225286 � _ �:," Oripinal to City Clerk �-�O�� RDINAI�TCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. ���� PRESENTED BY MII'�N R�� ORDINANCE NO. .� D . . An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 13050, approved September 10, 1965, entitled , An ordina,nce granting permission �o Phillip F. Cor.mican, to construct a public sewer in a certain perpetual public easement provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said � permittee to the City of Saint Pau1, said public sewer to serve a tract of la,nd described as Lots �+, 5, 8, 10 and 11, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition. This is an emergency ordina.nce rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health a,n.d safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: SECTION 1 That the title-of Ordinance Number 13050 which reads "An ordina.nce granting permission to PhiLlip F. Corn�i.can, to construct a public sewer in a certain perpetual public easement provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said permi.ttee to the City of Saint Paul, said public sewer to � serve a tract of land described as Lots �+, 5, 8, 10 and 11, Block 33, Subuxban Hills Addition. This is an emergency ordina.nce rendered necessary � for the preservation of the public pea.ce, hea.lth and safety��be amended to read as follows: An ordinance granting permission to�Phillip F. Cormican, to construct a public sewer in English Street from McLean Street to 180 feet north of . McI�ean Street, sai�l publicysewer„to �erve a tract of land described as Lots �+, 5, 8, IO and 11, Block-33;�Snburban Iii].ls Addition. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva,tion of the public peace, healt}� and 'safety. • � SECTION 2 ' That 5ection 1 of Ordinance Number 13050�which reads""That permission and authority are hereby granted to Phillip F. Cormican to.construct a public sewer in and through a certain perpetual public easement herein provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said permittee to the City of Saint Pau1 as a condition precedent to the effect of such grant o� per.mission and authority hereunder, such public sewer to serve a trac� of land described as Lots �+, 5, 8, 10 a,nd 11, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition and such public sewer to be constructed in such per.petual public sewer easement in lands described as follaws: "A 20 foot wide strip of land abutting English Street on, under, across, and through the east 20 feet of I�ots 10 and 11, Block 33, Suburban Hills Add.i°t�c�,on, the north line of said easem.ent being a line that is 100.0 feet south of the south line of Pacific Street (produced}." be amended to rea�. as follows: � , Tha.t permission and authority are hereby granted to Phillip F. Cormican to construct a public sewer i:n English Street from McLean Street to 180 feet north of McLean Street, such public sewer to serve a tract o� land described . as��ts �+ 5 8 1 d 11 Block 33, sub . Yeas (;ouncilm�n ' ' l�a� ' �a�e�b�'�he�`� Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson