06-1065Council File # V� s Green Sheet # 3�34371 RESOLUTION Presented by CITY � PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 WI�REAS, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmenial Services method of 2 chazging local governing bodies for Reserve Capacity Chazges, the Saint Paul City Council, 3 pursuant to Section 77.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on 4 January 23, 1973 (Chapter A-6 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service 5 Availability Charges (SAC); and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services has increased the unit charges for the year 2�07 from $1,SSQ.00 to $1,675.00 per unit; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted Januazy 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $1,550.00 to $1,675.00 per unit for the year 2007; and be it FLJRTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Requested by Depaztment of: � ` �. � , � � � ��1�� > Form Adopted by Council: Date //�� � /,f� T� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� // ///�� i/l. S�ii Approved by�� Dat y� j� By: � j!/l� � %�!��fL�f/ . •��. . � . . `�. .�r• � � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ,_ �.. � . D� PW - Pubticworks Contact Person & P --„ " Juan Ortiz 26E88fvl Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Date): O6-DEC-O6 Doc.Type: RESOLUTiON E-0ocumentRequired: Y DoeumentConhct .bhnSaumwzber Confact Phone: 266-8851 �ate Initiated: � o�-�o�.� ; Green Sheet NO: 3034371 y Assign Number For Routing Order ToEal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locatio�s for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Deoartrnent SentToPerson ('ouml I Marv Erickson i Crtv Qerk I Shari Maore Approve the resolution to increase the Sewer Availabiliry Chazge (5AC) from $1,550 per SAC to $1,675 per SAC beginning January 1, 2007. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Senice Commission Sewer Service Enterprise Fund Mfiating Problem, issues, Opporlunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I.etter from [he MCES infomting govemment agencies of the increase in SAC. Advantages IfApproved: None. Disadvanta5les HApproved: Builders/property owners will have [o pay the increase of $125 per SAC. Disadvantaqes H Not Approved: Ciry wouid have to absorb the $125 increase. Following t. Has this person/Tirm e�er worked under a coMract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a cRy employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNBrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cument city employce? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � � �:� � : � �l� ToWI Amount of Transaction: FUnding SoufCe: Financial Infortna6on: (Explain) Activity Number. ; r ' 4� ��� � I���� R�C�az F�.� �ov � - .cs �r���PE � . w%�.`�; CosNRevenue Budgeted: November7, 200611:12AM Page 1 � Metropolitan Co u August 30, 2006 TO: CITY MANAGERS AND ADNIINISTRATOAS SUBJECT: SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (SAC) RATE The Metropolitan Council has adopted a$125 increase in the MCES SAC rate effective January 1, 2007. The new basic MCES SAC rate will be $1,675 for all Local Governments. The MCES SAC rate to be paid by your Local Govemment to MCES is the rate in effect at the time of payment on the building or sewer connection permit regardless of when the pernvtting process began. The monthly SAC report and payxnent aze due within 30 days of the end of the month. Your community collects a local (or retail) SAC as users connect to the metropolitan wastewater system for the first time or as a user's potential or peak sewage increases. The MCES (or wholesale) SAC is paid to the Council on the same basis. The SAC funds we coAect pay for the reserve capacity (unused) portion of the capital costs of the metropolitan wastewater system as specified in Minn. Statutes section 473.517 (3). If you have any financial questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 602-1196. For SAC procedural questions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the SAC procedure manual on our web site at: www.metrocouncil.orgJenvirorunent. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Cr� ason M. Willett MCES Finance Director cc: Building Inspec6ons Deparhnent Jessie Nye, Administrarive Technician, MCES wwwmetrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North . St. Paul, MN 55101-1505 •(651) 602-1000 • FaY (651) 602-1550 • TTY (651) 291-0904 An F= ^t Opportv.ruty Emptoyer