225296 I ;'� 22��9� ORIOIHAL„TO CITY CLHRK f ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • � - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; • co�lss°orYiee r�lton R.osen; Pub7.ic jdorks DATF September, 1965 f� �1flEREAS� The fina.l costs for the construction of the Broadway Rslief Sewer System Contract "Bn�, Comptroller's Contract L-6331-1, have been de- termined, and � - �+hIERE�S, IIpon final allocation of flznds from �rhich the above improve- ment was to be paid, it taas found tha.t the amount origiizally set up for its financing is insufficient �to meet the final costs and that a.n. additional atnount of �205.21 will be required; therefore be it, RESOLVID� That the amount of �205.21 be applied from the City''s Sha.re of Local Improvement �,ind, Code 9920-701 (1965) to fina.nce th� additional cost of the above i.mprovement. .'�1 SEP 211�5 COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �'� S �P 211965 Holland Approve 19— '"°'°�� � Tn FBVOx' '� Meredith "�1' Peterson � Aet�qg MttYor � ` Against R`L==�. ��, ....,..s::•:::�:,�;.. :::::::�•_:: PUBLISHED SEP 2� ���� 6::..�'�..:����::���?�� Mr. Vice President (Rosenl • ioas e-as ;� DUrLIWTC TO rRINT[R ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO ����� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COEMMISSDONER ��:�.{•OII RO$$I1a j�C3 �OT�$ pA� �8�7�'j�G7t'?�� .L�� W�! �'he t� cos�a for the co��trn.atj.om a� the Brba.c�ra.y Rsliei� �evrer �st,�1 (�ontre.c�,"nr t Co�ptFO]1er'� Cont�� �6331r.].f. I�i.Ya b�u d�= term3ned� a.�8 WHERF'.AS�. IIpc�n f�.nz�.l a1.lc�ct�tio�t of £�ds ��m r�rk�ieh the abcyv+e �aparo�v� msn� was to be pa�.d� 3.� w�,� �ow�d ths.t t�e �srnu1't orig� �et up for 3#� f�.�ancitfg is 3neu�'�o3.�'t to �e'� the fin�.1 oo�t� �xed that e� addi�cio�a9. amrn�n� of $?0��21 sril�. be requiredi therefor� b� 3.��, �soLVrn� �.� ths �r,vnt o� �o5t21 be �.ppl�6d �`T�c��'i �b.e C3�',yt8 Sh�,Te dP yo�3: Impe.rove�ent �d:. Ca7.e 8920�70�. �1965� to �4� the adc�.�ioar�. ao�t' o�' �t,he �.bbve i�pc�tv�ent. �Ep �1196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �r�- �/� 5�P 2119f�5 Holland � / Approv� 19— 7` '��' Tn Favor Meredith /'"� Petersou �J �AyOr �a--- A881IISt e:[1�;ePcc.�i�:ea2tx:Uavoul�s�=J Mr. Yice President (Rose�j ions �s