06-106Committee: Date Green Sheet# Presented By: Referred To: i z 3 a 5 6 7 8 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota State Fair to use a portion of the watkways at the Goliseum on the fairgrounds for training purposes, which includes an indemnification clause, as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and of record in the O�ce of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: i� Approval Council File # by Director of Financial Services: � Adopted by Council: Date � �. �G� r/ Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � �•. � i RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I Z . �o� 3�29331 Form A ov d by City Attorne � By: Approved for Submission to Council: By: � Greerr Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 01„.- ini. Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: s v � FR -F;� a���,-06 Green Sheet NO: 3029331 Contact Person 8 Phone: Denartrnent SeM To Person 1nRiaUDate Keith Morehead � 0 ire '� 644-9133 (�� 1 ir De artment Direc[or � Must Be on Councii qgenda by (Date): Number 2 ; Attornev Fof 3 a or's Office MavodAssi tant Routing Order 4 o ncil 5 i Clerk � Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) '° ' Action Requested: �A' �4 gnn� � Approval of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to enter ah eefiseht��i the Minnesota State Faa to use a portion of the walkways at the Coliseum for training pmposes. �-,. �,_ ��£�;�:�<• � �t��s� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �, ���s pecson!£rtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has Ihis personffirm ever been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Fire and Safety Services, Training Division uses the wallcways at the Coliseum on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds for training purposes of the new firefighters. The ageement time period is November 1, 2005 Uuough Mazch 31, 2006. AdvantageslfApproved: The Depaziment of Fire and Safety Services will be able to use the walkways at the Coliseum for haining purposes. �`> �- , �� �°' � e�� �R� Disadvantaqes If Approved: '�'�� � �vone. ��' ` ���� . JAN 1' 20Q5 �� . �.."�v -._ ,r_'. � �r� �. ;.��:�. � Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Department of Fue and Safety will not be able to use the walkways at the Coliseum for training putposes. Total Amount of 25 Cost/Revenue Budgeted: @._ � p��� Trensaction: �,� � , Fundinst Source: General Fund Activitv Number: 05100 Fi nancial Information: ��� � 2 ���� (ExPfainj �8�� ��� � @ � �� � J7f � �� �x �" MINNESCTA STpTE .� �� � t � ��� ± * 17 f � ,�- THE 6REAT MINNESOTA GET-TOGETHER TWELVE UAYS OF FIIN ENDING LABOR DAY Kefth Morehead Training Chief, St. Paul Fire Department 1683 Energy park Drive St. Pauf, MN 55705 O � .�r December 22, 2005 � � � BY THIS qGREEMENT, the Minnesota State Fair authorizes St. Paui Fire DepaRment (User) use of a parL'or� �the waikways in the Coliseum on the fairgrounds. The purpose ofthis usage shall be fortraining during the foliowing dates: November 1, 2005 — March 31, 2006 Remuneration: $25 due and payable u{ion signing of this agreement Speciat Conditions: Coliseum will not be available for training on certain days because of other activities taking place in the buiiding. User is advised to contact the Coliseum to confirtn availability. participants under this agreement will be required to sign in at the Coliseum office upon arciva�, User will be responsibie for any and aIl costs incurred by the Minnesota State Fair as a result of this usage, i�cfuding but not limited to aU property loss,or damage to State'Fair property caused directly or indirectly by User, its contractors, agents, guests, employe8s, participants or attendees. _ _ .. ._, _ _ _ .... . By signing this agreement, User shall defend, indemni{y and hold hartnless the State of Minnesota, Political subdivisions of the State (Minnesota State Fair, Minnesota StaYe Agricultural Society) and their officials, employees and agents with respect to any Gaims, demands, actions, damages, coy� and expenses resulting from any error, omission, toR or other negtigent act, error or omission of the tlser, its officials, employees, agents, subcontractors or sub-subcontractors at any Ievel. However, the USER shall not be responsible for the negligent aets, errors or omissions of the State of Minnesola, Politicai Subcfivisions of the State, or their ofiticials, empioyees or agents. MINNESOTA STATE FAIR BY: Even upe isor DATE: J�•�'05 BY: DATE: BY; DATE: BY: "The undersigned understands and agrees to the terms of this agreemenY' St. Paul Fire Chief DiFector of Financial Services City Attomey DATE: . 1265 North Snelling qvenue * St Paul, MN 55108-3099 *(651) 288-4400 �c FAX (651) 642-2440 * TfY (651) 642-2372 E-mail: fairinfo@mnstatefair.org * web: www.mnstatefair.org �