224185 ` - 224.��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK :_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � , COMMISSIONE DATF ,i R�SOLVED� That the one and one-half story frame building and shed on I,ots 10 through 15� Block 6� Rice Street Vi11as� according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also described as 1575 Woodbridge Street� in Saint Paul� are� by reason of their structural condition� unsafe and dangerous to life� limb and adjoining property; that said structures are incapable of reasonable repair� replacement or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe� and should be wrecked and removed from said land; a.nd it is ordered that said structures be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner� occupan.t� or other person in control thereof. F OVED As t. rporation Courlsel r JUN 2 51965 COUNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,��'��I �51965 Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Loss � Tn Favor ' Meredith � y Peterson � � �"�' t �AyOr ,� A►g8iri3t ...,. � �e�asca- - ���������y}�=:�q �UBLISNED �u` � 19� � L. a::s::ree:e9Ee9E.3:�:9:9se9E::�::.�hi1 I�r.��ce President (Rnsen) DUrLICA7�C TO rItINTtR ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�HCa NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM n��r,�fl nr , COMMISSIONEe n�ta RESOLVED� That the one and one-hal�' atory frame build3ng �nd shed on Lots 10 through 15� Bloak 6� Rice Street villas, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Reg�.ster of Deeds of �amsey �ounty� Minnesota� also described as 1575 Woodbridge Street� in 8aint Paul, ere� by reason of their struetural Qondition� unsafe and dangerous to life� limb and ad�oining property; that s4id struetures are in��pable of rea�onable repair� replaQement ot remodeling so na to make �he same reasonably safe� and should be wrecked and removed ., from saicl land; and it i�s ordered that said struc�ures be forthxith wreeked and removed 2'rom $aid land by and at the separate eost and expense of the owner� ocaup�nt� or c�ther persofl in con�rol thereof. � .�UN 2 51�65 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y�as rrays ��� 2 5 3��� Dalglish Holland Approvpd 19— Loss Tn FSVOr Meredith Peterson ,� MAyOr �sra� A S��t E.���5..�'.'..'t,.'....�8.,.,�t�t:���� Mx'. Vice President�(Rosen) iox e-0s