224167 `�, ``i T �d.d E��.1� QI�If�INAL TO CITY CLHRK �, -- '"�- r ' CITY OF $T. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY �i�fi`sl��►.., COMMISSIONE DA� R.ESOLVED, by the Council of the City of �aint Paul� that Chapter 793, Laws of Minnesota for 1965� approved the 25th day of May� 1965� entitled: "AN ACT REZATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT FAUL AND AUTHORIZING TfiE GO�TERNING BODY OF �AID CITY TO MAKE EMEAGENCY APPROFRIATIONS." a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said , Act hereby is in all things approved; RE�OLVED �TRTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of �aint Paul, shall forthwi�h file with the Secretary of �tate a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential fact�s neeessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. FORM APPROVEDf ' psst, cortporation Cvunsel JUN 2 41965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� ���� Dalglish Holland pproved 19— Loss � Tn Favor . Meredith � Peters on � MByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED JUN 2 6 �����' ion� e-da ' '� �' _ 2�4�.6"� DUrWGAT!TO rRINTER " . J CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONER DATF - RESOLVPD� by ths Council of the City of Saint Paul� that Ch�pter 793, T,a�rs of Minnesota for 1965� approved the 25th d�y ot' May� 1965, entitledz "AN ACT RELATIftG TO TSE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL AND QUTHORIZTNQr THE ROVERNTNQr 80DY OF SAID CITY TO MAKE EI�;RGENCY APPROFRIATZONS." a c�rtified aopy o�' whiQh ia �iled herewith� shall be and aaid Act hsrsby ia in all things appro�red; RESOLYED PURTHER that the City �lerk� aa ths chi�f clerical officer of s�tid C�ty of Saint Fau1� �hall forthwith file with the Searetary oF �State a certi�ficate in form prssaribsd by the At�orn�y f�eneral stating the �sssntia]. facts necessmry to said approval of said Act her�under and including a aopy of thia resolution of approval of sa�,d Aat. �UN 2 419�i6 COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays , �U� a�� 1n�� Dalglish � � Holland � Approv� 19— Loss ' Tn FaVOr . Meredith Pete rs on � MAyOr A g�aiIlSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis / ion� �s � �� /,. /� :� ,�.• t.- � ��� �.. ,-,�.. t �T � � �"" r �., ` !) I�r' �f 3 � Y. '� w��� 't s ���. r 9 j r � ��� '•�:; '�� .:> ,; ',�- �131�TI;���ral��:l.=1�r�� C��� .:�_�f�l�:������ ��:��:�, �� �' ..� �1k^.��3V�t�b�1f� .�,• ,:.+•.: ��.:,y.n�- � �*, .;�:� �°,� i�'� � �' ��� _: � � ��,p E M I NHFSD , - �� ��'� � �S�a`- �,. � �',� �� � �-,V/' -��'�`���. 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'3 .�c� �' � � � - -. � ��' �� __ � :.3 � � :- �� �C� - L� '- -z� � .. _ � � �- � � .- �, / / ' / I I'/ / ' I / /� ' / / I I ' / � . ���q �1-. �`u^ - __' �r 4� . -;`-� .� '�\ `\: � � i i r� i � -- � ``\\ ; .;1. .. �.�� ,.� � , _ � \`/j /�`�. . �.� :.•�� i i i i i� i �i i � _ � �!' � � ��\j ✓�\ i i i r i '� � � _ � =J ='l, _ � � �� _ � -_ � _ :. .:.= _` . ^ i i � ' 6a "� ' ' i` ^ �` � , • • ju� ti�.^� �\ a : • .. / � -_ � r ,,t` t. . ; �' � � '�� ' , �" � - ~,/ ♦ ; 1� _ � ����,•��` - �` o�', '-' i' �✓ ���.