06-1060Council File # Q�_ /d� Substitute - 11/22/06 Green Sheet# RESOLUTION � CI OF NT PA-UL, MINNESOTA - Presented by Resolution to support the PROTECT Minnesota Campaign 2 4 WIIEREAS, all Minnesotans — adults and children — have the right to be safe at home, at school, and in 5 their communities, and 7 WHEREAS, those who own or sell guns have a responsibility to make them inaccessible to those who 8 would not or cannot use them responsibly, and 9 10 WHEREAS, loopholes in current Minnesota laws have made it too easy for prohibited buyers, including 11 teenagers, to illegally obtain handguns on the street, through ads in the newspaper, intemet, and at gun 12 shows from unlicensed dealers; therefore be it 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council supports the PROTECT Minnesota Campaign in their 15 efforts to educate Minnesotans on ways to prevent gun injuries and deaths, and to store firearms safely; and 16 be it 17 18 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports the PROTECT Minnesota Campaign in 19 their efforts to prevent illegal access to guns through background checks for gun sales and transfers, to 20 identify the sources of crime guns, and to stop the illegal trafficking of guns in our communities. Requested by Department oE � Adopted by Council: Date � �� /G�/o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: _ r' Approved� Date By: �� Form Approved by CiTy Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d6 � �� Contact Person S Phone: Jay Benanav must ae on 22-NOV-O6 Doc.Type; RESOLUTION Date In'ttiated: ,��� �� Assign (Date): Number � For Routing Order E-0ocument Requiretl: Y DocumentConfact CarolB�cemiami Contact Phone: 26Cr8643 Totai # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034594 0 IComcil 1 oonc� De artmen[ Direct r 2 ' Clerk GS Clerk The St Paul City Council supports t6e Twin Cities Miilion Moms in their efforts to prevent illegal access to guns through background checks for gun sales and t[ansfers, to identify the sources of crime guns, and to stop the illagal hafficking of guns in our communities. Planning Commission t. Has this persor✓firtn e�ervroiiced undera contract forthis tlepartment? CB Committee Yes No Ciul Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? , Yes h10 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by arry curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Probiem, fssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantapes HApproved: Disativantages IfApproved: DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Trdnsaction: FundinA Source: Finan cial Information: (Explain) CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: November 95, 2006 2:10 PM Page 1 Council File # ��°ID/pp Green Sheet#3034594 by RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 Re lutio�n to support Twin Cities Million Moms PROT`ECT Minnesota Campaign 2 3 4 WHEREAS, a Minnesotans — adults and children — have the right to be safe at home, at school, and in 5 their communiti , and 6 7 WHEREAS, those o own or sell guns have a responsibility to make them inaccessible to those who 8 would not or cannot u them responsibly, and 9 10 WHEREAS, loopholes in ent Minnesota laws have made it too easy for prohibited buyers, including ll teenagers, to iliegally obtain dguns on the street, through ads in the newspaper, internet, and at gun 12 shows from unlicensed dealers; erefore be it 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Cit oi 15 educate Minnesotans on ways to preve ; 16 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint P 18 efforts to prevent illegal access to guns th 19 the sources of crime guns, and to stop the 1 supports the Twin Cities Million Moms in their efforts to injuries and deaths, and to store firearms safely; and be it City Council supports the Twin Cities Million Moms in their � background checks for gun sales and transfers, to identify g trafficking of guns in our communities. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Dep�ment oE � Form Approved by City Attomey � Form Approved by Mayor for Submission By: