224174 ORIG^�PlAL TO CITY CLHRK 2241�4 � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ :i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COEMM SS�IONE pA� J11116 ZrJ� ]�6'rJ , RESOLVED, That the Counc�l hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Cflmmittee theref�r and hereby awards contract far a two-wap P.adio 5ystem for the Department ( of p ublic Utilities, Eighting Bureaa to B�OTOROI�ACOA�UNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS, InC. in accordance with City apecifications therefor heroto attached and the Formal Bid #1303 of said Adotor�la Communications 80. Electronics, Inc. for the contract price of $4980„00 sach bid being the loroest and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable one and the Corporation CounseZ be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract there�or and the pro�yer Citq officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City �f St. gaul. Forma7. Eid #1303. - �yN 2,51965 ' COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays JUN 2 5196�i Dalglish ' Holland Appr ved 19— Los s � Tn Favor Meredith ` Peterson �) . �AyOr �Ag81I13t �f � . Rosen *r��- Mr. President, Vavoulis �� � PUBLISHED o�UN �� 99� io� e-as DUrL(FAT[TO rRINTLR ^����y� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL NO � � o ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM COMM�ISS�IONEe DA� �0 �� �� �I�U�V�D, Th�st �ht C�unc31 hsreby apncur� iri #h� a�rci oi� �hs Con�r�ot Coe�itt� �h�x�►for and h�r�bq �ard� contraot !or a �-way i�di� Sys�an �or th� Dsps�n� flf �+ublic Vtilit3ea, �Li�t� &ir�uu t4 �IOT�O�OTL1Caif�7HICATIOt� 4 �CT�trC�� IbiC. in �toctirdanc� with Cit� �p�cifica�idna Ich�re�'or heroto Attaeh�d and the �`ors�tl �3d A►1909 o� �id 1��r�korola Co�unioatibne � �l.�ctrbn3cs� Inc. !or t� �qutraot price o� ;'j680•t� su�h b3d be�n� tI� �.orte�s� grtd ��d b3ddvr being a rsaaonribl� a�nd rel�iaibls oao and . the Corpora�tion Coun�i be and lx�r�by io dirac�ted #o draw up ti�r proper tor� oi contr�►ct the�re�e►r and tha pr�r City ottia�3s �sr�by ar� �authori.�d to �a0sc3u�� �raid oo�ntr�tct t�n b�ha�li oY the City ot �t. psu1. �`os�al Hid X1�09. ` COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Councit +��N 2 5 �965 19— Yeas Nays �v� �,, rJ �.7� Dalglish Holland Approrpd 19— Loss Tn F'gVOY Meredith Peterson � MSyOr against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e.�s