225248 �-. OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ���J��V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONEQ M�N ROSEN DATF �/6/(^ , . RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Pa,ul that the plans a,nd specifications for constructing a sanitary sewer on T3azelwood Averiue , from Sherron Avenue to about 50 feet north of Sherron Avenue for the , Village of Maplewood, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the City of Saint Pau1 Ordinance No. 11061, approved Ju1y 26, 1957, for the connection of the public sewer system. of the Village o� Maplewood with that of the City of Saint Pau1, prepared by Village Engineer o� said Village and approved by the Vi]lage Council of Maplewood and heretofore sulamitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer, hereby, are in a�.]. things approved. . �� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci �P 16 1965 �9_ Yeas Nays Dalglish SEP 161965 Holland �roved 19— .� Loss Favor - Meredith � Peterson � , MAyOr Rosen A gainst PUBLISHED SEP �. H 19��' Mr. President, Vavoulis lond e-as