224205 � � ��� � �-- � - - ' j� " - ��--, �r :. �. - � � � 2242�5 . FINAL ORDER . - � �°��L ��.� N°. - , � . . . �� - - � � File No. �7720 ' In the Matter of r�aon�truc�i�►g the �ide�,alk on the no�th sid4 of Wyo�i.ug $treet � • £raa ChQro&d� A'venue to Ottaw� Aveaue mna �y a��:�g a�Z oth�r aark which i� aec�eeary amd incidmuCal ro catiplete a�tid i�aprovemenr_ � � - � _ . . . ! . . c - � . 1. _ . under Prelimina,ry Order - z23(�+3 approved Agril 21, 1965 �, Intermediary Order approvec� . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council , having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and�having fully considered , � the same; therefore, be it- � , RESO'LVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is - _ � ,- - to recoaekruct .the eid�walk on the ucrt� aide pf �joming �i�reet fro� Cheroke� Avenue to Ottawa Avenue �nd bg doi�� mll othex r�ork wbich ie �tecesssr"y and�incidental to �• � . , compl�te said� impr�ve�ent, e�c�pt where ,gooci. and suff�,cient. Bidewalks aow, e�iat � , _ - - , . . ;,'� ` .• , �' - . . : . � - _ _ � � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. . - � RESOLVED FURTHER,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and.is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council,for � approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ . � courrca.MEN - �. - � -� � - JUN 2�91966 - � _ � . - < < � Adopted by the Counc�l Yeas Dalgfish Nays - , � � . , . �Ffiatlarnl'� � � - . Approve JUN 2 9 �9� Loss ' � - • Meredit#� � l� � , • -Petersor� V Tn Favor • � ,Roser� _ , _ ` . � Mayor - Vavoulis ' '�� - PUBLISHED �UL � �g� , _ ~ Against . . . ..._' � 6-68 2M" 8� R-1 ' ° '. � , '. � � .r � z: `ti �_.. .. �.. --. Dist. No. 3 . � � . .. N.S. Wyoming St. - Cherokee Ave. to Ottawa Ave. ��� D ��� ��s , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS �� ��-�j� v REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Apr. 23rd.. 19 65 � To the Co�issioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 223043 approved April 21st. 19 65 relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the north side of W oming St, from Cherokee Ave, to Ottawa Ave. and bv doin� all other work which is neceasa and incidental to _ comolete said imurovement. and haning invest�.gated the mattera and things referred to therein, hereby reporta: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3:80 pex l�.n. ft�. for etandard aidewalk 6.ft. wide. 2•. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a . part thereof. ���.�2�?93031 ��,� 3. Initiated by the Commissione �bf Pub]��c�Works� X � P�� �O `�� ,4i Improvement is asked for up �pet�t�fSg�v � . G R��,p'S• �� �., , rdl� .�,1� �«yt 51���'� De�uty Commi�ssioner Commissioner of Public Works