224155 ORtGINAL TO CITY CLEHK �R��� J� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED 6Y N�i7.ton osen Publi rks June 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF � _ �ti�R�?S, By authority of the La.ws of T�'�in.nesota for the year"1959� Chapter 300� H. F. 217 a.nd ratified by C. F. No. 192216, approved Ma.�r 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul� may pa.y a portion of the assessable cos�s of Sidewalk Construction, when such costs ex- ceed the benefits to the property owner, � WHEREAS� It has been determined that the follow:i.ng described parcels of property be relieved of the following a.molants: Description Amount, The Ea.st � of Lots 1, 2 a.nd 3, Block 3� J. N; Rogers 9ddition � 209.3/� Except'Selby� Lot 1, Block D, Blocks E a.n.d D, Blvd. Addition 133.06 Lot 15� Block 12� Stinsons Blvd. 9ddition 157.g1� Lot 15, Block 6, Stinson Blvd. Addition 201.94 �Lot 27, Su�nit Ave. second. �ddition 217.1�5 Lot 1� �Dobson1s�Rearrangement 356.11 Lot 29� B1ock I�, gcadem.y Heights - 27.2� TOTgL $�1,303.02 , WI-�REAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pa.y is $1,3�3.02; now therefore be it, - . �.,.-:.�--- " ,, _ - . �.. . �- . •-_.._.__. ,. • RESOLVID� That the Commi.ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to � pa.y from the Perma.nent Improvement Revolving F4znd� Code 6000, the axnount of �1,303.02, � a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Constru.ction under the 1963 Sidewalk Con- tract 63-I�277, Levy No. 3, District No. 2, Ir6543, said Permanent Improvement Revolvi.ng fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Loca1 Improvement Aid F`und, 0920-701. (1965) �d . _F ��N �,� �� � COUNCILM�N A�o��ed k�y the Council 19— Yeas Nays *� ' � . _ __ _ Dalgllsh ' "'`� '. --t- �x--- - - ._ _ .__ _ _ -- _� J�� �,� 1� Holland A r-ved _ 19— Loss � Favor Meredith Pete rs oa V . �ayor A g8$'18t Rosen ' ^ Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis lon� e.� PUBLISHED ,�.N 2 6 1�� DUrLIGT[TCYHtINT[R ����_ .1� �l� r • CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � COM�MIbSIONEe �1'�5L�11 �r �lb�C Wb�£B p�� a�Lti18s, �.7�T� �� �y' �thqri�,,4 0� t}�s T,e�t� aP �so�. fb� the y�ear 1959� t�p�er 34E��,. H. P'f 2�? �x�d �ra.'�i��.ed by C. �'� �o� �.9�.ds �PP�'�r�d I�' 2, 1959, t� C3t�' of S�in� Fa.u�., �y' P�r � port� o� tY:e ��e�sai�7,e cba�s o� 33,d�]�c �trn��an�_ r�hen �uah ao�tas eoc�► aesd �e bem��s tc� �ae prop��ty� owner� �� Tt 2� bes� d�ter�l.aed th�� the follow�g do�csribed p�rcelm o� P�'�P��' 'be r�el�evac� o�' t�Oe �`o11Q�i3�g �'h,�s ne�pt�.ou �scntnt � .....�.... � �e,st �- af' 7�c� l�. 2 �. 3� B3.oc�ltt 3.� J� N. I�og�rs �dd�,ti4n � 249.34 �p'� �a].b��, Lo'� �.� �.4�3c �3 Bloo9ca � �nc� 1�� Blvd. Addit� �.33.06 I�ot 15s Bloek �2�,. S�i�on� B�vd�: A�dd�.ti� �.57.54 Lt�� �.5+ 81ock 6� Stins�n Blvd,� Add��Y,io�i 201•9� �+at 27E �.�'t dYe» e�coiad 1dd�,tic� 2�.7rt1�5 I�ot �.� �)ohaon t a Rearrengeme�� 356:71 Lo� 29,� B1ock 1,.R 1l�e� R���t�s ,,;��� �OfiAL �l.y303.02 WF�,� The �tot�. �otmt of aaee�s�,lk�.� ooste f,he a�.t� �y' p�►' �� f7.�303t0?,,. na�r �her�fc�rrca be �.t� RESQLV� �.t� t�he Ca�saianer aF P�tbSi� Wo�ke 'be and � is here't�t autY�oris�d to p�g fro� � �er�ne�n�, Ir�prov�t Aev�ol�g �� GocYe 6a0a� t�er �o�tmt 4f �i-,3�3.OQ� a port�.� oF the a.a�e��atale ao�ts o�' ��e�wa�3]c �e�at',3.on �cl�r t�e 19b3 �ide�3c Ga� �at b3�77�, �vY No. 3.� I3istrirst 1�0. �y i�►6�13�,, �a�d Pez�.n�nt rmprove�ant REVOlving �d #,c� bs reis�l7ars�d f'ro�► � C�.ty�� � ot Lno�.l. T�psove�e�it A�,d Ft�nd, 0920+±►'701�� (1965) � . ��N 2 � 1965 COUNCILI�N ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' naiglisb JllN �� 'f� Holland Approved 19._ Loss Tn Favor • ' Meredith Peterson f� �AyOr �igsinst Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis ioit sas