� ``�{ ' ����1�, - ` � �, � --- __ __ __ i � � i� <�� �:�::� � ��a::�,��� �;,�� ���s �����������.���,,�� ����������� ��,����� � �,�����'� :' � ` -�' '`� � ,. ;, ,, `�'�' � � i. �������� ,������ i_r�. r,. . .� . _ , : r. � � , , - . , � � _ �: �;, a , ' • .� .,, - `' �,� r• ' �. . , . � , . . . - - - •. . . .,. _. - , s� l 1 . �, j • , � , S.F. No. 2027 • , -- /� � - ��� CHAPI'ER Nw , ��► '�9��- � R.LATING TO TH� CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND _ � ' . T AUTHORIZINC THE GOVERNINC BODY OF SAID � CITY TO MAKE EMERGENCY APPROPRIATIONS. • BE IT F,NACTc.D BY THE LEGTSLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: � • " Section l. Notxi.thsLanding any provision of' the � � ' � , charter of the city of Saint Paul to the contrary, in the event of destructiorL,of or in�ury td public buildings or ' ,?� r' _ . - structures by fire, flood, tornadoea, or other elemeetal ' causes, or of the invasion or threatened invasion of the � , . ' city by epidemic or contagious diseases, xherein the funda • ' .. � . , . aporopriated for any of the purposes above provided for becone inadequate properly to protect the public interests, - the council, when duly� advised, during the absence of one . of its ner�bers from Ramsey county or when one of thermembera • of the council is physically or mentally incapacitate.d for � ' any reason to properly discharge the. duties of his oTfice, � � may, by an affirrtiative vote of sia members thereof, have the . � �'y . power to authorize the mayor and comptroller to borrox ' • tenporarily and upon such terms as the council naq prescribe . such sum or sums of money as the council may deters,ine to be ' • necessary to meet such emergency, •and to execute and deliver " � � to the party or parties making such loan such notes, bonds., _ , , or other evidence of indebtednesa as the council a�r prescribe. �The payment of such temporary loans shall be � ' • ' ,� ,provided, for either by issuing bonds. therefor or by Cax - levy within one year from the date of such loan. All acts ' . of the council under this section musb be approved Dy the ' � _ mayor and�tt�e comptroller by signing 'and countersigning the ,._ ,, , . . resolution or resolutions by. which.such action is Laken, and � - _ • , , � , ; if such resolution or resolutions are no$ so a�gned and � • ' I� . , ~ .�_ , . I � . . ` �� , _ - .. " _.� .._ • . • . � ' j. ' ' � . � t � . .� f �. _ _: ; :. .� _ - _- - �. . ; ' : � �, _ , � - . . . �...'..-,-.ri-�.- .._.---w-r--�•-�--�-.-;..>...---..-_-.�-�.,.. - _,.--....�..�...._...�-z�_ ---_-�-�---.`- - - . . _-,-_-�------ ; ; ' , , • �' ' . • . ' - <� . . . _ . . � - ,� . � � _ . . .. . • - . ; - � `• ♦._....za;,,a�r.�.�Y.,....r,'r_k_,.-.t�_....1�..�,a.L.iik-.eln,e�t�,tacazen-.:����..i�_....s:.7-t�u�a._'...e=twi.:.11uv�rJAY..::J:.:o�..1'.:�SC:a...y�::t���-.a.�.� - � � ,r . , ' � ' . ,, �,—� � . '� ". , N �� �� ,�, ' . , , • 4' y , i F:: _. � � ' .. . . .. .�.. r _ _♦ � ,. . . � . 