225300 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �����O � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, That the Council of the Ci�y of Saint Paul hereby approves the Applications of the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, for the abatemen� of 1965 taxes and assessments on certair� parcels of real ea�ate acquired by said HigY�way Department in 196� for public highway purposes, and said assessments are hereby cancelled, �he descript3ons of said pareels and amoun�ts of said taxes and assessments being shown i� County Auditor�s File Nos. 79118, 79119, 79120, 79123, 7912�+, and 79125. 1 �a.����y ��,�� . b� f�ae - – <-���e�� ,��"~ -�n�,. S:'.'.^..J Q:��l���.� ��' �� :.�:�::�.:;, . FORM APPROVED ���� ������ � -�-- _ � c.cJ st. Cor ration Counsel � �P 21196� COUNCILI�N � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� �� �� ,'�1 Holland Appro . 19_ °�°`�" � Favor —' Meredith Peterson �j �Ctlq�' Mayor A gairi9t Rvs�� I�s:�esadeiiE;�,:�a;vb�t�::;E;:� PUBLISHED SEP 2 5 19� ... �•:�::.:::: : ::oo�.: : Mr. lVic� President (Rosen� ioat e-as