224142 ' • - 1 • ' �
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COUNG°iL FII.�N0. � '"
;; FINAL ORDER � �., �� �
. M BY
� . File No.�7728
In the Matter of cvt�structtng �nd/or recon�t�ructis�g the sidewalk on both sides of
: Tatu�s Str��ti fr�a ��y1or Avenue to Sawitt Avsntu �md '�iy dfling a11 other work which
� is neceesary and incida�nt�� to complate s�tid itaprav�eem�
t, � � � _ � �
°' under Preliminary Order �22697 approved Msrch �4, 19fi5
:�: . .
;R .
- Intermediary Order .approved �
� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
� , having hea.rd all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and�having fully considered
' - the same; therefore, be it
-� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
� - provement ta be made by the said City is
- to tonstruct aad��or recon�truct tlie aidew�2k oa �oth si.dea of Tstum 8treat �raa
�+aylor Avenu� te Beait� Avenu� �sn8 by doing all otbe�' �ork w�if.ch i� neca�sary �nd
ineide�nt�l to cosnplete seid improv�ent, e�ccapt where gaad a� su£ficieat aidew�Zke_ �
� no�a exieC . '
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. •
. RESOLVED FURTHE.R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
° approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the malflng of said improvement in accordance therewith. �uN 2 41� .
_ - Adopted by the Council
Yeas Dalglish� Na�s �N 2 4196� �
Holland Approve ,
Loss . - �
. Meredith� � � �
Pefersora , n Favor ,
Rosen ' � - Mayor
,Vavoulis �l `
_ ' ; Against _ Pl1Bl�SHED �UN 2� 19b'� .
6-68 2M 8� R-1 � _
` .� .. .- _ Dist. No. 1 Y �
*._ ` .,�.a. ` � . _ . �
_ B.S. Tatum St. - Taylor Ave. to Hewitt Ave. �1�����
r • � ���
April 28th. ],q 65
To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 222637
approved_ March 24th. 19 65 relative to construc`ting and/or recon-
structing the sidewalk on both sides of Tatum St. from Raqlor Ave. to Hewitt Ave. and
bv doin� all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby
1.� The estimated cost thereof is $• 3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk
t or standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attach�
an���a, e2�'a4g��j hereof.
3. I � -�a t `�d h� �
�`t�i ���_�b'� t o Commi ssi oner of Public Works R
4. �pro�e �►t O�i� a+sked for upon peti ti on
� ��� - � �
�'�, Q� ,qw � �w
c'c'2 _ ,� c�d'4 s
�`���ot��L��'�` y Deputy Commisstoner
Commissioner of Public Works �