224173 � \ � 224.1.'�3 ORIG1�f1L TO CITY CLENK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO _ f` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY 1 ^ COMMISSIONE DAT� .. In the matter of improving JACKSQN STREET from �larner Road to Fourth Street, WARNER ROAD-SHEgARD ROAD from Robert Street to 700 feet east of Sibleq Street and SECOND STREET from Jackson Street to Sibley Street, by grading, paving, curbing; by constructing and reconstructing sidewalk; by reconstructing the intersecting street and driveway retums; by constructing and reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. � Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement „ !�/U-�' � ��,19� � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J�� �51965 Dalglish Holland � Approved 19_ . Loss Tn Favor Meredith ' Peterson h� �AyOr V A►g8iI1St ��t.:�::::�:• �°��:::-�:: .:=:'s��i� '.: ± pUBtISHED JUN 2 6 'lyb� �;� . . . . ...as�n) h �> 10�1i V682� P�,..,:',�, ��r„ onl , c DUrLICA}[TO rRINT[R ��4��� 9L L� , CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� ' � In th� rattar of isprrnrin� J�CK�E►lt �TAffi�T froa '�arnar Aoad to �'otarth �trest. iiA�NSR �OAD-�ARD �t1AD #ro� Rob�rt �tr�at to yQ0 gaaC east of �ibl�� �tree� �aad 8�('AllD BTREiT frc�w Jaekson �trest to Sibl�y SCrast, by gr�dingb. pav3,ng� curbin�g; by cons�ructing and r�c�netrt�e�ing aidwallc; bq reeonatrnctin� th� iators�ating stra�e and drivaxay raturns; by con�t�ctin� aad rrconstnscting stosti �+at�r draina�s facilitiec; by aon�tru��i�ng aerrar, Matar and gas ssrvica, cAnr�ac�ivn�; mnd by doing all otber Mork �ich is nac��sas�r and, inc3.d�ntal Co c�plate eaid iaprov�ene. � �esolved, That tha plans aad ap�ai�icatior�s for �� abova n,nE�d i�eprovnaent �s subaitted by t}� CoMissionar �f 8ublic 'Vorko, ba and the aame sre hnraby approv�d, and Ba it further� &esol�ed, �I�t the Purchasfn� A�ant be emd het i� hareby dtrectQd to adverti�e for bids on this ieproves�nt , � � � � � c`� \ JUN 2 519� COUNCILIv�N � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � p' Dalglish ��1� !�+5 19�� Holland � Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson `� - �AyOr �� �Ag81Il3t �����#i�;e��°•ifi3[��i� ..............................o......o. Mr. Vice President (Itosen� lOM 66f