225237 \ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK �2�2�� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COU C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE G✓1�-_ o�� September ],3, l�s RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council here'by approv�es the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for �ux�.ishing all la,bor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably in.cidental to the landscape planting at � Highland Paxk and Highland Golf Course; Couw Park and Comp Golf Course; Phalen Park and Phaler� Go1�P Course, Saint Paul, Minnesota. to PEAI�Q PA�[C IAND6CAPING C�+4.'ANY ia accordance with City pl.ans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Forma.l Bid �1�+17 of said Phalen Paxk Landscaping CompaRy for the contract price of $3,5�•�, such bid bein� the laryrest and said Phalen Paxk Ieudscaping Compar�y being a reasonable and reli.able bidder, and the C�i�porativn Counsel be and hereby is direc�ted to draw up the proper form of contra,ct there�or, and the pro�per City offic3.als hereby are asuthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City o� Sa,int Paul. � Formal Bid #1�+17. - " S� 1� ��' � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,�+ �� ��� � �� ! ;r Dalglish � Holland Approve , 19— Loss V � � �� „� , t � • � Tn Favor ����`�-C�a-� . Meredith '�' � � Mayor Peterson U p ainst ��t�� � "��cPn g \ . ' � , ::�:::::�:: ��s��i��l��°!�l � , ' " �����;'��c � � PUBLISHED .-'SEP 1 � . ce esident Ros . $ 1965 ions a�a `„_ _ , ._ __ ` DUrLICAT[TO r111NTLR �2�2_ l� f �rI Q CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�N�� NO : OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►R�rEC�r �ep�ber ].3� 19s5 COMMISSIONE� DA� � I�0l�D, That tbe cotancii h�rebY �,Pproves �the award o� the Contra.ct Co�i.ttee �liere3o� and her�by a�r� cautract �or furn3shing a.tt �zbor, �,t�ria:L�, eqt�ip�oent an.d s�r�ces neces,�azy �vr or �a�onabl,y �cid�t�l. to the �.anc�scape plan�.ng e.t Hi.gial.and Paz'k an.d $tgh].and Qolf Course; �omo Pa,M� �nd Co�no (�1�P Course; Pha].�n Pa,r'k and P1�al�n Qo1f �Course, Sa,int Pau�., M3nn�so�, to PI��.� PA� �GEIPT�tC� CCl�1PAliY 3n a�COZ�.tsc� �ri�h City g].es� an�. �a3fYcations tla.�s�c�e�or �reto atta�d and the �'orma,]. Bid �1417 0� ge3d Phal,,en Par�k �auua.scap3.ng Com�aer�y fo� -h�.e cont�.ract ��1.ce o� �3,500.Q0, such bid. beix� t8.e 1c�rest am�. said Ph�,].�x% Park Laadsc�,g�ng �c�mPa�Y �el3.ng �. xer�aoue,ble , anc� xeLta,1�].e biddery and -�a.e C¢x�oratica Cowa�el, b� and hsreby 3a c'�3recteo�. �,o dra�r up t,h� proper for� �� coiatrac� therefor, and � prap�r City o�'ficial.s hereby a,r� - author�.�ec�.. to execu'te se,�.d Qontract an b�helf o�' tl�e �3.ty o� Sa3nt Pau1. �'ox�,l �id �1�+17. ��� 151� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish - ��� �'`� 1��� Holland Approv� 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �y�r �J a�sinst c�o.s.�y ��e�Fi��eint�:Va"s,�o;nli�;ceee Mr. Vice President (Rosen) IoM A-Ef