224315 ��y� 3�s
Council Flle No. 724315—By Milton
Wardell Rea tya Company e and tothe s��
that portion of public street situate in
the City of Saint Paul, County of
inafter�describ dtebe and thptsameris
hereby vacated and discontinued as a
public street, viz.:
"That part of Juno Avenue lying
between ttie west line of .L,ot 7,
Block 1, WBrdell Addition, as lo- �
cated along the east Iine ot va-
cated Nettleton Avenue and the .
west line of•Lpt 16, Aoward Greene
Addition, St. Paul, 1Viinn,, extended
south;" ^
subject express�y to the pollowing con-
ditions and reservations:
1.that the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditians of SecHon
Z� af the Legislative Code, as
amend'ed,- regu�ating tkie procedure
and prescribing conditions for the
vacation of public grounds, streets, •
alleys and highways in the City of
Saint Paul;
2.that the petitioners construct a
1n FIoward Gr ene Addition on�the
line and grade satisfactory to 'the
City Engineer and provide the City
wlth a bond in the amount oi
�5.00�•00 to insure performance oi
uus condition;
3.that the petitioners furnish satis_
factory evidence to the Chief Ea-
gineer of the DepartmQnt of Public
Works, that the easemerits privately
entered into for sewer, water, and
roadway purposes will not be ob-
structed by the vacation;
4.that any street barricades or street
closures required by the Depart-
ment o4 Public Works will be con- '
structed at the expense of the peti-
5.that any re-arrangement of .the �
telephone�or power -facilities re-
4�'ed will be made at the expense
of the petiUoners;
B.that surface drainage from the
platted lots lying west ,of Lot 1B,
I3oward Greene Adtiition, St. Paul,
Minn., and Prom the unvacated por-�
tion of Juno Avenue be allowed to
flow onto the portion of Juno
Avenue proposed to be vacated;
7.that the'.petitioners pay to the City
the sum of$2,200.pp as compensation
for the�vacation and proyide the
City with a bond'ia the amount of
�10,000.00, in addition to the§5,0OO,Op�
ond noted in Condition 2 hereof;
8.that the portion of street •to be
vacated be described as: that part
of Juno Avenue lying between the
� west line of Lot 7,'Block'1, Wardell
Addition, as located along the east
line of vacated 'Nettleton Avenue
and the west line of Ltit 16, Fioward
Greene Addition, St. 'Paul, Minn:,
extended south;
and be it •
Reso�ved Further, That this resolu-
tion be and hereby is dePme3 to super-
sede the prior Resolution of this
Council, Council Fiie No. 222Qgg, 8p_
proved March 16, 1965.
Adopted by the Cauncil July B, 1965, �
� Approved Suly g, 1985.
(July 10, 1985)