06-1066Council File # �—/� Green Sheet# 3034455 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Presented WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through the Pubiic Works Technical Services Manager, acting as the Valuation and Assessments Engineer, has secured agreements for the purchase of easements for right-of-way and construction purposes, said easements are on the following properties addressed as: ll72 White Bear Avenue North, 1160 White Beaz Avenue North, 1239 White Bear Avenue North, 1229 VJhite Beaz Avenue North, 1171 VJhite Bear Avenue North. WHEREAS, these easements on said properties are necessary for the street widening in connection with the improvement of White Bear Avenue from 500 feet North and South of Maryland Ave. said easements were Final Ordered for acquisition on Januazy 18, 2006 with Council File Numbered 06-71. The total value at which said easements may be purchased at is in the amount of $116,374 (One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Four pollars), this being a fair and reasonable value for the easements on said subject properties; and WHEREAS, the Acting Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said easement rights at the recommended value plus other considerauons as ouflined in the terms and conditions agreed upon between Property Owner and City of Saint Paul in the attached agreements; SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay the property owners of record, compensaUOn for the easements shown on the attached agreements, and file said easements with Ramsey County. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: CPL-004-2S130-0788-00000 Requested by Department of: Public Works K � By: Director 1 Form Ap ov d by City By: Adoption Cerfified by Council ecretary goI By: By: Approved by or: Date f� L� By: to Council Adopted by CouncIl: Date //���p/ � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet � dd /�( �o PW Fub&cwo�Ics CenhU Person 8 Phone: Bob No�dc 266-8863 Must Be on Council Agen 23NOV-06 Doc.Type: RESOI.UTiON E-0ocumentRequired: Y DocumentContact: BobNovak w ♦ �. y Assgn Number For Routing Order ContactPhone: 2665863 � � Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip AII Loeations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034455 Deoat6nent SentToPerson 0 blic Worlrs 1 Cublic Works �(7 / I� TilO�eoaztnentffirec��* 4 2 ' Attome 3 o s OPfice Ma or/ 'staat 4 nncil 5 e Action Requested: Approve compensafion for easements needed to improve Wlute Bear Ave @ Maryland itlations: Appm�e (A) or Reject (R): Plarning Commission CIB Commitiee Citil Sen.ice Commission the Following Questions: 1. Has this pecsoNfifin e�er wwked urder a cortract fct this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain atl yes answers on separate sheetand attach to green sheet Mitiating Pro6lem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Wfiere, Why): Agreements have been reached with these property owners ro acquire easements on their propeny to complete said public improvement. AdvantapesifAporoved: The intersecflon will be improved for vehicular and pedestriau traffic and Improvemenis can proceed as planned. DisadVantaStes NApproved: Encroachments on private proper[ies. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Project can not proceed as placu�ed. and the intersection wili continue to be a traffic concem as faz as safety � Transaction: 116374 Funding Source: Financiallnformation: (F�cplain) � CostiRevenue EudgeMd: ActivityNumber. CPL-004-2S130-0788-00000 November 9, 2006 9:11 PM Page 1 Sw[Ni PAOL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL EASEMENT RESOLUTION AGREEMENT i. z. 3 4. 5. 6. �o- v- a G Property Address 1229 White BearAve . Saint Paul. Minnesota 55706 O� -i�b � General Easement Area: Permanent - West 8 feet of property Temporary -Addi6ona15' East of permanent easement { I S month max) Name of Buyer: City of St. Paul Agreed Price for Easements: $40,170 Name of Seller: Cazol J. Wilson This Agreement is subject to approval by the St. Paul City Council. 5ELLER: BY: ��� "' "c'�o-�--- Date: �� �/—OG Caro17. Wilson BUYER: By: �����7/ �/ G9I7�1�/ Date: �3 /� �� For the City of St. Paul 1 �ts: ,� ��� Q'-� (AE2005-03.EaseAgr 1229 WhiteBear) D� -�o�G CITY OF SAINT PAUL EASEMENT RE50LUTION AGREEMENT 1. 