224276 ORIGIHIC'.TO CITY CLEWK �����9 H CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �a' ► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATF � WHEREA�� the Corporation Co�nsel of th� City of � ��trtt Paul has received via th� office of the Eit� Co�p�roller a req�.est of the Bureau of Governmental Researeh arld �ervices of the Uhiversity of �ashington for two oopies of the� City Charter in conneQtidn with their munieipal le�islative research, no�r� �hereFore, 'be it RESOLVED, That the Corp oration Counsel office is �ereby authorized to transmit to said Bureau of Govervmental Research and �ervices of the University of Washington t�o copies� of tlie City Charter of the City of 3aint Paul. ir F APPRQVF.,t� � � qsst, Corporation uflN JUL � � COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 19� Dalglish �U� 2 �,�. � Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor � Meredith Pe te rs on J ` �AyOr A gainst Itesea Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBL1SHED JUL 10 196� iont e-es DUrLIWTS,TO rRINT[R ���J_�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOiiM tRESEHTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEAEAS� the Corporation Coun�el of th� City of 3�in� Paul haa ree�ived via the offies of the City Comptroller a request of the Bureau of (}avesn�ental Rm�earah and Services of the tTniver�ity of Wa�hington for two oopies of the Ci.ty Charte�r in connection wi�h �heir muniaipal legialativs reaear�h� �ow� �herefore� be it RE�OLYED That the Corp oration Counsel office ia hereby au�horized �o �r�n.��.t to s�.id Bu.rean ot' (}o��rnmental Research and Servicea of the Univ�raity or W�shington two copies o2' the Ci,ty Char��r of the Ci�y or S�int Pa�ul. JUL 2 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish a,IUL 2 1965 ��d Approvec� 19— Loss �n Favor Meredith \ Peterson � MAyOr �� A g81IISt Mr. President, Vavoulis io�t a�s