224189 ORIGIN/L TO CITY CLERK - 2241�9 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEH RAL FORM �RESENTED dY � COM M I S51 O N E DATF _ W�R�, t�he City of St. Pav1, Burean of Hee,].th ha.e ent�red into an agreement �i.th the Q. 8. Pablic Hea].th Serrice to eamduat a Conge�ti�re Heart ?eilnre Symposium thraug�i a �e8eral • Stste graat, held at the �osry Hotel on �ane 4�h aad 5th, 1�65, anEf. 1f1i��A8, an amcunt ot $2,5Q0 l�ee been snthorised 1�y the II. S. Pnblic Hea�.�h Serri.ce, =or �Ihich the Barega of HeaZth is soting as a di.ebar�iag agent, and �F�AB, it wae aeceaeary to employ the �ertfee� of 18 doctor�, rho are ozperts in the field of c�rd,i.ac failure, ts d.eliver speeches oa �arfons aepects of the st�y; be it here'by �SOZS�D, 'II�t the Coaacil of �he City of St. Pea�7. here'bbr . anthoMae p�yyment oi the honorarinms and other ezpeaeea incnrred ia aonneotion �ith the symposiwa, eaid espeneea to be paid trc� - t}�e Specia'! Pro3eats �n8 �,230 • 269. ,,� • - ' �,. > COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci �� 2 51965 �9— Yeas Nays Dalglish � � �� l�,,rj ,�s� Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn FSVOI' Meredith Petetson � ' �AyOr Rosen A$au�st JUL 3 1�� PUBLISHED Mr. President, Vavoulis ---- iont e.sa DUrLIWWC TO rItINT[R } CITY OF ST� P�4UL FO�UNCIL N� t� OFFI�E OF THE �ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLl1TION—GE�IERaL FORM IRESENYED �Y COMMISSIONE� � ���� _._.DAT� -- 1l��r the L��.tT ot` $+�. Fan3 fi E�r��►n oi SNa7.th has int�rac'�� �.�.23'�b � 7tgX'l1�1� 1I�.� � �� $.. �R�l�ll� ���1 $�T�.O� �i0 �0�'F�t � �utiv+� �ea�c'� ]�.1u�s �orl,�m hhrongh +� 7'��ral - �twt,� �i. h�l.d st '� S,Qw�' �ot►�1 0� ?�� �'�t a.nd jth� iq�. �1. ��A.�, � �s�� d�' $���(9 �e►�o b� �a�or3sed �p►` ths V. S, P�.b�,3� �e�,1,� ���vic�� �4� ���h the �a� of H�►]:t�h !.r at��3n�,� a�� a �.4.��in� ��n'�� ��zd ��AS r i� �� �eC�s�►�► ta �a�r th� ��rr�eis ��` �� �.v���ztik� �+h4 �a ��p�lrts �n �hs �i�ld dt' c�d�.o fsi�.t�rR � d�lir�� �eecb.e� a� �ra.�►io� �spe��� a� t� st�t� '�a �.t hsr�fi� . ���'(t�D� �ha� �'�e �la�a�� ai thr p�,ty a� ��� 3� h�r�l� a��hok'tst� ga�o,sn� o� th� Y►onoi�r�'aaep at�d oth�� �psa��r #u�nrx� !� t�s�an��ot9�o�a �r�:th t'�� �����.u�, �+.ia +��nss; to '!» ps�d tra� - th� $p��f�.7. Px�n,�ea��e � �3.�c? ;� �69. JUN 2 5 � COiJNCILI�N �� A�o�ted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dal�glish i�� �i� �Q� Hollaud ApproveFf � 19— r ' Loss In F'3v��' Meredith � — Petersofl �Syor A gains t Ro W en ' Mr. President, Vavoulis � � , � � t io� aas � r � 1