2. Property Address 1239 White BearAve . Saint Paul. Minnesota SSI06 3 Generai Easement Area: Permanent - East 5 feet of the following; Eastl/2 of the North �/z of Lot 4, Gerazdine's Garden Lots, Ramsey Coun[y, Mianesuta Temporary-Additiona110' West of permanent easement (IS month max) � 5. C� Name of Buyer: City of St. Paul Agreed Price for Easements: $18,442 Name of 5eller: Martin and Marina Pina This Agreement is subject to approval by the St. Paul City Council. SELLER: By: �'Ul .s �'� Martin Pina By: `727�_ �i✓ir� �-L�t� Manna Pina Date: f��2 Date: 1��.�J� � BUYER: By: ✓i�K!` /���' �/`—� Date: � 1 � 1 �C�O (y For the City of St. Paul z�: ,�t � �-�L. i.� i� �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL EASEMENT RESOLUTION AGREEMENT 1. 2. 4. 5. � Date: Property Address II60 White Bear Ave Saint Paul. Minnesota SSI06 General Easement Area: Permanent - Name of Buyer: Ciry of St. Paul Agreed Price for Easements: $3,000 West 5 feet of Lots 14 and IS Block 1, Ames Park, Ramsey County, Minnesota Name of Seller: Jose and Lilia Zendejas This Agreement is subject to approval by the St. Paul City Council. SELLER: g ��+ Date: Jos�'Le dejas ,✓ B �4 �� �(ir��-Qc�N Lilia Zendejas BUYER: B �� ��ev� For the City of St. Paul Date: � � � ` � ' � � Date: � Gr7 �cs: � ��,�; ��c-._ Od �aG� 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CITY OF SAINT PAUL EASEMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT Date: 1 �1 �tD��6 Property Address: Name of Buyer: Name of Seller(s): ll71 White Bear Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106-3003 City of Saint Paul Elkana Bosire Manyibe Diane Tatum I.egal Descripuon: South 5 ft. of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, of Property Edgar's Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota Easement Areas: Permanent: The easterly 8 ft. of the South 5 ft. of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6, Edgar's Addition, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota Temporary: An additional5 ft. west of the permanent easement Term: 15 months (ma7cimum) 7 Agreed-Upon Purchase Price for Easements: Permanent: $19,000.00 Temporary: 212.00 TOTAL: $19,212.00 � This Purchase Agreement is subject to approval by the Saint Paul City Council. SFS.LER(S)� _ � . /' By: � ��-°�-�`l �'�1�� Date: (c� IDI7� Z� Elltana Bosire Manyibe By: �1J , Date: �L���Gtii� �GO k� Diane Tatum BUYER: /f' "" �- ��� By: Date: For the Ciry f Saint Paul Its: R�a 1�s/a� y�lo �ra G:Vieal&tateWcquisnionslWblic Works41E2005-03.WhiteBearY7arylandl#2121171 WhiteBwri1171 White KAl HLEEtS M MAR11�I NpTkEiY PUBLIC � MINNESOTA tv �omm�ssion 6:pires Jan.31.2kY �.,�?;t: zSt�49lM�+M�?m°`�nr �. _ h�%i/ :. Property Address II72 White Bear Ave . Saint Paul. Minnesota 55I06 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL EASEMENT RESOLUTION AGREEMENT 1. 2. General Easement Area: Permanent - See Attachment "A" 0.6 -�o�olo Tesnporary -Addiuonal5 feetEa.;t of permanenteasement (15 month ma�c) � 5. � Name of Buyer: City of St. Paul Agreed Price for Easements: $35,850 ,.,,.�,� FaVL � AAAA Name of Seller: Joyce Marie Peter This Agreement is subject to approval by the St. Paul City Council. SELL • By: `��� ° Date: /� / �� /��Y ce arie Peter BUYER: By: � For e City of St. Paui i�: ,�Q ���: G"�,� (AE2005-03.EaseAgr1229WhimBear) Date: � � O4 �r i�Fi ��.r, aG'� .,�-� RACHELRENEEVANALSTINE — Notary Public Minnesota y Commission Expires Jawary 37, 2010 �iC3f�' �.'�7����itii Vn'v` ._.J � . . - o� io�� Attachment "A" The West 8 feet of the following described parcel: Beginning at a point, one hundred eighty-two and 88/100 (182.88) feet South of Southeast comer of East Maryland Street and White Bear Avenue in the City of St. Paul, running thence East, parallel with the South line of said East Maryland Street, one hundred forty-seven and 22/100 (147.22) feet, running thence South pazallel with White Beaz Ave: one hundred and thirteen (113) feet, running thence West, parallel with said East Maryland Street, one hundred forty-seven and 22/100 (147.22) feet to the East side of White Bear Avenue, and running thence North, parallel with, and on the East line of said White Bear Ave., one hundred and thirteen (113) feet to the place of beginning, said piece of land being the South one hundred and thirteen (113) feet of the tract described in Book of Deeds 717, on page 382, in the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County Minnesota, and being part of the Northwest Quarter (NW� 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Secuon twenty-six (26), Township twenty-nine (29). Range twenty-two (22), according to the United States Government Survey thereof Ramsey County, Minnesota.