224177 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLEAIC� w ' 2 2 4�►�� �,, " CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � ` ' COMMISSIONE DATE JI,�� 2�, 1965 ' , RE50LVED, That the purchasing Agent be and he is h exeby authori.zed with the consent of the Gomptroller to issue Purchase �rder to GF�TETNLR CORPGRATION for One Gestetner Dupl.icatar Biodel i�360 Ser� 8B72S9 at a cost of $697�50 without competitive bids pursuant to Section 290 of the Charter of the Citq of St,� Paul as this equipment is gatentedp Code 07�.0-�01 P�R&PB !."�d` ,: - - �P. _:_:>.e:,�c�:I APPR TQ FQRMS �#PPROVED: �,° , �'.�- .,,.r:..•,�i'ca. ) , � �.�� �_ SISTANT PORATION COIINSEG CO:I'�TROLLIIi '1- -`�' �`"y'°.='i+`"`x`i� , - � �..c�%i� � CHP�SING IAGENT. � , - � JUN 2 51�5 COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays gA Dalglish ' ' `�V� �°5 � Holland Approve� 19— Loss Favor _ Meredith , Pete rs on � MAyOr Rosen ' Aga�gt ` ., J�L 3 1� ' Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED , ti ions e-aa _ DU�LICAT6 TO MINTSR , 2�4�►�� , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM /�ESENTED �Y JiniB 34�� 1965 COMMISSIONE� DA� ��EVYDi That th� purcl�rinp� M�ent be and he is h�roby suthorl.�sd rith tha Qonr�nt ot th� Cowptroller to �s�ue �urcl�es Qrd�r t.o ��TB�tE� daRP01tAT�QN tar Qns t�st�tn�r bu�liaator �oc1N1 ��90 �r� 8H7Z8� at a cosL o! �ED7��J0 without oo�►�t�ti�►� bids pursl�nt to S�ation �i0 ot t� Cha�E�r o� tl� C1tp oi �t„ P�ani aa thi� �qtti.�en� is pe�t�ated� Code 0710 801 Pl�1t�F� A�, �1[s � AP'P�dV�'bt � _ . -- 1 � ABSIBT�iN� Idi OOUli�ffi. C�+1°�O�L�lt " �` �`e��:%�� H�IH(3 Aa�,ttT. �M J UIV �5 �6 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays �UN �,,,�j '��� Dalglish- ` ' Holland Approv� 19— Los s ti Favor Meredith Peterson �yOr OAgainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-