1l . � . '' . � ' �� - . i ' . . • , , S.F. No. 2027 countersigned, they shall be void and of no effect. � - - Sec. 2. The uuthority and powera herein conferred • � �. _���~�W shall be in addition to the powers and authority conferred , upon ,the conncil•by the charter of the city. . . . / ' . � ' - Sec. 3. Ttiis act shall become effective only after ..� � Sts approval by a ma�Ority of the governing body of the city _� , . . _ , .i . , ._ __ - �of Saint Paul and upon Compliance wiLh the provisions oT , � � • Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021�.- ' ' �, ,.�� , _-- .. . ' • � , , ', . " � u� I ' - '_ ,i• ,, < ,". ,1 �/��� :' . - .._ ' ,- - -- _ , � _ � - _� --- ---"'-` . . President• ef �he Senate. � , •� . - "- " • y� Speaker of the Hou o R pres tativea Y � a . . • , ' � ; ' . w- . . • , � . _ , Passed the Senate this 15th day of May in the year oP Our . • � ° , _ Lord one thousand nine hundred and aixty-five. ' — • i i • � - . --- , - ' . . • _, :, - � - - ' - �_- --� - � ,- r_- ' - _ • I ' I � Se e y� ���i ' � .'• �� • , • � - Passed the House oP Representatives this 21st day ,of Ma -- � � in the year of Our Lord one thoueand nine •hundred`and .�I�, __ . sizty-five. , - .� , ' ' � I - - - � - � h � - �� _ . . . �� , .__ .� � , -- - ; . � � . - � -; ` • Chief Clerk, e of Repre tativea. � �� - • • • 1_ •- i.: �-- - - • - _ '__ _.-- - - � - - ' � ' , . . �' . � - � APProved �.5�1965- . " ' � � i�.�, , - _ � . _ .. ', i • - ' � - - .; _.- . , _• -_- . . -- � . • i i�•I ; ___ - � • . LTitiC �, �' f - . .. , , . • �� . I' � - . (3overnor oF°the State of Minnesota: - : �� _ . Filed ��• 1965� � . � �' I• _. . - TM. � �r�. •- - • . . 4- . ' _ _- .- ..�.�—• ' � . ... � . �I. � • u E � , - -- ��-�`•• . � '. ' ecretary of the State of•Minnea,ota: � �� - • ' . '• • ' _ , . ; _ ._ 2_ . : � • .., _ . , ' -- �+'*'r'r^^---• ...� �._�.,_,-.,.-...._ ^ . . ..�..r..r-. �.•-r,r-..�-rr-• .�.r..rm-m•-^.^-++-�-.._.__.y.._.__�,.�.--�-•--.-n..�..� }s ' ' . ` p � . , . � . , - ,� • ' . ' . . � T • i,f._i2. , ,' l ' Y, n:.F,`,�• _:.F.'3"'`', =�Lir3. -tS.,:aii�l:L3h�'-'.' _ ' .SXILVMia��u4.aYYs+i.vlr+ �ai:�G:�x:s - ' .3J..i1wiLSi.+:�'.l',',"' "r.�.-' '—++s� - . � , ... Robert B. Gerber, Jr. ���`'T= ''.�r Albert B.Olson .' City Clerk and = � Coiancil Recorder Commissioner of Registration �� _ ,� . ,. ^ „• . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL , BURBAU OF RECORDS 38B City Hall St.Paul,Minneaota 6510� �T'une 28, 1965 ` ` � a � �1 � . � Hon. Joseph L. Donovan Secretary of State State Capitol . St. Paul, Minnesota ' . � Dear Mr. Donovan: " In compliance w3th Laws 1.959, Chapter 368, M. S. 1961, 645.021 or an�y other laws applicable, I enclose herewith for filing in your office, Certificate of Approval of the following special law by the governing body of the City of Saint Paul: Chapter 793 AIdT ACT RELATING 'N T� CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND AUTIiORIZING `I'HE GOVERNING BOI7Y OF SAID CI�C � MAKE II�FtGENCY APPROPRIA- TIONS. ' ry, truly yours �; L���. City Clerk �\ ng P.S. Vi11 you please acknowledge receipt of the Certif icate and resolution on this letter and return it to this office? STATE ��F M[NNE�O i A ` DSPASTM�r'�I L O� ST?1.'I'E � ij"� � r - JUL 1 - 1g6� ,�',,b,,�,�, �°�`..� �J' Se¢et�q of 5tate �22