224222 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK °`" ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY t. COMMISSIONE OATF Ji]rie 2�+� �-�,5 RESOLYED, That the Council hereby approves the awaxd. o� the Purcha,sing Comnittee therefor, and hereby awa.rds contract for f'urnishing and delivering to the Depar�ent of Public Works, Bureau of' Municipal Tquipmsnt, 8gl North Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota,, TFro Wayne Model 2-980, �+2 C'd. Yd. Se7�'-propelled Street SFreepers, to AQTT, �i]IPMENT� INC. in. accorcis,nce with City speci�ications -therefor hereto at�tached and the Forma,l Bid #1302 of said Ea.11 Equipment, In.c., at a cost of $27,350.00 less ,-- - - allc�wance of $9,860.00 for Two 1955 Elgin Street King Sweepers each ha,ving one container, Serial H-1096, City �808 and Serial 1165, City #809, to be taken in trade, � malcing net amount of contract $17,�+90.00, such bid be3.ng the lowest and said Iia11 Equ3.pment, Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder a.nd the' Corporation Counsel be and hereby is d3.rected to dxaw up the proper foxm o� contract t,herefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contra.ct on behalf o� the City of Saint Pau1. Formsl Bid #1302. � JU{� 2 91965 COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish JUN 2 91965 /, Approved 19— Loss - Favor Meredith � Pete rs on MAyOr A gainst ��'H - ; ; Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED JUL 3 �9� �o� �z � . _.._ DUrLICATL TO MINTtR 2����2 � CITY 4F ST. PAUL couNCa r OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�r�c nr COMMISSIONF� DA� JL� 'P.�= Z�1� RFSOT�D, 'xh�,� the COUnQ�.l h�re'bY �pz�ves the a�tard o�' fi.he �.u�cha.��ng Co�mitte� '�.erefort �xl.c� �reb�r aw�x�.e ao2�'kx�'� for �.u�nish3.n� ea�d d�13V`�t�ing tq tt�e �ent. 4�' Public! Wox'�� Bu,���t n�' �c3.p�,.1. Squipa�ent� 891 �o�i De.le �ti��� Sai,�$ Pau1� �i��ata� 'I�ro 'Ke�ti,e �lodsl 2-960, � ��.. Xd. Se�f'-P�opei�.ec� St�t �►re�pex�, �to HALL �,,'►�I�i`.�� If�. � �.ccarde.nce �r�.th City �pe�ificat3.ons there�or herato att�,ohed and �e Faz�a3. Bid �1302 of $a�d Ba11 �qpipm�nt, T�c., a� �, cost af �27,35b.00 ]�es� a1l.awan�e o� �g,$60.00 �or T�rfi 1955 �l.g�n Stxee� R3.ng 9Fre�p�rs � hav3n�g o� con�ain.erD SerS�.l H-1096� Ci'l�Y �$08 ar�d 8er1.e.2. a.�.65, C3'tY �849, to b� 'take,�t � �ra,de� �ak3.ng n,$t a�zmt of contrac� $17,�+90.Q0, �uc}� bid beSng the la�gt and sa�.d $a1.1. �g,u.�pm�enti Znc. being a �asq�.abZe �,nd x�e��.ble bidde� end -�.e Corpor�.tion. Cou�l be and here'by 3.s al.irect,� -� c�raast u� the px�oper �'oxm o� cc�.tr�.ct there�or, a,�d � praper Ci�Ly o��3.c3r�.7.s here'by axe authq�Szec7, to �u� sa,�.d contrac� c�a. '�eha�.f o� �he City of �at�at Pa�.l.. For�a,l 8id �].302. J�+l 2 91965 COUNCILD�N Adopted by the Council Y9_ Yeas Nays JUN 2 9 1965 Dalglish aII Approved 19— Loss � Tn FAVOr Meredith Petersoa , � MSyor _ A g'gjllgt sen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioi[ sas