225297 \ ORIGINAL TO CIfY CLERK ;, '� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RFSOLVID, That the following water mains have been approved by the Board of Water Co�nissioners for installation sub3ect to the concurrence bgr the City Council: Chatsworth Street From Blair Avenue to Van Buren Avenue. Winehell Avenue From �rlington Avenue south approximately I100 feet to Gtitl de sac. Ha�hor�e Avenue From Abell Street to Cul de sac. Falcon Avenue From Winthrop Street to McKnight Road. ,� _� SEP �.11965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �' SEP 211965 Iiolland App ove 19— �� � n Favor ` " �14ertiirsa�r,�'%� Peteraon ACflqq� �yor � � A gainst ��:������t�i�;'e�,�4�i � ��UJ �� �PUBUSHED SEP 2 5 � Mr.Viae President (ReeeBj lOM 6-82 DUPLICATE TO rRt}1TER ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E N d _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF R�30L9II,1, Tlutt �h� fol].wx].n� Water �9.i�� h�.ins b�en appro�ed by th� Board of Wat�r Cor■A3.aaion�ra f'or 3.n�t�.�ti.on �ub3ect � th� a�cnrrena� bpr the City �ounail� Gh�ta�qrth St,r�t Fx��t H1s�r A�enue to Van Bur�n Avenn�� . �'inoh�ll AYenu� Zwro� �1r11ngt�.on Air�nne sonth �approx��l,�* 1.�00 �est tc� G�1 d� �a. � � ��thorr� Av�nuA Fro� Ab�11 3tx��t to G't�►1. d� s�a, �'�loon Av+�n� P'roa Wi�throp $tr�t to McKnight Rcad. ,•. � SEP 21 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council • 19— Yeas Nays ��' SEP 211965 �iolland Approved 19— �vss—� � ������� In Favor Peterson � Mayor �_ A gainst 1VLx,:P"resid'erit; Va�oulis� :: .::�.:�..�..:...:.....:....,..,:.,..:.. Mre Vics President (Roses'� lOD4 8-82