D001455White — City Cletk Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. Aecounting Blue — Engineec Green — Contractor i . known as C�tract J� Contracta, ia eompoa Pcpject No. ' d � 1kP� �.w�P ���+ '�t � �� �c. ��r�� L� �j� ��ia� �� ,(�,�'��t�°= l�o , `� '► � ��'`��� f�� ���r•�s��c.. � t � � _.._ ,_� �!r ���a) O� '�'Y �'FJLIi�}� ��``f�) �1C� �"rNG�. � � ��"� �- 9�? � 1 16� �i.t:9i5 � j r-� s� es i a- xs-r.,- �"(Z €:+d C%� - �- -- °` ��,J � � ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cardance with the specifications in the sum of $`-�°�j � 7 � , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as conttact �- ����f� � , and which amount is to be financed from: �t��-• e-�'tr �Tt'� °C>tsJ2'J� �1l�t�i'w c���1¢ ���5`� �a�a� 0�-6���� � 7� `T"b�i5 �t�� �ic, 57 i �, � (i? �L i a No. o 00�455 Date _ Z � �`t � � l5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER fot GONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMEI3T N0. � �i9 �rj19 �19 �� 19 :aive4S ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER, VGheteas, additions whieh proved to be necessary to the Improvement described Estate Hoizschufi 69161 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQIiESSED vvss I GREEN 5HEET maEeroa_ i�00i�55 r,o 50096 LiL IcttvarroaNEY �cttYCtFitK �4_J �(� �FlNANCI0.l5ERY10E5 �' • `\� ❑FlNANGULLSFJiV1ACCTG �� �MAYOit(ORASSISTNNTI �KLH�LZSLHUH140CN6CH (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) :quired signatures on Change Order #2 for women's toilet room and shower additions at Fire Stations 5, 7, 17, and 20, St. Paui, Minnesota. . nun npprove wl or He�ec� �rc� PERSONAL SGRVIGE 40NTRl1GT5 MUSi ANSWER TXG FOLLV WING WESTIONS: 1. Has this personlfinn ever vrorked untler a coMract for this deparfineM? PIANNING COMMISSfON YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has th�s persontfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVlL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this personKrtn possess a skill not nomulty posssssed 6y any curtent city employee� YES NO 4. Is this personlfimi a Yargeted vendor? YES NQ E�cplain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Station #20 was bid with the other fire station work. However, the Fire Department didn't have the funds ilable when the contract was written. The Fire Department now has the funds and wants to go ahead with project. Station #20 will be completed along with the other stations. �2ECEf��EL F�� 2 4 1998 This work would have to be rebid and wouid possibly cost more to complete, � ,� ,�-. - � r- __�,��,._�.� a '�� �OTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 56,575.00 UMDINGSOURCE Capital Projects Fund COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTMN NUMBER C96-5T009-0898-00000 NO NANCIAL ItJFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � , t��