaces the previovsly-approved pilot project MOA for the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family. idations: Appro�e (A) a R Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciul Senice Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The purpose of this ageement is to continue the originally-established pilot project titled "Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aid I- Engineering Technical Supervisor dated Mazch 20, 2001" and the "Civil Engineer Technician Job Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000, revised May 1, 2006." The City and AFSCME agree that the extension of the pilot project shall continue to apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the Engineering Aid I and II, and the Public Works Technician I, II, and IIT classes and who aze represented by AFSCME. Advaniages Ifi Approved: The Department of Public Works and the AFSCME-represented employees at the Saint Paul Public Works Department will both realize benefits evolving from the modification of the Civil Service Rules noted in the attached MOA. CIVG.�+ Disadvantages If ApProved: None. Activity Number: Disadvantages H Not Approved: The current system of hiring, devised as pazt of the pilot project, will cease and a retum to the older testing model will occur. Transaction: Funding Source: Contracts Must Mswer the CostlRevenue Budgeted: Financial Infortnation: No additional costs aze involved (Explain) Nov 2 9 MA�; �A� y� OFFICE ����°? �r#�i' �-�� v �� � .��E�tn November 27, 2006 7:28 AM Page 1 o� Memorandum of Agreement � ,,/ This Memorandum of Ageement (MOA) is made and entered into this �� day of (�' dYU�W, 2006, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as City ), and the American Federation of State, County, and Mimicipal Employees (hereinafter referred to as AFSCME ). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the originally-established pilot project titled "Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technical Supervisor dated March 20, 2001 and the Civil Engineer Technician 7ob Fanuly Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000, revised May 1, 2006 The City and AFSCME agree that the extension of the pilot project shall continue to apply to those employees of the Deparhnent of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the Engineer Aide I and II, and the Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes and who aze represented by P.FSCME. Also, the City and AFSCME agree that the following Civii Service Rules, as modified, shall continue to be used in the administration of the competency-based classification system developed by the pilot project: Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying exanvnafions, e.g, pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only orignial enhants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinatians used to determine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in posirions allocated to the Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Civil Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect indefinitely: It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and condirions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensarion shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and AF3CME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said competency system shall also be subj ect to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regazding the substantive detenninations of a Competency Review Boazd shall be appealed solely to the Civil Service Commission. Finally, it is further agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force for three years unril October 30, 2009, with an automaric extension to 2011 unless the City and AFSCME Local #1842 mutually agree to end or modify said agreement prior to October 30, 2009. It is fiirther agreed that 60-calender days prior to October 30, 2009, the City will notify AFSCME Local #1842, in writing, that said date is pending. The terms of this MOA become effective upon the adoption of a Council Resolution by the Saint Paul City Council. Technical #1842 E� ._.iRiFS'1 Labor Relations Manager AFSCME Technical C:�Documents and Settings\CCowen�I,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKIF�AFSCME Tech ContinuationMOA 2006.doc