Aro$inst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) . Approved: Attest: -� City Clerk ayor 1D7 8-82 �22 �— Form approved Corporation Counsel By � , =4. T-, � � oric�•�tu ctcr c�er� -� O�RDI� NANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ����� PRESENTED BY �ON ROSEN ORDINANCE NO. � SECTION 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the prese�vation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION �+ � ' This ordinance shall take ef�ect and be in force from a.nd a,�ter its passage, approval, and publication. } � . OCT 13 �965 . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Counci� Dalglish / . Holland . (� �S O Tn Favor Peteraon —I 7 A gainst Rosen ' Mr. President (Vavoul� OCT 131965 - Approved: Attest: � • - ' City Clerk Mayor � inz e-sz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By . . PUBLISHED OCT 16 9965 � Daplleate to Printer ' ' - - , f� �� � RDINANCE � � COUNCIL FILE NO. �� PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO. Ar1, �,CI� ��]d113g ��Ce �t1lb�l�' a.��,� � SC�T ��� 1965, ��.t�l� !!a o�in�nee g�pt3�g �sz�.ts�3on �c �hillip �', Cc�rLcaYt, to cc�rts�at � pubaic �r in a� G�a psrpet;ua'�, p�b�ia �se�at paro�ded to 'b� �nted vac ce�d t�p ba gr�nt,�d b� Awid �t.t� t;o � �ity ot �nr� �avl�� ffi�.�1 Iu'b�.i.c sl�r ta s�r�s � �Gr�c� t� 1e�d d�cr3bed er�e I�ots �, 5� 8, 10 s,s� 31, B.7,oc� �3, 8�,ibv�cb�u Hi3,�,e� �ddittiCn� '�i� �� �m � o�s r�rsd ' aec�ffi�ar�► �or tl�ei p�rarrstiv� a�," '� pabite �asy hsalth at�d sa�+�ty. T� CO�� � � �� 'Ol{' �`. �� � �; . . . � �� � The�t � titl� of Or�inaace �+�' 33050 1Nh�.ah read� "�1a ordin�ae� Br�n�ng p�iasio� to �.],3.iP �'� Coz�i4�, 'to c�q�.g#,r�c� 4 pnbZ3a ��' im a c�n p�tu� pKtblic �e�nt p�btri.d�d to 'be gru�rt�d o� aau�Ad to b� gr�n�ed by sr�3d pst�tittse to f� C�ty ad' �atn� I�nil.t �3d. �ub1,3c s�nrer �o serve � .t�ct ot 1�. d��cr�bed aud Lot� �, 5, 8, Y4 �qv�d 9.].,� BI.oG�C 33� �n Hi�s �Addi.ticay Tl�3� �� Na � a�3�nce �,e�I �es�ary �or t� p�es�rva�t3on of the p�b�.c pe�e, h�th aa,� �atety;b� en�ded to r�ad a�a �o�].ortes . . � . � Aa ax�d�nance gr�uti.ng perm3.saian to Phi3�.ip �'. Gar�icaa�� to cana�truct a pu.b3.�c s�rar i.n Ss�33eh Btx�eet �'ra�t Mc� 4treet '�U 3r8t! �es� north ot ]�cl�e�rt, Btreet� �id publ3c � t,o serve a tx�ac� of la�d tleecr3bec� �s Lots �� �, 8: �,o �d �1�. B�oc�c 33s �t�an. S��.s .�dd�tiaa. �ie 3s �„n �rges�.cy ordin�uc.e re�der�d nec�usas�y �c�c the prer�exv�tioan a� the publ3.c P��ea �R1fih and ��'ety. �CTTQ3f' � , • �hat� Sactiou 1 of' Ordinaita�a I�ber 1g�5��which ree�l�""�hat �raia�siou �nd t�utkeority �se h�b�* grautsd to Ph3�p F. Cor�ic�n to con�tx^uc�t a pu7�.ic se�wcr in aAd thro�ugh � certain perpetud�l �u't�.ie e�ae�n� hex'�3n p�4�c'�ed to be grautecl ar ca�ec3 to be gr�ute�d 'b� eaid psrait�e to the� Cit�r o� Sa�,nt �''uul a,s a cond3t�,a�1 pr�Cedent 'Go t8e bt�ect t�i' �tbch grs�nt a1� �.astou and an'�hox�ity h�, �uch pu'h�ic �a�rer f.o �ax��e � � o� ].�nd �e�cribed a�.s farts �+s 5s se 30 and �.].i Blcack 33� Sul�rbaa 8i�.