225196 ` ������ ORIGIN�L TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED QY Q��/ COMMISSIONER DATE i WI-�REAS,. The City Council, as provided by law, has au.thorized the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to enter upon the premises known and described as No. 1692 Selby Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, and to tear down and remove the builcling thereon as being unsafe and dangerous to life, limb, and adjoiming property, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to such Council action, bids for the tear- ing down and removal of said building were duly advertised for y in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, and the ` lowest bid was in the sum of $400.00 and the expenses of the `` Department of Parks And Recreation .And Public Buildings in con- nectian with condemnation proceedings and writing specifica- tions amounted to $68.76, making a total of $468.75, � . WHEREAS, There are no funds now appropriated in the Building � Wrecking Emergency Fund for the wrecking and removal of said ' , building,- be it RESOLVED, That said .sum be paid out of the Wrecking Buildings- ' Demolition Account 0976-256 and that in the event said sum proves to be collectible from the owner of the premises, same is to be credited to 0976-256. � - ��P 101965 GOUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays R - Dalglish �`�P �,� � i ���` � proved 19— Loss � � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �1 MAyOr ' A gainst - � ' • � Rosen " �UBLISHED SEP 1 � ��� ` Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oa� eas DUrLIGT6 TO rRINT[R �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �,�� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� WHER.EAS, The City Council, as p�ovided by law, has author3.zed the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to �nter upon the premises known and described a� No. 1692 Selby Avenue in the Gity of Saint Pa�l, and to tear down and remove the bu3lding thereon as being un�afe and dangerou� to li�e, limb, and ad�oi�ing property, and WHEREAS, Pur�uant to �uch Council acti.on, bids for the tear- ing down �nd removal of said building were duly adverti$ed for in accordance w3.th the provision� of the City Charte=, and the lowe�t b3.d wa� in �he swn o� �400.00 and the expenses of the Department of P�rk� And Recre�tion And Public Building� i.n con- nection with condemnation proceedings and writing �pecifica- tions amounted to 568.76, making a to�al of $468.75, WHEREAS, There are no fund� now �ppropriated in the Building Wrecking Emergency Fund for the wrecking and removal of s�id building, be 3.t RESOLVfiD, That said sum be paid out of the Wrecking Buildings- Demolition Account 0976-256 and tha� in the event �aid sum prove� ta be collectible from the owner of the premi�e�, same is to be cred�.ted to 0976-236� S�P 101965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � naiglis� �i1�P 1� �9�'5 .I�eHaad-- Appro�� 19— Loss J, Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � M�yOr Rosen A S�St Mr. President, Vavoulis io�t �-rs