224313 _ f ' ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO - r OFFICE OF THE CITY CL-ERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY w COMMISSIONE DAT� �, \\ � � WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Paving of SHORT LINE RO.AD from Hamline ,Avenue Con- nection to St. Clair Avenue, Comptroller� s Contract L-6696, Palda & . Sons, contra.ctor, have been provided for in t,he specifications, and WHEREAS, the heavy spring rains have washed out the slopes in a number of places within the limits of this pro�ect, depositing material along the areas to be surfaced under this contract, and WHEREAS, these washed out slopes wexe constructed under a previous grading contract, and as result of these washouts, conditions exist- ing a t the ti� of the award of thi9 contrac t have changed, and YPHEREAS, it has been found necesgary to remove the washed-in materia.l, in order to complete the work under this contract, pursuant to which � the Co�nnissioner of Public VPorks has agreed with the above named contrac tor for such removal, restoration of the washed out slopes, top-soil replaceu�nt and the re-seeding of the restored areas for and in consideration of the sum of Thirteen hundred ( �1,300.00) Dollars, now therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul through -�ts� City Counci]. approves jthe foregoing agree�nt and amount made in accordance with the speci- f ications in the sum of �1,300.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum con�ideration named "in the contract, known as Comptroller� s , Contract L-6696, which addition is to be f inanced from the Street (� Repair Maintenance Budget. av JUL 6 1966 COiJNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � JUL 6 19b� Holland Appx'oved 19— , Loss Favor Meredith � Pete rs on MA'yor " A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �u6LISHED �U�- �U �8� � iont e-es ' , ..._ � . ' �. . � ..� �. , DUrLICATC TO rRINTlR ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�HCII NO � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►R�reo �r COMMISSIONE� DA� _ WHEREAS, Addition+� whiah m3ght prove ta be neae��ary in the 3mprovement de�cr3bed �� the Paving o�' BHORT LINE ROAD from Haml.in� Avenue Con- ne4tion to S�. Clair Avenue, Comptrollerfs Contr�at L-6696, Palda, & Sone, oontr�.ator� h�.ve b�en provid�d f'or in the apeci�3.ce.�ion�, and W�R�S, the heawy �pr3.ng ra�ne have xa�hed out the +�loge� 3n a nus�ber o� p1Qae� within the 13mits�of thiffi project, d�po�3ting m$�rie1 along the aream to be eurf�Qed under this aontr�at,. and WSFREASs these wa�hed out �3ope� wer� aonatruate� under � previou� gradixig aontrae t, Qnd �� re�ul� o�' the�e weshout�� oondi ti on� �a3�t- ing at the tim9 of the award o� thi� aontraa� have changed, ancl �f�R�QS.� 3.t �iaa been found ner�es��ry to remove the waahed�in m�t�r3a1, Sn order to c;om�slete the work under th3s aontract, pursu�n� to whiah the Con�nS��loner o� Publia �ork� ha� agreed with the above name�. aontra�a�ar �'or �uah removal, re storatiau of �he paahed out $1op�,�, top+�►o31 replaaemant aad the re-seeding o� t�s r�stored areaffi for end in Qon$ider�,��on oP the sum ot' Thir�een h�undre� t�1�300.00) Do11ar�, nox ther*efore,, be i� R�SOLVEI3, thst the City of St. Paul through 3t� s City Courjci3 approv�s the �'ore�oing agreement a.na amount macle in aoaord�anae v3th the sp�aS- fication� 3n �ha sum oP �I.�30�.00� s�id amonn� to be added to th• lump asu�n �onaideration na�m�d in the Qor��ract, kno�m sa �o�ptrol�.er� a Contract L�66�6� whioh �.c3dit�on is to be f�.nanoed �'ro� t1�.o street Regair D�daintenance Budget. JUL 6 196� ' COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish �uL s � Holland Approved 19— � . Loss Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MSyOr A$'BiIISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e