�a �.ditian �d �uch atb23.c ���r �Co be co�atrruGt�d �n �uch per�stu,a�l�BubZic �e�r e�w�e�ant �.n lau� d�saribed � �a�1ow�: , "A 20 �'oat x3de �x'iP oP 3.�nc1 abut��.ng �rig�.9.� �tx'e�t oa�, ur�r, acro�s,� �1 through tYbe eal�t 20. �e�t o� Lo�d� �.0 , �ad Zl, 8loalc 33, Su'l�cbaa �]�a ��, the x�ort,h 11.ne o� eai� �se�aa�t 'ia�ix�g a �.i�s �� �.s �,A0.0 fe�t �a�utlt o�' the �raa�th �ne c� Pacitic S�r�et ���oduced)." be e�ded ta read �s �al.�s: �hat per���e3oa �d Autho�ity �e h�by gr�uted to �hi.�,l�.� �`. Cor�si.c,�m to cou�t.x�act a publi� �e�r �n �ngl�eh �tre�t �'ro� .I�6c�,san �traelt fi�o 180 feet noz�h ot' 1�cLe�►a ���et, �eueh �u'b].3.a s�r to �rve � tr�ct o� ].ar�d d�cr3b�d Yeas ���il��n5s 8�r �T� �►s �ACk 3�s ���e��h�,�u�h�P.. Dalglish , Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson Aroainat Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) _. Approved: Attest: City Clerk ' Mayor 1M s-s2 �ZZ Form approved Corporation Counsel By .� . � Duyllata to Printer I• �� OfRDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO. � � � , . , . . . , , , • . . , , , f�G�IOlt 3 , . . Th3s pr�ia�nc�s 3.� 2zer�by d�►c.lt�,r�d, to b� el� e�r'g�y ,Ardi�nanc� render�d n,�c��r�r �b� �he �ea�*a�aq� a� t�.pub3.�.c pdaece, �qe#.1th# �nd �i°�ty. , � ' , � , . �SOl� �+ , ' ' , . . , , �. . , . . T,�e� qrc�li�e� �ha'�.1:,tark� e�l�t s�d 't�•in �orcc 1'�'4m. � e►t`t�r 3t,� �B�s �L4^o'v�1a"and �b3.�.ca�i�� , , . , �. . � , . , •, , , , � • , , , � , � . . , . „ , • . , � . , . i ' , OCT �� t��5 Yeas Councilmen . Nays Passed bq the Counc�l Dalglish � Holland . Tn Favor Loss .�Vlor�r�se�— Peterson � A gainat Rosen Mr. Preaident (Vavoulis) p�� 131965 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor Ihz e-s2 �ZZ Form approved Corporation Counsel By _ _ - , , � ; . -� ' . ` - ._ _ r!r'�l � � , ,- _ . � � . . - -- � � . _ - , ' . � - , - 4 - _ , _ �_ _ , - , . _ , _ , _ _ � . - . _ , .. �� T O�tober 18, �.965 ` : - ' . . ' ` ' - .r�. _ • _ - z - _ . . - -_ • � ��e - _ - . , �a , , . _ , _ . , , - _ _ , � a • . . _ .� - _ � _ _ . . . tb. .. •y� • _` . - � -� - • . _ , � . - Mr. Phi111p F'.- Cormic�n ' • � ° � � . ' � ' . ' . 32�+ Johnson Pkwy. ` ' , . - ' - ` -_ St. Pati].,, Minneeota _ • - . _ ' , " . • Dear girt � � . . . - . . , _ . � - ' . � , � • . � � -_ � - - fficloaed is a copy of Ordinance ft , adop��d Octob�r 13, 196�, - _ amending Orc�in�,nce No: 1 " �rta i �o the con�truotion b£ �s � ° �ublic se�wer es descr3 e - ' -. - � - ., ' . - � _ Very truly yours, _ � . ' �' -J . ' , � -;, �Ty'�., � - „ _ . = .' , - � '."-"""'�'�••,..,�,,.� `�. . : , - , - , • City Clerk , - � '��"" , ng , _ . . , _ . ' , ._- , . _ , _ _ ' , - - : ' , .,_ _ - _ � _ . .. y_ , . . ' ' - ' , . _ . - _ , . _ ' � � , � , , � • . � � - _� s' . � _ . . _ . . - . .� _ _ , � . r : , . . , . � . ` , � ' _ � . . - , ._ ,- I st � - 2nd °�� � Laid over to .r �o 3rd and app —Adopted /6 �n/�✓7' Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Dalglish �alglish �-lo}IenFl.� \ olland \Loss �]Q� \Loss ��:4tj �Aeredith � •k/ler�cf"if�' �Peterson � Peterson S`U . � � '/ � R,osen--- Rosen V Mr. President Vavoulis �. President Vavoulis . ��O